Rédaction /gap year
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basRédaction /gap year
Message de so5 posté le 08-05-2018 à 11:19:03 (S | E | F)
j'ai un devoir à rendre en anglais et la question est la suivante : You spent a gap year with a humanitarian association. What did you literally do? What were your actual tasks? What did you learn?
Je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me corriger en cas d'erreur et me dire si je réponds bien au sujet, merci d'avance !
I took a gap year in Kenya. During this humanitarian trip I was able to help people in need and especially children. A school was built to allow children to study in better conditions and to find work abroad. I was able to work in this school and learn French and English to children. With other students taking a gap year I helped organize dance classes in a room created for extra-curricular activities. Thanks to that, we were able to mix our different cultures and the children were very happy to transmit their knowledge to us.
This experience allowed me to discover different peoples, new cultures and customs and to deepen my English. I learned not to depend on my family, to win in maturity and confidence. It is above all a human experience which gives the opportunity to enrich oneself culturally.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2018 15:54
Message de so5 posté le 08-05-2018 à 11:19:03 (S | E | F)
j'ai un devoir à rendre en anglais et la question est la suivante : You spent a gap year with a humanitarian association. What did you literally do? What were your actual tasks? What did you learn?
Je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me corriger en cas d'erreur et me dire si je réponds bien au sujet, merci d'avance !

I took a gap year in Kenya. During this humanitarian trip I was able to help people in need and especially children. A school was built to allow children to study in better conditions and to find work abroad. I was able to work in this school and learn French and English to children. With other students taking a gap year I helped organize dance classes in a room created for extra-curricular activities. Thanks to that, we were able to mix our different cultures and the children were very happy to transmit their knowledge to us.
This experience allowed me to discover different peoples, new cultures and customs and to deepen my English. I learned not to depend on my family, to win in maturity and confidence. It is above all a human experience which gives the opportunity to enrich oneself culturally.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2018 15:54
Réponse : Rédaction /gap year de gerondif, postée le 08-05-2018 à 11:59:36 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I took a gap year in Kenya. During this humanitarian trip I was able to(nest pas faux mais o,n se doute que vous avez pu, été capable de, j'aurais dit I had the opportunity to) help people in need and especially children. A school was built to allow children to study in better conditions and to find work abroad. I was able to work in this school and learn(vous confondez to learn, apprendre une leçon et to teach, enseigner) French and English to children. With other students taking a gap year I helped organize dance classes in a room created for extra-curricular activities. Thanks to that, we were able to mix our different cultures and the children were very happy to transmit their knowledge to us.
This experience allowed me to discover different peoples (avec un s donc au sens de peuples, sinon pour dire des gens des personnes, c'est people sans s ), new cultures and customs and to deepen(improve) my English. I learned(learnt) not to depend on my family, (j'aurais directement dit, j'ai gagné en confiance et non pas j'ai appris à gagner en confiance, ce qui n'a pas grand sens) to win(fait français traduit, utiliser grandir en ou gagner au sens de to gain, augmenter) ) in maturity and confidence. It is above all a human experience which gives (which gives you the opportunity to enrich yourself sera moins impersonnel)the opportunity to enrich oneself culturally.
Réponse : Rédaction /gap year de so5, postée le 08-05-2018 à 14:52:32 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup et effectivement pour peoples je voulais bien mettre les peuples. C'est très gentil d'avoir pris le temps de me corriger en tout cas !
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