Thème littéraire /American girls
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Message de loulou75 posté le 06-02-2020 à 19:22:13 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance
Bienvenue sur la planète American Girl.
Cette marque de jouets de luxe connaît depuis trente ans un succès fou. Toute petite Américaine rêve dès 4 ou 5 ans de posséder une Samantha, une Julie ou une Melody, dont il s’est vendu quelque 32 millions d’exemplaires depuis leur création.
Et le plus stupéfiant, ce sont sans doute ses magasins, des milliers de mètres carrés consacrés à la gloire de ces petites créatures en vinyle.
Les American Girls sont au départ des personnages historiques.
Dans les années 1980, Pleasant Rowland, auteure de manuels scolaires, visite Williamsburg, ville coloniale reconstituée en Virginie.
Assise sur un banc, raconte-t-elle, elle pense à la manière tristounette dont est enseignée l’histoire à l’école.
De là lui vient une idée.
Avec son amie Valerie Tripp, spécialiste d’ouvrages pour enfants, elle décide de créer des poupées vivant différentes époques qui seront vendues accompagnées d’une biographie imaginaire déclinée en plusieurs livres.
Fabriquées au début par l’entreprise allemande Gotz, elles auront l’âge d’une fillette de 9 ans.
D’où leur allure un peu potelée, bien loin de la vamp Barbie
Welcome on the planet American Girl.
This brand of luxury games had known a crazy success for thirty years. Every little american girl, dream as soon as four or five years old to own a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, whose have been sold 32 millions unit since their creation.
And the most surprising, are probably its shops, thousands square meter dedicated to the glory of this little plastic's creature.
The American girls are, at the begining, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland, scholar books' writer, visite Williamsburg, colonial city reconstitute in Virginia.
Sit on a bench, she tell, she thinks about the way that history is learnt in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, expert in books for children, she decide to create dolls living at different ages which will be sold with a imaginary biography did in some book.
Made at the begining by the deutch compagny Gotz, they will have the age of nine-years-old girl.
That is why their look a little fat, really far from the vamp Barbie.
Message de loulou75 posté le 06-02-2020 à 19:22:13 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance

Bienvenue sur la planète American Girl.
Cette marque de jouets de luxe connaît depuis trente ans un succès fou. Toute petite Américaine rêve dès 4 ou 5 ans de posséder une Samantha, une Julie ou une Melody, dont il s’est vendu quelque 32 millions d’exemplaires depuis leur création.
Et le plus stupéfiant, ce sont sans doute ses magasins, des milliers de mètres carrés consacrés à la gloire de ces petites créatures en vinyle.
Les American Girls sont au départ des personnages historiques.
Dans les années 1980, Pleasant Rowland, auteure de manuels scolaires, visite Williamsburg, ville coloniale reconstituée en Virginie.
Assise sur un banc, raconte-t-elle, elle pense à la manière tristounette dont est enseignée l’histoire à l’école.
De là lui vient une idée.
Avec son amie Valerie Tripp, spécialiste d’ouvrages pour enfants, elle décide de créer des poupées vivant différentes époques qui seront vendues accompagnées d’une biographie imaginaire déclinée en plusieurs livres.
Fabriquées au début par l’entreprise allemande Gotz, elles auront l’âge d’une fillette de 9 ans.
D’où leur allure un peu potelée, bien loin de la vamp Barbie
Welcome on the planet American Girl.
This brand of luxury games had known a crazy success for thirty years. Every little american girl, dream as soon as four or five years old to own a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, whose have been sold 32 millions unit since their creation.
And the most surprising, are probably its shops, thousands square meter dedicated to the glory of this little plastic's creature.
The American girls are, at the begining, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland, scholar books' writer, visite Williamsburg, colonial city reconstitute in Virginia.
Sit on a bench, she tell, she thinks about the way that history is learnt in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, expert in books for children, she decide to create dolls living at different ages which will be sold with a imaginary biography did in some book.
Made at the begining by the deutch compagny Gotz, they will have the age of nine-years-old girl.
That is why their look a little fat, really far from the vamp Barbie.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerondif, postée le 07-02-2020 à 17:37:28 (S | E)
j'ai traduit ce texte, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Mettez des s au présent simple troisième personne du singulier.
Réfléchissez au sens de de ou en :little plastic's créature n'appartient pas au propriétaire plastique. scholar books' writer, l'écrivain n'appartient pas au propriétaire livres.
Bienvenue sur la planète American Girl.
Cette marque de jouets de luxe connaît depuis trente ans un succès fou. Toute petite Américaine rêve dès 4 ou 5 ans de posséder une Samantha, une Julie ou une Melody, dont il s’est vendu quelque 32 millions d’exemplaires depuis leur création.
Et le plus stupéfiant, ce sont sans doute ses magasins, des milliers de mètres carrés consacrés à la gloire de ces petites créatures en vinyle.
Les American Girls sont au départ des personnages historiques.
Dans les années 1980, Pleasant Rowland, auteure de manuels scolaires, visite Williamsburg, ville coloniale reconstituée en Virginie.
Assise sur un banc, raconte-t-elle, elle pense à la manière tristounette dont est enseignée l’histoire à l’école.
De là lui vient une idée.
Avec son amie Valerie Tripp, spécialiste d’ouvrages pour enfants, elle décide de créer des poupées vivant différentes époques qui seront vendues accompagnées d’une biographie imaginaire déclinée en plusieurs livres.
Fabriquées au début par l’entreprise allemande Gotz, elles auront l’âge d’une fillette de 9 ans.
D’où leur allure un peu potelée, bien loin de la vamp Barbie
Welcome on the planet American Girl.(inversez)
This brand of luxury games had known a crazy success (variante : has been incredibly successful) for thirty years. Every little american girl (majuscule!!), dream as soon as(plutôt as early as) four or five years old,(je mettrais le verbe dream ici, avec un S de présent et ça se construit en of +ing !) to own a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, whose(traduire 32 millions desquels) have been sold 32 millions unit since their creation.
And the most surprising, are(pas de virgule, verbe au singulier) probably its shops, thousands (est un nom puisque mis au pluriel, donc doit être suivi de of)square meter(pluriel) dedicated to the glory of this little plastic's creature.
The American girls are, at the begining, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland, scholar books' writer, visite(orthographe et conjugaison) Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstitute(temps) in Virginia.
Sit on a bench, she tell(conjugaison), she thinks about the way that history is learnt(vous confondez enseigner et apprendre du point de vue de l'élève) in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decide(conjugaison) to create dolls living at different ages(periods prêterait moins à confusion) which will be sold with a imaginary biography did(erreur de verbe et de temps, essayez avec répartie, divisée) in some(ne signifie pas plusieurs) book.(pluriel, derrière plusieurs !)
Made at the begining by the deutch(signifie allemand en allemand, Dutch signifiant hollandais...) compagny Gotz(mal placé), they will have the age of nine-years-old(expression adjectivale, donc invariable : a nine-year-old boy by definition nine years old) is girl.
That is why their look a little fat( fzt signifie gras, plump ira mieux), really far from the vamp Barbie.(inversez)
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 08-02-2020 à 19:50:21 (S | E)

Welcome on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl , dream as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 millions unit from whom have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
(Comment choisir parmi : plastic creature or plastic's creature ? )
The American girls are, at the beginning, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland, scholar books' writer (je ne vois pas comment changer), visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
Sit on a bench, she tells, she thinks about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decides to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the begining by the german(signifie allemand en allemand :

That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.(inversez : pourquoi faut il inverser ? )
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerondif, postée le 09-02-2020 à 19:46:28 (S | E)
Welcome on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl ,
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
(Comment choisir parmi : plastic creature or plastic's creature ? )(c'est simple : aucun adjectif n'accepte un cas possessif !)
The American girls are, at the beginning (plutôt originally), historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland, scholar books' writer (je ne vois pas comment changer : alors vous avez des lacunes en logique grammaticale. Passez par of), visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
Sit on a bench, she tells(mettez say), she thinks about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decides to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the german(majuscules aux adjectifs de nationalité!!! ) compagny Gotz (je ne vois pas quelle règle appliquer pour savoir l'ordre car j'ai l'habitude de mettre les adjectifs avant le nom : mais mais Gotz est une marque, un nom et il vient donc avant dans un nom composé: l'usine allemande Krupps, the Krupps German factory)) , they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.(inversez : pourquoi faut il inverser ? ) Parce que un nom composé anglais eszt construit à l'inverse du notre, la partie adjectivale ou qualificative vient en premier: une brosse à dents = a toothbrush. Une salle à manger = a dining room.
I am a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world, life in plastic, it's fantastic (vieille chanson médiévale... Non,je plaisante !)
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 10-02-2020 à 19:02:34 (S | E)
Welcome on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl , dream as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 millions units which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American girls are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of scholar books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she is sitting on a bench, she says, she thinks about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appears.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decides to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
I am a Barby girl, in a Barby world, life in plastic, it's fantastic 🤣🤣🤣
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerondif, postée le 10-02-2020 à 19:23:34 (S | E)
Welcome (to) on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl , dream(à supprimer) as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 millions(sans s) units(à ôter) of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American girls are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of scholar books, visited (au présent si on ne veu pas que toute la suite au présent soit décalée) Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she is sitting on a bench, she says, she thinks about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appears.(en fait, le présent de narration français ne passe pas bien, je mettrais tout au prétérit simple)
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decides to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 11-02-2020 à 19:37:06 (S | E)

Welcome to on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American girls are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of scholar books, visits Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she is sitting on a bench, she says, she thinks about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appears.(en fait, le présent de narration français ne passe pas bien, je mettrais tout au prétérit simple : pourquoi le prétérit vous semble mieux ? je ne sais pas trop ce que vous qualifiez comme "tout" ?)
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerold, postée le 14-02-2020 à 19:42:23 (S | E)
Gerondif veut dire qu'il est inhabituel en anglais d'employer le présent pour parler du passé. Vous devez donc, pour chaque verbe au présent dans le texte français, vous demander si c'est un "vrai" présent, ou un "présent de narration", qui décrit une situation passée. Dans le second cas, il est préférable d'employer le prétérit.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 16-02-2020 à 19:29:20 (S | E)

Bienvenue sur la planète American Girl.
Cette marque de jouets de luxe connaît depuis trente ans un succès fou. Toute petite Américaine rêve dès 4 ou 5 ans de posséder une Samantha, une Julie ou une Melody, dont il s’est vendu quelque 32 millions d’exemplaires depuis leur création.
Et le plus stupéfiant, ce sont sans doute ses magasins, des milliers de mètres carrés consacrés à la gloire de ces petites créatures en vinyle.
Les American Girls sont au départ des personnages historiques.
Dans les années 1980, Pleasant Rowland, auteure de manuels scolaires, visite Williamsburg, ville coloniale reconstituée en Virginie.
Assise sur un banc, raconte-t-elle, elle pense à la manière tristounette dont est enseignée l’histoire à l’école.
De là lui vient une idée.
Avec son amie Valerie Tripp, spécialiste d’ouvrages pour enfants, elle décide de créer des poupées vivant différentes époques qui seront vendues accompagnées d’une biographie imaginaire déclinée en plusieurs livres.
Fabriquées au début par l’entreprise allemande Gotz, elles auront l’âge d’une fillette de 9 ans.
D’où leur allure un peu potelée, bien loin de la vamp Barbie
Welcome to on the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury games has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American girls are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of scholar books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she was sitting on a bench, she says, she thought about the way that history is taught in school.
From this, an idea appeared.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which will be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerold, postée le 17-02-2020 à 17:24:17 (S | E)
Bienvenue sur la planète American Girl.
Cette marque de jouets de luxe connaît depuis trente ans un succès fou. Toute petite Américaine rêve dès 4 ou 5 ans de posséder une Samantha, une Julie ou une Melody, dont il s’est vendu quelque 32 millions d’exemplaires depuis leur création.
Et le plus stupéfiant, ce sont sans doute ses magasins, des milliers de mètres carrés consacrés à la gloire de ces petites créatures en vinyle.
Les American Girls sont au départ des personnages historiques.
Dans les années 1980, Pleasant Rowland, auteure de manuels scolaires, visite Williamsburg, ville coloniale reconstituée en Virginie.
Assise sur un banc, raconte-t-elle, elle pense à la manière tristounette dont est enseignée l’histoire à l’école.
De là lui vient une idée.
Avec son amie Valerie Tripp, spécialiste d’ouvrages pour enfants, elle décide de créer des poupées vivant différentes époques qui seront vendues accompagnées d’une biographie imaginaire déclinée en plusieurs livres.
Fabriquées au début par l’entreprise allemande Gotz, elles auront l’âge d’une fillette de 9 ans.
D’où leur allure un peu potelée, bien loin de la vamp Barbie
Welcome to
This brand of luxury games un jeu n'est pas un jouet has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American Girls c'est une marque, donc majuscule are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of scholarcherchez quelque chose de plus simple books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she was sitting on a bench, she says, she thought about the way "tristounette" that history is temps taught in school.
From this, an idea appeared. cela ne me semble pas très naturel, plutôt : "cela lui donna une idée"
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which will futur dans le passé = conditionnel be sold with a imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 18-02-2020 à 22:18:58 (S | E)

Welcome to the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury toys has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American Girls are, originally, historical people.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of school books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted in Virginia.
While she was sitting on a bench, she says, she thought about the sad way that history was taught in school.
This gave her an idea.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which would be sold with an imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerold, postée le 19-02-2020 à 07:26:48 (S | E)
Juste quelques remarques finales :
Welcome to the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury toys has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American Girls are, originally, historical people characters (people fait penser que ces poupées représentent des personnes qui ont réellement vécu).
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of school books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city reconstituted recreated in Virginia. (d'après les dictionnaires consultés, reconstitute ne s'emploie pas dans ce cas)
While she was sitting on a bench, she says, she thought about the sad mieux : dull way that history was taught in schools.
This gave her an idea.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in books for children ou children's books, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which would be sold with an imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 19-02-2020 à 20:36:08 (S | E)
d'accord merci

Welcome to the American Girl planet.
This brand of luxury toys has been incredibly successful for thirty years. Every little American girl, as early as four or five years old,dreams of owning a Samantha, a Julie or a Melody, 32 million of which have been sold since their creation.
And the most surprising is probably its shops, thousands of square meters dedicated to the glory of this little plastic creature.
The American Girls are, originally, historical characters.
In the 80's, Pleasant Rowland,a writer of school books, visited Williamsburg, a colonial city recreated in Virginia.
While she was sitting on a bench, she says, she thought about the dull way that history was taught in schools.
This gave her an idea.
With her friend Valerie Tripp, an expert in children's books, she decided to create dolls living at different periods which would be sold with an imaginary biography split in several books.
Made at the beginning by the Gotz German compagny, they will have the age of a nine-year-old girl.
That is why they look a little plump, really far from the Barbie vamp.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de gerold, postée le 20-02-2020 à 12:32:11 (S | E)
Je ne vois plus rien à changer.
Réponse : Thème littéraire /American girls de loulou75, postée le 23-02-2020 à 20:31:16 (S | E)

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