Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir
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Message de maeva02 posté le 29-04-2018 à 16:05:07 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait ma notion d'anglais pour le Bac et j'aimerais si possible que vous m'aidiez à corriger mes fautes.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide et n'hésitez pas à me dire si ce que j'ai écrit est bien ou non.
I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. Power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of the Apartheid. We can wonder how is set up an authoritarian regime? My presentation is made of three main parts. First I will speak about South Africa in the 1920s and secondly I will speak about the arrival of Apartheid. Finally I will finish by the consequences and the end of Apartheid.
Initially, South Africa is a multic-ethnic nation, which has diverse cultures and languages. According to my first document who is “South Africa” there are approximately 56 million inhabitants: 80% blacks, 9% whites, 8.8% colored and 3% Asians, and mostly Indian. Furthermore Afrikaans and English have been the official languages. In 1948 Apartheid was made official but it was only the continuation of injustices already happening since 1913. It was set by the National Party, which won the election in 1948. Apartheid is an Afrikaans world that means “separateness” and is a formal system of racial segregation.
It is at this moment that negative power takes place in South Africa.
Consequences of Apartheid are also many and disastrous. Laws made white people officially superior and the large black majority faced discrimination in every aspect of their lives. There are 148 laws passed by the government. Blacks had to carry a passbook all the time, there was a care few for blacks, all public facilities were separated and interracial marriages were forbidden. For example, during Apartheid benches in the streets on in the Parks were separated. White people had more space in benches it shows that white were superior. Furthermore, there was sign which said “Caution Beware of Natives”, indeed the government considered natives people like dangerous. This sign shows government’s discrimination. And signs said also that natives, Indians and colored were a danger, it is deadly threats. All these prohibitions, these threats lead to a rebellion.
My 2nd document is “The lost generation”, this extract of article relate what happened in 1976 and in 1984. Open conflicts erupted in the 1980's with anti-apartheid activists frequently shot at, beaten or arrested. In 1976 the school children started to rebel in Soweto because they refused to be taught in Afrikaans, there are 400 dead. However, despite the violent of this event, in 1984 people rebelled again. It was a very violent protest that killed more than 2000 people. After this revolt and after gradual reforms, Nelson Mandela, was set free in 1990, it’s reconciliation. Furthermore, after the end of Apartheid, appear The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It was like a court of Justice but the goal was not to judge people but to hear or to tell the truth about what happened. It was for the victims of violence but also for the perpetrators.
The goal was to reconcile South-Africans, it was considered very successful.
In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid. Unfortunately there are still today’s inequalities between the blacks and the whites.
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2018 18:39
Message de maeva02 posté le 29-04-2018 à 16:05:07 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait ma notion d'anglais pour le Bac et j'aimerais si possible que vous m'aidiez à corriger mes fautes.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide et n'hésitez pas à me dire si ce que j'ai écrit est bien ou non.
I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. Power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of the Apartheid. We can wonder how is set up an authoritarian regime? My presentation is made of three main parts. First I will speak about South Africa in the 1920s and secondly I will speak about the arrival of Apartheid. Finally I will finish by the consequences and the end of Apartheid.
Initially, South Africa is a multic-ethnic nation, which has diverse cultures and languages. According to my first document who is “South Africa” there are approximately 56 million inhabitants: 80% blacks, 9% whites, 8.8% colored and 3% Asians, and mostly Indian. Furthermore Afrikaans and English have been the official languages. In 1948 Apartheid was made official but it was only the continuation of injustices already happening since 1913. It was set by the National Party, which won the election in 1948. Apartheid is an Afrikaans world that means “separateness” and is a formal system of racial segregation.
It is at this moment that negative power takes place in South Africa.
Consequences of Apartheid are also many and disastrous. Laws made white people officially superior and the large black majority faced discrimination in every aspect of their lives. There are 148 laws passed by the government. Blacks had to carry a passbook all the time, there was a care few for blacks, all public facilities were separated and interracial marriages were forbidden. For example, during Apartheid benches in the streets on in the Parks were separated. White people had more space in benches it shows that white were superior. Furthermore, there was sign which said “Caution Beware of Natives”, indeed the government considered natives people like dangerous. This sign shows government’s discrimination. And signs said also that natives, Indians and colored were a danger, it is deadly threats. All these prohibitions, these threats lead to a rebellion.
My 2nd document is “The lost generation”, this extract of article relate what happened in 1976 and in 1984. Open conflicts erupted in the 1980's with anti-apartheid activists frequently shot at, beaten or arrested. In 1976 the school children started to rebel in Soweto because they refused to be taught in Afrikaans, there are 400 dead. However, despite the violent of this event, in 1984 people rebelled again. It was a very violent protest that killed more than 2000 people. After this revolt and after gradual reforms, Nelson Mandela, was set free in 1990, it’s reconciliation. Furthermore, after the end of Apartheid, appear The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It was like a court of Justice but the goal was not to judge people but to hear or to tell the truth about what happened. It was for the victims of violence but also for the perpetrators.
The goal was to reconcile South-Africans, it was considered very successful.
In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid. Unfortunately there are still today’s inequalities between the blacks and the whites.
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2018 18:39
Réponse : Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 30-04-2018 à 17:58:03 (S | E)
- We can wonder how is set up an authoritarian regime?: question indirecte : mot interrogatif + sujet + verbe conjugué.
- Finally I will finish (changer de verbe, redondant avec finally) by the consequences and the end of Apartheid.
- According to my first document who (pas le bon relatif)is “South Africa”
- 80% blacks, 9% whites, 8.8% colored and 3% Asians: pas de "s")and mostly Indian.
- the continuation of injustices (singulier, nom indénombrable) already happening since 1913.
- Apartheid is an Afrikaans (pas de "s") world
- It is (passé)at this moment that negative power takes (passé)place in South Africa.
- (article) Consequences of Apartheid are also many (pas le bon mot ici car tu ne mets pas de nom après) and disastrous.
- Laws made white people: present perfect.
- there was a care few for blacks: ?
- White people had more space in benches: ?
- it shows that (article)white were superior.
- Furthermore, there was (article)sign which said (un panneau ne parle pas!) “Caution Beware of Natives”,
- natives (singulier)people like (pas le bon mot ici) dangerous.
- This sign shows (article)government’s discrimination.
- And signs said also
- it is (passé)deadly threats.
- All these prohibitions, these threats lead (présent perfect)to a rebellion.
- this extract of article relate (faute de conjugaison) what happened in 1976 and in 1984.
- In 1976 the (pas de the) school children started to rebel in Soweto
- because they refused to be taught in Afrikaans, there are (passé) 400 dead (people).
- However, despite the violent (mettre le nom) of this (pas le bon mot au passé)event,
- After this revolt
- Nelson Mandela, was set free in 1990, it’s (passé)reconciliation.
- Furthermore: chercher des synoymes.
- after the end of (article)Apartheid, appear (passé + ordre des mots)The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
- It was for the victims of violence but also for the perpetrators.
- Unfortunately there are still today’s (pas de " 's")inequalities
Réponse : Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir de bluestar, postée le 30-04-2018 à 22:51:28 (S | E)
"Care few for blacks" (curfew, je suppose)
Réponse : Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir de maeva02, postée le 01-05-2018 à 16:52:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide

Réponse : Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir de roroy, postée le 01-05-2018 à 18:02:42 (S | E)
Hello Maeva,
j'ai apporté quelques questions. Pense à te relire car il y a des fautes que tu aurais pu éviter.
I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. Power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which challenge it,contain it and fight against it. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of the Apartheid. One can wonder on what criteria a regime is an authoritarian regime My presentation consists of three main parts. First I will introduce you to South Africa of the 1920s and secondly I will speak about the coming of Apartheid. Finally I will finish by the consequences and the end of Apartheid.
Initially, South Africa was a multic-ethnic nation, which had diverse cultures and languages. According to my first document whose title “South Africa” there are approximately 56 million inhabitants: 80% blacks, 9% whites, 8.8% colored and 3% Asians, and mostly Indian. Furthermore Afrikaans and English have been the official languages. In 1948 Apartheid was made official but the political regime had ruled the country unofficially since 1913. Apartheid was set up by the National Party, which had won the election in 1948. Apartheid is an Afrikaans world that means “separateness” and is a formal system of racial segregation.
It is at this very point that an illegitimate unfair power took over in South Africa.
Consequences of Apartheid are also many and disastrous. Laws made white people officially superior and the large black majority faced discrimination in every aspect of their lives. There awere 148 laws passed by the government. Blacks had to carry a passbook all the time, there was a car e few for blacks, all public facilities were separated and interracial marriages were forbidden. For example, during Apartheid benches in the streets on in the Parks were separated. White people had more space in benches it shows that white were superior. Furthermore, there was signs which said “Caution Beware of Natives”, indeed the government considered natives people like dangerous. This sign shows government’s discrimination. And signs said also that natives, Indians and colored were a danger and that they were a deadly threat. All these prohibitions, these threats led to insurrections.
My 2nd document is “The lost generation”, this extract of article relate what happened in 1976 and in 1984. Open conflicts erupted in the 1980's with anti-apartheid activists frequently shot at, beaten or arrested. In 1976 the school children started to rebel in Soweto because they refused to be taught in Afrikaans, there were 400 dead. However, despite the violence of this event, in 1984 people rebelled again. It was a very violent protest that killed more than 2000 people. After this revolt and after gradual reforms, Nelson Mandela, was set free in 1990, it was reconciliation. Furthermore, after the end of Apartheid, appear The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It was like a court of Justice but the goal was not to judge people but to hear or to tell the truth about what happened. It was for the victims of violence but also for the perpetrators.
The goal was to reconcile South-Africans, it was considered very successful.
In conclusion, we can say that the Apartheid was a terrible period for South Africa. Nelson Mandela represents again today a symbol of the fight against the Apartheid. Unfortunately there are still today’s inequalities between the blacks and the whites.
A bientôt!
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