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Correction/ texte

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ texte
Message de masaru posté le 17-11-2019 à 15:05:42 (S | E | F)
j'espère que vous allez tous très bien!
Il faut que je fasse un certain texte pour un cours d'anglais. J'aimerais m'assurer qu'il n'y ait pas de faute: si vous pouviez voir l'orthographe, le temps des verbes, la grammaire, etc., ça me serait d'une aide précieuse !
Je vous remercie d'avance !

Voilà le texte:
About five months or so ago, I and my mother were on the plane heading towards Osaka, Japan. The flight was thirteen hours long and was so far pretty smooth. We had had our lunch and we were going tobget some sleep ...
Suddenly, we noticed several flight attendants, who looked quite nervous, going near the seat of a passenger. Nobody really knew what was happening. We stood up from our seat and tried to see what was happening. We then saw a woman who had made a dreadful allergic reaction to the food that had been served.
Her entire body was terribly swollen and she could barely move or speak. The members of the air force ultimately decided that the plane would land on the nearest airport. We landed on a certain airport in Mongolia and the woman got off the plane with the help of several flight attendants.
The captain of the plane finally came to the passengers and informed that the woman would be recovered in a couple of weeks. We were all rather relieved but we still felt a little strange...

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-11-2019 15:14

Réponse : Correction/ texte de gerondif, postée le 17-11-2019 à 16:16:08 (S | E)
J'aurais dit the members of the crew.
The woman would recover within two weeks. Elle s'en remettrait d'ici deux semaines.
She would be recovered? Elle serait récupérée ?

Réponse : Correction/ texte de masaru, postée le 17-11-2019 à 16:45:01 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse !

Par "recovered", je voulais dire "guérie". Serait-ce une faute ?

Réponse : Correction/ texte de gerondif, postée le 17-11-2019 à 18:19:16 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
About five months or so ago, I and my mother ( inversez )were on the plane heading towards Osaka, Japan. The flight was thirteen hours long and was so far(had been serait mieux) pretty smooth. We had had our lunch and we were going to get some sleep ...
Suddenly, we noticed several flight attendants, who looked quite nervous, going near the seat of a passenger. Nobody really knew what was happening. We stood up from our seat(pluriel) and tried to see what was happening(mettez going on, pour éviter la répétition). We then saw a woman who had made(to have a reaction. Je ne sais pas si to make convient) a dreadful allergic reaction to the food that had been served.
Her entire body was terribly swollen and she could barely move or speak. The members of the air force(un peu éxagéré) ultimately decided that the plane would land on the nearest airport. We landed on a certain(sonne français. on some airport) airport in Mongolia and the woman got off the plane with the help of several flight attendants.
The captain of the plane finally came to the passengers and informed that the woman would be recovered (would be all right au sens de guérie)(ou alors would have recovered, aurait récupéré) in a couple of weeks. We were all rather relieved but we still felt a little strange...

Réponse : Correction/ texte de masaru, postée le 17-11-2019 à 19:44:01 (S | E)
Merci infiniment !! Ça m'aide beaucoup !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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