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Correction/ texte

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ texte
Message de wiwi posté le 30-04-2018 à 00:07:03 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît corriger les erreurs de mon texte et m'aider à le rendre meilleur, ça fait plusieurs jours que je suis dessus. Ça me semble correct
Merci par avance pour vos aides !

I will present you the show « Person of Interest », it is an action show, a thriller and a science-fiction, this series is divided into five seasons, it was released in two thousands eleven and it’s over in two thousand and fifteen. Person of Interest was directed by Jonathan Nolan, produced by J.J Abrams, and, Ramin Djawadi is the music composer. It is set in New York. The main actors are Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel.

After the September eleven attack, Harold finch, a billionaire of software engineering, creates a machine for the US government, to detect future acts of terrorism before they happen, thanks to the permanent and secret surveillance of the population (cameras, phone calls, email exchanges, social networks, etc.). It’s a top-secret project. But the Machine can also identify criminal acts involving “ordinary” citizens, which the government considers irrelevant. Finch will then recruit John Reese, a former military and ex-CIA agent to help find these people and prevent crimes.

I thing that Person of Interest is original and very successful because the main characters are charismatic, atypical and very endearing, that goes without saying: the casting is excellent, the actors are really good. The main plot is mysterious, interesting and exciting. The stories are well put together and well found. There are many action scenes. The show is very rich: it mixes suspense, surprise, action, humor, science fiction and emotion. The realization is impeccable, it puts us in the mood and the rhythm of the series. Finally, the fictional series denounces an intriguing and pregnant reality: the surveillance society that threatens data protection and our freedoms.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2018 09:01

Réponse : Correction/ texte de roroy, postée le 30-04-2018 à 15:42:00 (S | E)
I am going to introduce you to a TV show called "Person of Interest". This was an American science fiction crime drama television series. 5 seasons were broadcast on TV from 2011 to 2015. Person of Interest was directed by Jonathan Nolan, produced by J.J Abrams, and music was composed by Ramin Djawadi. The story took place in New York City and the main actors were Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel.

After the September eleven attack, Harold finch, a billionaire of software engineering, creates a machine for the US government, to detect future acts of terrorism before they happen, thanks to the permanent and secret surveillance of the population (cameras, phone calls, email exchanges, social networks, etc.). It’s a top-secret project. But the Machine can also identify criminal acts involving “ordinary” citizens, which the government considers irrelevant. Finch will then recruit John Reese, a former military and ex-CIA agent to help find these people and prevent crimes.

In my opinion, "Person of Interest" was an original and very successful TV show as it had very charismatic, atypical and endearing actors playing. The cast was really amazing. The TV series' main plot was mysterious, interesting and exciting.The stories were well crafted. There were many action scenes. The show was very diverse mixing suspense, surprise, action, humor, science fiction and emotion. The directing of the show was perfect. They really did a good job.They put us in the mood and the rhythm of the series. Finally, the fictional TV show put forth the intriguing and pregnant reality of the surveillance society threatening data protection rights and people's freedom.

Réponse : Correction/ texte de roroy, postée le 30-04-2018 à 15:43:31 (S | E)
Bonjour Wiwi,

jette un coupe d'oeil sur ce que j'ai posté.

N'hésite pas à poser d'autres questions.

A bientôt!



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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