Aide/Idea of progress
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basAide/Idea of progress
Message de tra44 posté le 29-02-2020 à 16:44:48 (S | E | F)
j'ai dans quelques jours un oral blanc pour le Bac. Je dois alors préparer mes différentes notions. Pouvez-vous alors me dire ce que vous en pensez et éventuellement corriger les grosses erreurs ou les mauvaises formulations.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I'm going to talk about the notion idea of progress. To begin with I would like to give a short definition of the idea of progress: It's a development or a change in many areas like technical, scientific or social which contributes to increase the standard of living and develop the society. I will illustrate this notion with the subject of consumption and consumerism. Actually, the society is growing more and more and is encouraged to consume more and more through new methods such as shopping on internet. But We can ask ourselves if the ability to consume is really a progress? First of all, I will exhibit the negatives effect of the ability to consume and in a second phase I will talk about resistance to this way to consume.
Firstly, we need to differentiate clearly consumption and consumerism. Consumption is the conscious act of buying things that we really need whereas consumerism is an attachment to materialistic values where consumerist live to buy. However, there are excesses because of consumerism.
At the beginning of the 20th century Will Rogers highlighted how consumerism had generated a consumer society. I can notably quote a sentence from Will Rogers which says: "Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like". That's one effect of this consumer society, People live through the eyes of other and do many things to be seen good in the eyes of others.
So, the first document that I have chosen is called "Shopping Frenzy" and the text I studied is called "Trampled to death". This text shows us inhumanity of shoppers. During the sale an employee at Wal-Mart was killed because of buyers who stepped over the employee. Even after the store closes shoppers kept shopping and don't care about the knocked man. For me this document shows us the cruelty of people who are desperate for sales.
Moreover, this ability to consume can create a consume pressure on children. This is due to another kind of excesses in society, advertising. Advertising is very dangerous for young people mainly because of the development of new technologies and online shopping. The document named "UK Face consumer pression "is a comparison of UK, Sweden and Spain families. In conclusion it's said that there is a real pression on children in UK because they need to have the latest technologies or brands to be accepted in a group. Because of that some parents can run in dept for their children. In addition, UK families struggle to spend enough time with their children who are on their computer and televisions without being protected from ads. So, this text shows us the business around young people with ads which is an important excess of our consumer society and a negative point of the ability to consume.
Nevertheless, some people gather to stand up against consumerism and create movements like freeganism, downshifting or boycott. They have even created a non-violent day called "Buy nothing day" to protest against consumerism. For example, some participants stand in a shopping mall or shopping center and cut-up their credit card to show their discontentment.
To conclude this ability to consume contribute creating a consumer society which is especially created by the development of online shopping and shopping malls. Because of that people become more and more materialist and dependent on this facility to buy and are manipulated by invasive advertisements. Despite pressure from society, some people mobilize against over-consumption and try to change their lifestyle to achieve more sustainable development and progress.
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-02-2020 16:51
Titre en minuscules
Message de tra44 posté le 29-02-2020 à 16:44:48 (S | E | F)
j'ai dans quelques jours un oral blanc pour le Bac. Je dois alors préparer mes différentes notions. Pouvez-vous alors me dire ce que vous en pensez et éventuellement corriger les grosses erreurs ou les mauvaises formulations.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I'm going to talk about the notion idea of progress. To begin with I would like to give a short definition of the idea of progress: It's a development or a change in many areas like technical, scientific or social which contributes to increase the standard of living and develop the society. I will illustrate this notion with the subject of consumption and consumerism. Actually, the society is growing more and more and is encouraged to consume more and more through new methods such as shopping on internet. But We can ask ourselves if the ability to consume is really a progress? First of all, I will exhibit the negatives effect of the ability to consume and in a second phase I will talk about resistance to this way to consume.
Firstly, we need to differentiate clearly consumption and consumerism. Consumption is the conscious act of buying things that we really need whereas consumerism is an attachment to materialistic values where consumerist live to buy. However, there are excesses because of consumerism.
At the beginning of the 20th century Will Rogers highlighted how consumerism had generated a consumer society. I can notably quote a sentence from Will Rogers which says: "Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like". That's one effect of this consumer society, People live through the eyes of other and do many things to be seen good in the eyes of others.
So, the first document that I have chosen is called "Shopping Frenzy" and the text I studied is called "Trampled to death". This text shows us inhumanity of shoppers. During the sale an employee at Wal-Mart was killed because of buyers who stepped over the employee. Even after the store closes shoppers kept shopping and don't care about the knocked man. For me this document shows us the cruelty of people who are desperate for sales.
Moreover, this ability to consume can create a consume pressure on children. This is due to another kind of excesses in society, advertising. Advertising is very dangerous for young people mainly because of the development of new technologies and online shopping. The document named "UK Face consumer pression "is a comparison of UK, Sweden and Spain families. In conclusion it's said that there is a real pression on children in UK because they need to have the latest technologies or brands to be accepted in a group. Because of that some parents can run in dept for their children. In addition, UK families struggle to spend enough time with their children who are on their computer and televisions without being protected from ads. So, this text shows us the business around young people with ads which is an important excess of our consumer society and a negative point of the ability to consume.
Nevertheless, some people gather to stand up against consumerism and create movements like freeganism, downshifting or boycott. They have even created a non-violent day called "Buy nothing day" to protest against consumerism. For example, some participants stand in a shopping mall or shopping center and cut-up their credit card to show their discontentment.
To conclude this ability to consume contribute creating a consumer society which is especially created by the development of online shopping and shopping malls. Because of that people become more and more materialist and dependent on this facility to buy and are manipulated by invasive advertisements. Despite pressure from society, some people mobilize against over-consumption and try to change their lifestyle to achieve more sustainable development and progress.
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-02-2020 16:51
Titre en minuscules
Réponse : Aide/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 29-02-2020 à 17:51:16 (S | E)
- But We can ask ourselves: chercher le verbe se demander.
- if the ability to consume is really a progress? : pas de point d'interrogation: interrogative indirecte.
- the negatives (pas de s à un adjectif)effect (pluriel)
- I will talk about (article) resistance to this way to consume.
- where consumerist (pluriel)live to buy.
- I can notably quote a sentence from Will Rogers which (who pas which)
- People live through the eyes of other (pluriel)and do many things to be seen good (mal dit)in the eyes of others.
- shows us (article)inhumanity of shoppers.
- Even after the store closes (pasé) shoppers kept shopping and don't care (passé)about the knocked man.
- desperate for sales: ?
- a comparison of (pas la bonne préposition) UK, Sweden and Spain (mettre les adjectifs de nationalité)families.
- their children who are on their computer (pluriel)
- cut-up their credit card (pluriel)to show their discontentment.
- To conclude this ability to consume contribute (faute de conjugaison) creating (infinitif)a consumer society
- Because of (chercher un synonyme) that people become more and more materialist
Réponse : Aide/Idea of progress de tra44, postée le 01-03-2020 à 18:01:49 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour votre aide

Cependant êtes-vous sur que le which de la phrase suivante doit-être remplacé par who ? "I can notably quote a sentence from Will Rogers which..." Parce que je parle de la phrase et non de Will Rogers.
Merci encore et bonne fin de journée
Réponse : Aide/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 01-03-2020 à 18:26:15 (S | E)
c'est Will Rogers qui a dit cette phrase, donc je maintiens WHO. Une personne ne peut qu'être le sujet de SAY.
Réponse : Aide/Idea of progress de tra44, postée le 01-03-2020 à 20:49:41 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide précieuse et bonne soirée

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