Oral/Spaces and exchanges
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basOral/Spaces and exchanges
Message de chillance posté le 18-05-2018 à 19:03:59 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais bien avoir une relecture de mon expression orale, puisque je n'ai pas eu la possibilité de la faire corriger par mon professeur.
Merci beaucoup!
Spaces and Exchanges
Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges.
But first of all, I would like to give a definition of the terms. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the globalization, and their consequences, and attempt to answer the question : what's are the positives and negatives of the globalization?
To answer this question, I will analyze firstly, the advantages of the globalization, and then, focusing on the disadvantages.
So, the globalization is the opening of national economies thought the world. It is favored by interdependency between countries, who buy and sell their products to each others, relocation and the development of means of transports, and telecommunications.
The advantages of this phenomena are:
-the increase an exchange has produced world growth since the World War Two. Between 1993, and 1994, the human development index average increase.
- There is a faster flow of Information. Their from one part of the world to the other immediately, resulting in the world being tied together.
- There is an increase in quality of goods and services, because people have access to the best quality of goods and services throughout the world. This allows a person in America to wear clothes made in India and Mexico, while watching football match taking place in England on a TV made in China.
- It may be noted the mixt of culture. In fact, when companies relocate abroad, they bring not only modifications in the economic structures but also exercise an influence on societies. For exemple, in UK, Fish and Chips has been replaced by Chicken Tikka Massala has the nation favorite dish.
The disadvantages of the globalization are:
- Environmental degradation: Developed countries can take advantage of underdeveloped countries' weak regulatory laws in terms of environmental protection.
-Unfair working conditions: Many multinationals have been accused of social injustice by exploiting labor in underdeveloped countries in order cut cost., and for using child labor in their factories in underdeveloped countries. Ex: Nike uses child labor along with poor working conditions and low wages in their factories in Indonesia.
-We can also talk about the growthing disparity among the rich and the poor, like the domination of the capitalist countries. In wealthy nation: 1,2 billion people leaves on less than 1$ per day. This phenomena is illustrated on the movie “Slumdog Millionar”: it allows to show the contrast between the poverty of the cans-cities of Dharavi, and the wealth of the high infrastructures of big Mumbai.
To conclude, the globalization detains above all, of various advantages which benefit the increase of the well-being of the population, and of the industries. However, the globalization also detains many limits, which affect the humanitarian aspect, and ethics of the process.
Personally, I am shared enough concerning the globalization. I find this well, in the sense where I can easily order clothes, worldwide, and low-priced. However, I am not all right with the conditions in which certain people (even children) work because of relocation
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2018 22:21
Message de chillance posté le 18-05-2018 à 19:03:59 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais bien avoir une relecture de mon expression orale, puisque je n'ai pas eu la possibilité de la faire corriger par mon professeur.
Merci beaucoup!
Spaces and Exchanges
Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges.
But first of all, I would like to give a definition of the terms. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the globalization, and their consequences, and attempt to answer the question : what's are the positives and negatives of the globalization?
To answer this question, I will analyze firstly, the advantages of the globalization, and then, focusing on the disadvantages.
So, the globalization is the opening of national economies thought the world. It is favored by interdependency between countries, who buy and sell their products to each others, relocation and the development of means of transports, and telecommunications.
The advantages of this phenomena are:
-the increase an exchange has produced world growth since the World War Two. Between 1993, and 1994, the human development index average increase.
- There is a faster flow of Information. Their from one part of the world to the other immediately, resulting in the world being tied together.
- There is an increase in quality of goods and services, because people have access to the best quality of goods and services throughout the world. This allows a person in America to wear clothes made in India and Mexico, while watching football match taking place in England on a TV made in China.
- It may be noted the mixt of culture. In fact, when companies relocate abroad, they bring not only modifications in the economic structures but also exercise an influence on societies. For exemple, in UK, Fish and Chips has been replaced by Chicken Tikka Massala has the nation favorite dish.
The disadvantages of the globalization are:
- Environmental degradation: Developed countries can take advantage of underdeveloped countries' weak regulatory laws in terms of environmental protection.
-Unfair working conditions: Many multinationals have been accused of social injustice by exploiting labor in underdeveloped countries in order cut cost., and for using child labor in their factories in underdeveloped countries. Ex: Nike uses child labor along with poor working conditions and low wages in their factories in Indonesia.
-We can also talk about the growthing disparity among the rich and the poor, like the domination of the capitalist countries. In wealthy nation: 1,2 billion people leaves on less than 1$ per day. This phenomena is illustrated on the movie “Slumdog Millionar”: it allows to show the contrast between the poverty of the cans-cities of Dharavi, and the wealth of the high infrastructures of big Mumbai.
To conclude, the globalization detains above all, of various advantages which benefit the increase of the well-being of the population, and of the industries. However, the globalization also detains many limits, which affect the humanitarian aspect, and ethics of the process.
Personally, I am shared enough concerning the globalization. I find this well, in the sense where I can easily order clothes, worldwide, and low-priced. However, I am not all right with the conditions in which certain people (even children) work because of relocation
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2018 22:21
Réponse : Oral/Spaces and exchanges de gerold, postée le 19-05-2018 à 11:44:36 (S | E)
Bonjour chillance
Quelques remarques pour vous permettre d'améliorer votre exposé:
La mondialisation en général: Globalization, pas
Spaces and Exchanges
Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges.
But first of all, I would like to give a definition of the terms. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about
To answer this question, I will analyze firstly, the advantages of the globalization, and then, focusing on the disadvantages.
So, the globalization is the opening of national economies thought throughout the world. It is favored by interdependency between countries, who pas who, les pays ne sont pas des personnes buy and sell their products to each others, relocation and the development of means of transports, and telecommunications.
The advantages of this phenomena are:
-the increase an exchange has produced world growth since
- There is a faster flow of Information. Their

- There is an increase in quality of goods and services, because people have access to the best quality of goods and services throughout the world. This allows a person in America to wear clothes made in India and Mexico, while watching xx il faut un article indéfini football match taking place in England on a TV made in China.
- It may be noted normalement on attend "that" après it may be noted the mix
The disadvantages of the globalization are:
- Environmental degradation: Developed countries can take advantage of underdeveloped countries' weak regulatory laws in terms of environmental protection.
-Unfair working conditions: Many multinationals have been accused of social injustice by autre préposition exploiting labor in underdeveloped countries in order xx il manque un mot cut cost pluriel., and for using child labor in their factories in underdeveloped countries. Ex: Nike uses child labor along with poor working conditions and low wages in their ses usines factories in Indonesia.
-We can also talk about the growthing disparity among among signifie parmi the rich and the poor, like the domination of the capitalist countries. In wealthy nation: 1,2 billion people leaves confusion avec un autre verbe et erreur de conjugaison on less than 1$ per day. This phenomena phenomena est un pluriel, le singulier est phenomenon is illustrated on autre préposition the movie “Slumdog Millionar”: it allows to show the contrast between the poverty of the cans-cities of Dharavi, and the wealth of the high infrastructures autre mot? of big Mumbai.
To conclude, the globalization detains je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire: to detain, retenir, détenir, arrêter above all, of various advantages which benefit the increase of the well-being of the population, and of the industries. However, the globalization also detains many limits, which affect the humanitarian aspect, and ethics of the process.
Personally, I am shared enough fairly shared, pas enough= suffisamment, concerning the globalization. I find this well, in the sense where I can easily order clothes, worldwide, and low-priced. However, I am not all right with the conditions in which certain people (even children) work because of relocation
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