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Notion/espaces et échanges

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Notion/espaces et échanges
Message de adelineb posté le 01-05-2018 à 12:14:11 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mon oral d'anglais. J'ai préparé la notion d'espaces et échanges, pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des erreurs?
Merci beaucoup!

I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I’m going to give a definition about this notion.
The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other by exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. In today’s modern day these exchanges can take several forms: economic exchanges with work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders, cultural exchanges with information, education, exchange of ideas, and movement of people with immigration, student exchanges, gap years.

Among the whole of the propositions offered by the notion "spaces and exchanges", I chose to speak about immigration, mainly in the United States. "A nation of immigrants" describes the United States well because everybody there is either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants.

What are the exchanges between Mexico and the United States and which are the consequences of these exchanges? To answer this question, we will first see the movement of people from Mexico to USA with, the testimony of Ana taken from an extract of an article: why the caged birds sings? that was published in Newsweek on September the 10th 2001, and a radio recording called crossing over. Secondly, we will see economics exchanges with two radio recording Crossing Over and Spanglish, the new lingo. And thirdly, we will see the cultural impact of the Mexican immigration with the radio recording, Spanglish, the new lingo.

To begin, a document entitled the browning of America which is a map and his chart show the evolution of the population of the USA between 2000 and 2010. We can notice the Hispanic or Latino group has become the largest minority in the USA. Moreover, crossing over tell us that millions of immigrants, legal and illegal have crossed the US-Mexico border. We can ask us, why people emigrate? In why the caged bird sings, Ana didn't intend to stay long in the USA, she just wanted to earn enough money to pay her debts. Although her income was only $200 a week, she had a better paid job than in Mexico, where she only earned about $25 a week. This immigration created economics exchanges because Ana, send cash and gifts to her children who stayed in Mexico.

Then they are a lot of economics exchanges between Mexico and the USA. The document Crossing over show us two different businesses: commercial exchanges and drugs trafficking. The both generate huge sums of money but one is legal and the other is illegal. Since commercial exchange is legal, the trade is conducted on the surface, contrary to drug dealing which is conducted below ground in tunnels. Border agents discovered 2 tons of marijuana inside a 2400 foot tunnel that was dug 85 feet beneath the border. However, the radio recording about spanglish tell us that the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies estimates that Latino purchasing power will grow to over a trillion dollars so marketers use a new lingo: Spanglish to sell products to a spanish-speaking minority who lives in the USA to make a lot of money.

Finally, we will see the cultural exchanges between Mexico and the USA. The document Spanglish, a new lingo, show that Spanglish is not just a mixing of English and Spanish; it is the mixing of two diverse cultures. Especially in the south of the USA, they is a code-switching with create a hydrid language, they are also new shops, new restaurants with fusion food like in Burger King's… which create a new culture.

As a conclusion, we can say that they are many exchanges between Mexico and the United States. Immigrants, legal or illegal, bring with them a part of there culture like their language or their culinary specialities and send money earn in the USA to Mexico. They are other economics exchanges on the border like commercials exchanges and drugs dealing.


Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2018 12:29

Réponse : Notion/espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 01-05-2018 à 15:31:33 (S | E)
Bonjour Adeline,
- In today’s modern day (pluriel)
- on September the (à l'oral) 10th 2001,
- and a radio recording called (pas le bon mot ici)crossing over.
- economics (singulier)exchanges with two radio recording (puriel)

- which is a map and his (pas le bon possessif)chart
- Moreover, crossing over tell singulier) us
- We can ask us: mal construit.
- why people emigrate? : enlever le point d'interrogation.
- economics exchanges
- Ana, send (faute de conjugaison) cash and gifts to her children who stayed in Mexico.

- they are (they are = ils sont) a lot of economics exchanges
- The document Crossing over show (faute de conjugaison)us two different businesses:
- The (pas de the)both generate
- However, the radio recording about spanglish tell pas le bon mot ici) us

- The document Spanglish, a new lingo, show (faute de conjugaison) that Spanglish
- they is a code-switching with create (faute de conjugaison)a hydrid language,
- they are also new shops, new restaurants
- with fusion food like in Burger King's… which create (singulier)a new culture.

- they are many exchanges
- there (ce n'est pas le possessif) culture
- send money earn (participe passé) in the USA to Mexico.
- They are other economics exchanges
- commercials exchanges

Réponse : Notion/espaces et échanges de here4u, postée le 04-05-2018 à 23:29:10 (S | E)
I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I’m going to give a definition about this notion.
The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other by exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. In today’s modern days(très maladroit!) these exchanges can take several forms: economic exchanges with work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders, cultural exchanges with information, education, exchange of ideas, and movement of people with immigration, student exchanges, gap years.

Among the whole of the propositions offered by the notion "spaces and exchanges", I chose to speak about immigration, mainly in the United States. "A nation of immigrants" describes the United States well because everybody there is either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants.

What are the exchanges between Mexico and the United States and which are the consequences of these exchanges? To answer this question, we will first see the movement of people from Mexico to XXX USA with, the testimony of Ana taken from an extract of an article: why the caged birds sings? that was published in Newsweek on September the 10th 2001, and a radio recording entitled "crossing over". Secondly, we will see economic exchanges with two radios recording Crossing Over and Spanglish, the new lingo. And thirdly, we will see the cultural impact of the Mexican immigration with the radio recording, Spanglish, the new lingo.

To begin, a document entitled the browning of America which is a map and its chart show the evolution of the population of the USA between 2000 and 2010. We can notice the Hispanic or Latino group has become the largest minority in the USA. Moreover, "crossing over" tells us that millions of immigrants, legal and illegal have crossed the US-Mexico border. One wonders, why people emigrate.(est-ce une interrogative directe?Sinon, pas de virgule ...) In "why the caged bird sings," Ana didn't intend to stay long in the USA, she just wanted to earn enough money to pay her debts. Although her income was only $200 a week, she had a better paid job than in Mexico, where she only earned about $25 a week. This immigration created economic exchanges because Ana, sends(temps?) cash and gifts to her children who stayed in Mexico.

Then there are a lot of economics exchanges between Mexico and the USA. The document "Crossing over" shows us two different businesses: commercial exchanges and drugs trafficking. Both generate huge sums of money but one is legal and the other is illegal. Since commercial exchange is legal, the trade is conducted on the surface, contrary to drug dealing which is conducted below ground in tunnels. Border agents discovered 2 tons of marijuana inside a 2400 foot tunnel that was dug 85 feet beneath the border. However, the radio recording about spanglish tell (je ne vois par qel mot le remplacer)=3è personne!) us that the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies estimates that Latino purchasing power will grow to over a trillion dollars so marketers use a new lingo: Spanglish to sell products to a spanish-speaking minority who lives in the USA to make a lot of money.

Finally, we will see the cultural exchanges between Mexico and the USA. The document Spanglish, a new lingo, shows that Spanglish is not just a mixing of English and Spanish; it is the mixing of two diverse cultures. Especially in the south of the USA, there is a code-switching which created a hydrid language, there are also new shops, new restaurants with fusion food like in Burger King's… which creates a new culture.

As a conclusion, we can say that there are many exchanges between Mexico and the United States. Immigrants, legal or illegal, bring with them a part of their culture like their language or their culinary specialities and send money earned in the USA to Mexico. They are other economics exchanges on the border like commercial exchanges and drugs dealing.

Beaucoup (trop) de répétitions ... Un examinateur "normal" (et ils le sont quasiment tous ...) comprend dès que les choses sont dites une fois !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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