Article dyspraxia/aide
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Message de eugge86 posté le 20-11-2019 à 12:59:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je dois faire le résumé en 300 mots max d'un article scientifique en anglais. J'ai choisi un article sur la dyspraxie.
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les erreurs?
Because of difficulties in executing motor tasks, Dyspraxia people are more likely to be physically inactive and overweight compared to other children. The study tests the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) posits by Cairney and collaborators (2013) which postulates that DCD will negatively impact physics activities and BMI, which will in turn negatively impact self-worth, which will conduct to increase internalisation problems (depression and anxiety). A second hypothesis suggests that there is a direct effect of DCD in internalisation problems. A third hypothesis is the difference between genders.
Scientists conducted a cross-sectional analysis, involving 1206 children aged 12–14 years who received assessments of motor coordination, physical activity, BMI, global self-worth, and internalizing problems. DCD’s children represent 6.6% of the sample.
Findings supports the ESH model and improve it by revealing an additional parameter; that is the gender. Results show that girls are more likely to be physically inactive, to have higher BMI, a worse self-worth and more internalisation problems compared to boys, especially on the DCD group.
Results suggest that interventions should focus on physics psychosocial well-being, by encouraging physical-activities participation and by working on self-worth. Also, sex differences should be taken into account by developing targeted interventions.
Dyspraxia is an hidden disability, but which has real consequences on the daily live. Having myself a sister whith dyspraxia, I had sometimes difficult to realize that it was not just clumsiness. This article shows that more than reached the motor coordination, dyspraxia may has negative repercussions on psychological well-being. It is important to be aware on the difficulties that dyspraxic children may encounter to better understand and help them. Knowing that this problem affects about 5% of children, the question of dyspraxia is of general interest.
Merci beaucoup!
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2019 14:00
Message de eugge86 posté le 20-11-2019 à 12:59:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je dois faire le résumé en 300 mots max d'un article scientifique en anglais. J'ai choisi un article sur la dyspraxie.
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les erreurs?
Because of difficulties in executing motor tasks, Dyspraxia people are more likely to be physically inactive and overweight compared to other children. The study tests the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) posits by Cairney and collaborators (2013) which postulates that DCD will negatively impact physics activities and BMI, which will in turn negatively impact self-worth, which will conduct to increase internalisation problems (depression and anxiety). A second hypothesis suggests that there is a direct effect of DCD in internalisation problems. A third hypothesis is the difference between genders.
Scientists conducted a cross-sectional analysis, involving 1206 children aged 12–14 years who received assessments of motor coordination, physical activity, BMI, global self-worth, and internalizing problems. DCD’s children represent 6.6% of the sample.
Findings supports the ESH model and improve it by revealing an additional parameter; that is the gender. Results show that girls are more likely to be physically inactive, to have higher BMI, a worse self-worth and more internalisation problems compared to boys, especially on the DCD group.
Results suggest that interventions should focus on physics psychosocial well-being, by encouraging physical-activities participation and by working on self-worth. Also, sex differences should be taken into account by developing targeted interventions.
Dyspraxia is an hidden disability, but which has real consequences on the daily live. Having myself a sister whith dyspraxia, I had sometimes difficult to realize that it was not just clumsiness. This article shows that more than reached the motor coordination, dyspraxia may has negative repercussions on psychological well-being. It is important to be aware on the difficulties that dyspraxic children may encounter to better understand and help them. Knowing that this problem affects about 5% of children, the question of dyspraxia is of general interest.
Merci beaucoup!
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2019 14:00
Réponse : Article dyspraxia/aide de laure95, postée le 20-11-2019 à 16:37:29 (S | E)
Because of (article)difficulties in executing motor tasks,
- Dyspraxia(n?) people are more likely to be physically inactive
- that DCD will negatively impact physics (mettre l'adjectif)activities and BMI,
- which will in turn negatively impact self-Worth: mal dit
- which (trop de which, alléger la phrase ou en faire 2 au lieu d'une)will conduct to increase internalisation problems
- involving 1206 children aged 12–14 years (enlever years) who received assessments of motor coordination,
- Findings supports (faute de conjugaison)the ESH model
- (article) Results show that girls are
- (article) Results suggest that (article) interventions should focus on physics (adjectif)(and) psychosocial well-being,
- by encouraging physical-(pas de tiret)activities participation and by working on self-worth.
- Dyspraxia is an (a+ consonne)hidden disability,
- but which has real consequences on the daily live (c'est un verbe, pas un nom).
- whith (orthographe) dyspraxia,
- I had sometimes difficult (nom) to realize that
- This article shows that more than reached (pas la bonne forme du verbe)the (pas de the) motor coordination,
- dyspraxia may has (may + infinitif) negative repercussions on psychological well-being.
- to better understand: ordre des mots.
Réponse : Article dyspraxia/aide de eugge86, postée le 20-11-2019 à 19:30:38 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!
Voilà le texte corrigé:
Because of difficulties in executing motor tasks, Dyspraxic individuals are more likely to be physically inactive and overweight compared to other children. The study tests the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) posits by Cairney and collaborators (2013) and postulates that DCD will negatively impact physical activities and BMI, which will in turn negatively impact self-esteem which will conduct to increase internalisation problems (depression and anxiety). A second hypothesis suggests that there is a direct effect of DCD in internalisation problems. A third hypothesis is the difference between genders.
Scientists conducted a cross-sectional analysis, involving 1206 children aged 12–14 who received assessments of motor coordination, physical activity, BMI, global self-worth, and internalizing problems. DCD’s children represent 6.6% of the sample.
Findings support the ESH model and improve it by revealing an additional parameter; that is the gender. The results show that girls are more likely to be physically inactive, to have higher BMI, a worse self-worth and more internalisation problems compared to boys, especially on the DCD group.
The authors suggest that the interventions should focus on physical and psychosocial well-being, by encouraging physical-activities participation and by working on self-worth. Also, sex differences should be taken into account by developing targeted interventions.
Dyspraxia is a hidden disability, but which has real consequences on the daily living. Having myself a sister who has dyspraxia, I had sometimes difficulties to realize that it was not just clumsiness. This article shows that more than affects motor coordination, dyspraxia may have negative repercussions on psychological well-being. It is important to be aware on the difficulties that dyspraxic children may encounter to help and understand them better. Knowing that this problem affects about 5% of children, the question of dyspraxia is of general interest.
Réponse : Article dyspraxia/aide de laure95, postée le 21-11-2019 à 10:04:22 (S | E)
Because of (article)difficulties in executing motor tasks,
- The study tests (is testing?)the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) posits by Cairney and collaborators (2013)
- which will in turn negatively impact self-esteem which will conduct to increase internalisation problems: alléger la phrase.
- Scientists (have)conducted a cross-sectional analysis,
- Dyspraxia is a hidden disability, but which (enlever which) has real consequences on the (pas de the) daily living (life pas living).
- I had sometimes difficulties to (in pas to + verbe + ing)realize that it was not just clumsiness.
- This article shows that more than affects (forme en -ing) motor coordination,
- It is important to be aware on (of pas on) the difficulties that
Réponse : Article dyspraxia/aide de eugge86, postée le 21-11-2019 à 11:39:26 (S | E)
Je pense que cette fois-ci c'est la bonne!
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris de votre temps pour m'aider!

Because of their difficulties in executing motor tasks, Dyspraxic individuals are more likely to be physically inactive and overweight compared to other children. The study is testing the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) posits by Cairney and collaborators (2013) and postulates that DCD will negatively impact physical activities and BMI, which will in turn negatively impact self-esteem and conduct to increase internalisation problems (depression and anxiety). A second hypothesis suggests that there is a direct effect of DCD in internalisation problems. A third hypothesis is the difference between genders.
Scientists conducted a cross-sectional analysis, involving 1206 children aged 12–14 who received assessments of motor coordination, physical activity, BMI, global self-worth, and internalizing problems. DCD’s children represent 6.6% of the sample.
Findings support the ESH model and improve it by revealing an additional parameter; that is the gender. The results show that girls are more likely to be physically inactive, to have higher BMI, a worse self-worth and more internalisation problems compared to boys, especially on the DCD group.
The authors suggest that the interventions should focus on physical and psychosocial well-being, by encouraging physical-activities participation and by working on self-worth. Also, sex differences should be taken into account by developing targeted interventions.
Dyspraxia is a hidden disability, but has real consequences on daily life. Having myself a sister who has dyspraxia, I had sometimes difficulties in realizing that it was not just clumsiness. This article shows that more than affecting motor coordination, dyspraxia may have negative repercussions on psychological well-being. It is important to be aware of the difficulties that dyspraxic children may encounter to help and understand them better. Knowing that this problem affects about 5% of children, the question of dyspraxia is of general interest.
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