Thème/Grande Bretagne
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Message de loulou75 posté le 27-02-2020 à 17:58:35 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte en anglais, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.
Le débat sur l’appartenance à l’UE refait surface en Grande-Bretagne. La crise qui frappe l’Europe a ravivé un débat déjà ancien en Grande-Bretagne, entre europhiles et eurosceptiques. Les députés britanniques ont rejeté, lundi soir 24 octobre, un amendement proposant un référendum sur le maintien de la Grande-Bretagne dans l’UE, mais le vote a été l’occasion d’une rébellion massive des conservateurs eurosceptiques contre le premier ministre David Cameron. [...]Le vote était purement consultatif, et la motion n’avait aucune chance d’être adoptée. D’autant que l’opposition travailliste et les libéraux-démocrates – alliés des conservateurs au sein de la coalition au pouvoir, et europhiles – y étaient hostiles. Mais l’ampleur de la révolte parlementaire, sans précédent, constitue une défaite politique majeure pour M. Cameron, arrivé au pouvoir il y a dix-sept mois.David Cameron a répété lundi devant les députés que l’intérêt national du Royaume-Uni est d’être dans l’Union européenne, d’aider à déterminer les règles qui régissent le marché unique, le plus gros marché pour les exportations puisqu’il en absorbe 50%. «Ce n’est pas un argument abstrait, théorique, cela importe pour des millions d’emplois », a-t-il précisé.
The debate about the fact of stay in EU come back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe put forward an old debate in Great Britain, between eurolovers and eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the britain deputies rejected, a bill which suggests a referendum on the maintain of Great Britain in EU, but the vote was the occasion to a massive rebellion of conservatives eurosceptics against the first minister David Cameron.
The vote was almost only a pool and the bill had not chance being accepted.
In addition, the workers opposition and the liberals-democrats - allies of the conservatives in the coalition in the power, and eurolovers- were against. But the unprecedent size of the parlementary rebellion is a major political failure fr M.Cameron, who taked the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron, repeated on Monday in front of the deputies that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be in European Union, to help to choose the rules which drive the european market, the biggest market for the exportation because it represents 50% of it.
"That is not an abstrait, theoric reason this involves millions of employment" he added.
Message de loulou75 posté le 27-02-2020 à 17:58:35 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte en anglais, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.
Le débat sur l’appartenance à l’UE refait surface en Grande-Bretagne. La crise qui frappe l’Europe a ravivé un débat déjà ancien en Grande-Bretagne, entre europhiles et eurosceptiques. Les députés britanniques ont rejeté, lundi soir 24 octobre, un amendement proposant un référendum sur le maintien de la Grande-Bretagne dans l’UE, mais le vote a été l’occasion d’une rébellion massive des conservateurs eurosceptiques contre le premier ministre David Cameron. [...]Le vote était purement consultatif, et la motion n’avait aucune chance d’être adoptée. D’autant que l’opposition travailliste et les libéraux-démocrates – alliés des conservateurs au sein de la coalition au pouvoir, et europhiles – y étaient hostiles. Mais l’ampleur de la révolte parlementaire, sans précédent, constitue une défaite politique majeure pour M. Cameron, arrivé au pouvoir il y a dix-sept mois.David Cameron a répété lundi devant les députés que l’intérêt national du Royaume-Uni est d’être dans l’Union européenne, d’aider à déterminer les règles qui régissent le marché unique, le plus gros marché pour les exportations puisqu’il en absorbe 50%. «Ce n’est pas un argument abstrait, théorique, cela importe pour des millions d’emplois », a-t-il précisé.
The debate about the fact of stay in EU come back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe put forward an old debate in Great Britain, between eurolovers and eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the britain deputies rejected, a bill which suggests a referendum on the maintain of Great Britain in EU, but the vote was the occasion to a massive rebellion of conservatives eurosceptics against the first minister David Cameron.
The vote was almost only a pool and the bill had not chance being accepted.
In addition, the workers opposition and the liberals-democrats - allies of the conservatives in the coalition in the power, and eurolovers- were against. But the unprecedent size of the parlementary rebellion is a major political failure fr M.Cameron, who taked the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron, repeated on Monday in front of the deputies that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be in European Union, to help to choose the rules which drive the european market, the biggest market for the exportation because it represents 50% of it.
"That is not an abstrait, theoric reason this involves millions of employment" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 27-02-2020 à 23:25:31 (S | E)
Bonjour loulou75
Le débat sur l’appartenance à l’UE refait surface en Grande-Bretagne. La crise qui frappe l’Europe a ravivé un débat déjà ancien en Grande-Bretagne, entre europhiles et eurosceptiques. Les députés britanniques ont rejeté, lundi soir 24 octobre, un amendement proposant un référendum sur le maintien de la Grande-Bretagne dans l’UE, mais le vote a été l’occasion d’une rébellion massive des conservateurs eurosceptiques contre le premier ministre David Cameron. [...]Le vote était purement consultatif, et la motion n’avait aucune chance d’être adoptée. D’autant que l’opposition travailliste et les libéraux-démocrates – alliés des conservateurs au sein de la coalition au pouvoir, et europhiles – y étaient hostiles. Mais l’ampleur de la révolte parlementaire, sans précédent, constitue une défaite politique majeure pour M. Cameron, arrivé au pouvoir il y a dix-sept mois.David Cameron a répété lundi devant les députés que l’intérêt national du Royaume-Uni est d’être dans l’Union européenne, d’aider à déterminer les règles qui régissent le marché unique, le plus gros marché pour les exportations puisqu’il en absorbe 50%. «Ce n’est pas un argument abstrait, théorique, cela importe pour des millions d’emplois », a-t-il précisé.
The debate about the fact of stay in EU nom signifiant "le fait d'être membre" come conjugaison back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe put forward present perfect et autre verbe, plus proche de FR "raviver" an old debate in Great Britain, between eurolovers même mot qu'en français and eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the britain adjectif, avec majuscule deputies ce mot signifie "adjoint" ou "remplaçant"; député = membre du Parlement, en abrégé rejected
The vote was almost pourquoi "presque" ? only a pool traduisez littéralement le français and the bill had not chance xx préposition being accepted,
In addition D'autant (plus) que, pas "en plus" the workers travailliste, pas travailleurs opposition and the liberals-democrats majuscules, pas de -s à Liberal - allies"partenaires" of the Conservatives in the coalition in the power, and eurolovers- were against xx ajoutez un pronom. But the unprecedent size of the parlementary ortho. rebellion is a major political failure fr M.Cameron, who taked

David Cameron, virgule à enlever repeated on Monday in front of the deputies that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be in autre préposition : "à l'intérieur de" European Union, to help to choose the rules which drive autre verbe the european ortho. market, the biggest market for the exportation traduire : "marché étranger" because "puisque", pas "parce que" it represents ("to account for") 50% of it (50% des exportations).
"That is not an abstrait, theoric vérifiez ces mots reason "this involves millions of employment autre mot" ("des millions d'emplois sont en jeu") he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 01-03-2020 à 22:01:21 (S | E)

The debate about belong EU came back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe have reignited (pourquoi faut il mettre du present perfect ?) an old debate in Great Britain, between europhiles and eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the Britain MPs rejected a law suggesting (pourquoi on ne peut pas mettre simplement "suggests" ? ) a referendum on the maintain of Great Britain in EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservatives Eurosceptics against the Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the bill had not chance to being accepted,
Especially as the larbours opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partner of the Conservatives in the coalition in the power, and europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedent size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside European Union, to help to choose the rules which manage the European(je ne vois pas l'erreur d'orthographe, sauf si c'était la majuscule) market, the biggest market for foreign market since it account for 50% of the exportations.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason millions of jobs are at stake" he added
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 02-03-2020 à 12:00:17 (S | E)
The debate about belong employez un nom dérivé de "member" EU came présent continu back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe have conjugaison reignited (pourquoi faut il mettre du present perfect événement qui a commencé dans le passé et continue dans le présent an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the Britain c'est un nom, il faut un adjectif MPs rejected a law amendement, c'est presque le même mot en anglais suggesting (pourquoi on ne peut pas mettre simplement "suggests" il faudrait un prétérit ? ) a referendum on the maintain of Great Britain in EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative
The vote was purely consultative and the bill had not chance to being accepted,
especially as the larbours ortho., majuscule et singulier, c'est un adjectif ici opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partner pluriel of the Conservatives in the coalition in the power, and europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedentvérifiez ce mot size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside article European Union, to help to choose the rules which managemieux : un autre verbe, de la famille de "gouvernement" the European(je ne vois pas l'erreur d'orthographe, sauf si c'était la majuscule oui) market, the biggest market for foreign marketà simplifier since it accountconjugaison for 50% of the exportations en principe, c'est le fait d'exporter, pas ce qui est exporté.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason ponctuation millions of jobs are at stake" he added
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 03-03-2020 à 23:11:07 (S | E)

The debate about membership EU is coming back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe have reignited an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the British MPs rejected amendement suggesting (pourquoi on ne peut pas mettre simplement "suggests" il faudrait un prétérit oui mais pourquoi il faudrait ? ) a referendum on the maintain of Great Britain in EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative Eurosceptics against Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the bill had not chance to being accepted,
especially as the Labour opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partners of the Conservatives in the coalition in the power, and europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedented size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside article European Union, to help to choose the rules which governe the European market, the biggest market for exports since it has accounted for 50% of the exports
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 04-03-2020 à 11:40:22 (S | E)
The debate about membership EU à inverser is coming back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe have

The vote was purely consultative and the bill "amendement" had not chance to autre préposition being accepted,
especially as the Labour opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partners of the Conservatives in the coalition in
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside xx European Union, to help to choose the rules which governeortho. the European market, the biggest market for exports since it has accounted/it accounts (le -s manquait) for 50% of the exports.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerondif, postée le 04-03-2020 à 12:19:51 (S | E)
un amendement proposant : an amendment proposing.
un amendement qui proposait :an amendment that proposed
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 04-03-2020 à 22:07:21 (S | E)
Merci à vous deux

The debate about EU membership is coming back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe has reignited an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the British MPs rejected the amendment suggesting a referendum on the Great Britain remaining in the EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative Eurosceptics against Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the amendment had not chance of being accepted,
especially as the Labour opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partners of the Conservatives in the coalition in power, and Europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedented size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside the European Union, to help to choose the rules which govern the European market, the biggest market for exports since it accounts for 50% of the exports.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de here4u, postée le 05-03-2020 à 11:16:53 (S | E)

- on the Great Britain
- had not chance of being accepted
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 07-03-2020 à 21:35:07 (S | E)

The debate about EU membership is coming back in Great Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe has reignited an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the British MPs rejected the amendment suggesting a referendum on Great Britain remaining in the EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative Eurosceptics against Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the amendment had no chance (I had any chance est il correct ? ) of being accepted, especially as the Labour opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partners of the Conservatives in the coalition in power, and Europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedented size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside the European Union, to help to choose the rules which govern the European market, the biggest market for exports since it accounts for 50% of the exports.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 08-03-2020 à 19:13:07 (S | E)
The debate about EU membership is coming back in Great Britain. (notez que la Grande-Bretagne, c'est très souvent "Britain" tout seul, il n'y a pas de risque de confusion avec la Bretagne française, Brittany)
The crisis which hits Europe has reignited an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the British MPs rejected the amendment suggesting a referendum on Great Britain remaining in the EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative Eurosceptics against Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the amendment had no chance (
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside the European Union, to help to choose the rules which govern the European market, the biggest market for exports since it accounts for 50% of the exports.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 08-03-2020 à 21:49:35 (S | E)

The debate about EU membership is coming back in Britain.
The crisis which hits Europe has reignited an old debate in Great Britain, between Europhiles and Eurosceptics. On Monday night 24th October, the British MPs rejected the amendment suggesting a referendum on Great Britain remaining in the EU, but the vote was the occasion for a massive rebellion of Conservative Eurosceptics against Prime Minister David Cameron.
The vote was purely consultative and the amendment had no chance (Ipourquoi I ici? j'ai mis I juste pour avoir un sujet had not any chance est il correct ? ) of being adopted , especially as the Labour opposition and the Liberal-Democrats - partners of the Conservatives in the coalition in power, and Europhiles- were against them. But the unprecedented size of the parliamentary rebellion is a major political failure for Mr Cameron, who gained the power seventeen month ago.
David Cameron repeated on Monday in front of the MPs that the national interest of the United Kingdom is to be inside the European Union, to help to choose the rules which govern the European market, the biggest market for exports since it accounts for 50% of the exports.
"That is not an abstract, theoretical reason, millions of jobs are at stake" he added.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 09-03-2020 à 13:01:16 (S | E)
Bonjour loulou75
Vous pouvez dire "had no chance" ou "had not any chance". Sinon, je n'ai plus d'autres remarques sur ce texte.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de gerold, postée le 09-03-2020 à 17:13:32 (S | E)
Gerondif a attiré mon attention sur le fait qu'il faut dire "didn't have any chance" plutôt que "had not any chance" car to have est un verbe ordinaire dans cette phrase, et non un auxiliaire. J'aurais dû le remarquer, désolé.
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de bluestar, postée le 09-03-2020 à 17:39:09 (S | E)
"...who gained
Liberal Democrats (pas de trait d'union)
Réponse : Thème/Grande Bretagne de loulou75, postée le 11-03-2020 à 21:23:56 (S | E)
d'accord merci à vous trois

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais