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Thème littéraire/fake news

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Thème littéraire/fake news
Message de loulou75 posté le 19-02-2020 à 20:43:11 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte en anglais, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance

Kyrie est bien embarrassée.
Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, RodrigoDuterte incitant ses compatriotes« à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ?
La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion.
Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d’Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».
Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l’élection de Donald Trump.
Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n’a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre« pourquoi tant d’infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».
Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas.
Durant une partie de la matinée, l’enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu’est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer.
Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches.
Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte.« C’est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. »
En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d’autres médias et change d’avis.

Ma traduction:
Kyrie is very embarassed.
How know if the sentence of the Phillipin head of state, Rodrigo Duterte who try to convince his compatriot "to kill drug dealer", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old have two minutes to have an opinion.
Such is the rule claims by Kim Ash, who, that morning, taught to a group of second degree students of Alexandria (Virginie) how to spot and thwart a "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the museum of the press and the journalism of Washington, while the term has had sucess since the Donald Trump election.
The united states head of states was afraid to ask for an inquiry of the Sénat to understand "why so much news in our country are created"
Luck or not, in Newseum, the class don't become empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help the young to understand what is a "fake news" and give them the tools to fight against.
Cellphone in his hand, Kyrie starts her searchs.
Her instinct tell to her to consider "fake" the declaration of Mr.Duterte "it is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the serious of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de gerold, postée le 20-02-2020 à 13:10:20 (S | E)

Kyrie est bien embarrassée.
Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, RodrigoDuterte incitant ses compatriotes« à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ?
La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion.
Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d’Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».
Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l’élection de Donald Trump.
Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n’a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre« pourquoi tant d’infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».
Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas.
Durant une partie de la matinée, l’enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu’est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer.
Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches.
Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte.« C’est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. »
En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d’autres médias et change d’avis.

Ma traduction:
Kyrie is very embarassed ortho.
How xx know if the sentence of the Phillipin head of state pourquoi pas "President, et orthographe, Rodrigo Duterte who try to convince erreur de conjugaison, et "essayer de convaincre" n'est pas exactement "inciter" his compatriot il y en a plusieurs "to kill drug dealer"idem, is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old xx il manque un mot have conjugaison two minutes to have autre verbe an opinion.
Such is the rule claims autre verbe, et autre forme by Kim Ash, who, that this morning, taught on décrit ce qui est en train de ce passer to enlever a group of second degreehigh school students of Alexandria (Virginie) how to spot and thwart xx xx"fake news"."news" est indénombrable, il faut ajouter quelque chose
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the museum of ]the press and the journalism faites un nom composé et enlevez les articles of Washington, while the term has had sucess ortho. since the Donald Trump election faites un cas possessif.
The united states majuscules head of states President was afraid n'a pas craint to ask après afraid : of + gérondif for an inquiry of the Sénat to understand "why so much news in our country are created" singulier et autre verbe
Luck luck, c'est la chance, le contraire de la malchance, or not, in Newseum, the class don't conjugaison become empty empty peut être un verbe, become est inutile.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help the young autre mot, formé sur "teen", et pas d'article to understand what is mal placé,ce n'est pas une question directe a "fake news" remarque plus haut and give them the tools to fight against it.
Cellphone in his c'est une jeune fille hand, Kyrie starts her searchs ajoutez un préfixe à ce mot + singulier.
Her instinct tell erreur de conjugaison, mais il faudrait un autre verbe au conditionnel : l'amènerait, la conduirait to her to consider "fake" the declaration of Mr.Duterte mieux : cas possessif "it is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the serious c'est un adjectif, il faut un nom of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de loulou75, postée le 23-02-2020 à 20:25:13 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup

Kyrie is very embarrassed.
How to know if the sentence of the Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte who fosters his compatriots "to kill drug dealers", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old american haves two minutes to have (je ne sais pas quel autre terme utiliser ) an opinion.
Such is the rule enacted by Kim Ash, who, this morning, was teaching a group of high school students of Alexandria (Virginie) how to spot and thwart a piece of "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the Washington press and journalism's museum, while the term has had suvcess since the Donald Trump's election.
The United States President wasn't afraid of asking for an inquiry of the Sénat to understand "why so much news in our country is made up"
Coincidence or not, in Newseum, the class doesn't empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenager,(pourquoi teenager est mieux que young ? ) to understand what a piece of "fake news" is and give them the tools to fight against it.
Cellphone in her hand, Kyrie starts her research.
Her instinct would drives her to consider "fake" Mr.Duterte's declaration "it is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the seriousness c'est un adjectif, il faut un nom of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de gerold, postée le 23-02-2020 à 22:39:37 (S | E)

How to know if/whether dans cette phrase, "si" n'est pas conditionnel, mais introduit une question, à laquelle on répond par oui ou non, "if" est acceptable, "whether" est plus formel sentence of the Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, who fosters his compatriots "to kill drug dealers", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old american les noms et adjectifs de nationalité prennent une majuscule haves two minutes to have (je ne sais pas quel autre terme utiliser ) an opinion (to form one's opinion, à adapter).
Such is the rule enacted by Kim Ash, who, this morning, was l'auteur décrit ce qui est en train de se passer teaching a group of high school students of Alexandria (Virginie how to spot and thwart a piece of "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the Washington press and journalism's le cas possessif est en général réservé aux êtres vivants, cela ne marche pas ici museum, while the term has had suvcess ortho. et plutôt "to be a hit" since the Donald Trump's election. les noms propres de personnes ne prennent pas d'article
The United States President wasn't afraid of asking for an inquiry of the Sénat c'est du français to understand "why so much news in our country is made up"
(whether) a Coincidence or not, in Newseum, the class plutôt: courses doesn't empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenager pluriel,(pourquoi teenager est mieux que young ? "the young", c'est plutôt les jeunes en général) to understand what a piece of "fake news" is and give them the tools to fight against it.
xx en général, un complément de manière se construit avec une préposition Cellphone in her hand, Kyrie starts her research.
Her instinct would drives conjugaison her to consider "fake" à placer ailleurs Mr.Duterte's declaration "it is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the seriousness of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de loulou75, postée le 24-02-2020 à 22:02:39 (S | E)

How to know whether the sentence of the Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, who fosters his compatriots "to kill drug dealers", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old American has two minutes to form her opinion.
Such is the rule enacted by Kim Ash, who, this morning, is teaching a group of high school students of Alexandria (Virginia) how to spot and thwart a piece of "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the Washington press and journalism museum, while the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election.
The United States President wasn't afraid of asking for an inquiry of the senate to understand "why so much news in our country is made up"
(whether) a Coincidence or not, in Newseum, the courses doesn't empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers to understand what a piece of "fake news" is and give them the tools to fight against it.
As cellphone in her hand, Kyrie starts her research.
Her instinct would drive her to consider Mr.Duterte's declaration as a "fake" "it is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the seriousness of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de gerold, postée le 25-02-2020 à 13:08:10 (S | E)

Kyrie is very embarrassed.
How to know whether the sentence of the Philippines President, Rodrigo Duterte, who fosters his compatriots "to kill drug dealers", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old American has two minutes to form her opinion.
Such is the rule enacted by Kim Ash, who, this morning, is teaching a group of high school students of Alexandria (Virginia) how to spot and thwart a piece of "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the Washington press and journalism museum, while the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election.
The United States President wasn't afraid of asking for an inquiry of the senate to understand "why so much news in our country is made up"
(whether) a coincidence or not, in Newseum, the courses doesn't sujet pluriel empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers to understand what a piece of "fake news" is and give them the tools to fight against it.
With a cellphone in her hand, Kyrie starts her research.
Her instinct would drive her to consider that Mr.Duterte's declaration asis a "piece of fake news". "It is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the seriousness of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de loulou75, postée le 25-02-2020 à 23:40:02 (S | E)

Kyrie is very embarrassed.
How to know whether the sentence of the Philippines President, Rodrigo Duterte, who fosters his compatriots "to kill drug dealers", is true or not ?
The young seventeen-year-old American has two minutes to form her opinion.
Such is the rule enacted by Kim Ash, who, this morning, is teaching a group of high school students of Alexandria (Virginia) how to spot and thwart a piece of "fake news".
This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the Washington press and journalism museum, while the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election.
The United States President wasn't afraid of asking for an inquiry of the senate to understand "why so much news in our country is made up"
(whether) a coincidence or not, in Newseum, the courses don't empty.
During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers to understand what a piece of "fake news" is and give them the tools to fight against it.
With a cellphone in her hand, Kyrie starts her research.
Her instinct would drive her to consider that Mr.Duterte's declaration is a "piece of fake news". "It is so crazy , it can't be true"
In some clics, she checks the seriousness of the website, finds the quote in other media and changes her opinion.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/fake news de gerold, postée le 26-02-2020 à 11:20:14 (S | E)

Je ne vois plus rien à changer, sauf mettre une majuscule à Senate.


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