Brevet anglais/ 2021
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Message de mijote posté le 03-07-2021 à 09:35:03 (S | E | F)
voici ce que j'ai répondu au brevet d'anglais 2021.
Quelqu'un pourrait il me corriger s'il vous plait?
Expression écrite en anglais : décrire l'uniforme idéal
For my part, the ideal uniform is the clothes that I choose every morning, where I feel good and free of my mouvements with flashy et light colors . My friends will see me and they will think : "your new look is fantastic !!" They will want all to wear the same look that me but in this case we will be all with a new uniform !!
Merci encore pour votre correction.
Modifié par webmaster le 03-07-2021 09:36
j'ai retiré le reste du sujet, car il y a déjà un corrigé en ligne. Lien internet
Message de mijote posté le 03-07-2021 à 09:35:03 (S | E | F)
voici ce que j'ai répondu au brevet d'anglais 2021.
Quelqu'un pourrait il me corriger s'il vous plait?
Expression écrite en anglais : décrire l'uniforme idéal
For my part, the ideal uniform is the clothes that I choose every morning, where I feel good and free of my mouvements with flashy et light colors . My friends will see me and they will think : "your new look is fantastic !!" They will want all to wear the same look that me but in this case we will be all with a new uniform !!
Merci encore pour votre correction.
Modifié par webmaster le 03-07-2021 09:36
j'ai retiré le reste du sujet, car il y a déjà un corrigé en ligne. Lien internet
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de lucile83, postée le 03-07-2021 à 13:30:09 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
For my part, the ideal uniform is the clothes that I choose every morning, where I feel good and free of my mouvements with flashy et light colours . My friends will see me and
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de capucine7525, postée le 04-07-2021 à 22:37:50 (S | E)
Merci de vos corrections, voilà ce que j'ai écrit.
Thank you very much for your corrections. Here is what I wrote.
I don't think that today, the students have to wear the uniform at school. This way was useful to do no difference between the students in the old day when the clothes were always expensive. Then a difference between rich families and other were visible. But today,it's possible to buy cheap but beautiful clothes. So it's not necessary to oblige all the students to wear the same uniform. And it's important to wear clothes with comfort for all the activities you can practice at school. It's not often the case with uniforms.
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-07-2021 23:11
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de lucile83, postée le 04-07-2021 à 23:16:34 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
I don't think that today, the students have to wear the uniform at school. This way was useful to do no difference between the students in the old day when the clothes were always expensive. Then a difference between rich families and other were visible. But today,it's possible to buy cheap but beautiful clothes. So it's not necessary to oblige all the students to wear the same uniform. And it's important to wear clothes with comfort for all the activities you can practice at school. It's not often the case with uniforms.
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de chris79, postée le 09-07-2021 à 19:28:12 (S | E)
I have been learning English in that British school for three months and I can get used to this uniform and I hate it.It does not fit me and all other children laugh at me every day.
I think it will be better to wear handmade clothes.They are nicer and more comfortable than these old-fashioned uniforms.You know in my village,a long time ago they used to wear a beret ,clogs and smocks:
Ridiculous! isn't it.Definitely,I agree with my friends we needn't wear the same uniform
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de chris79, postée le 09-07-2021 à 19:31:53 (S | E)
I can't get used to
(my bad)
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de frenchie68, postée le 16-07-2021 à 15:24:13 (S | E)
I think we need a uniform to avoid comparisons between the clothes wore by the students. The perfect uniform is not easy to design because it must meet several criteria. First it should be attractive for the children (and their parents) in order to enjoy wearing them. Then it should let some choice between several possibilities, which are similar with the view to keeping the clothes as signs of your school.
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de lucile83, postée le 16-07-2021 à 16:51:28 (S | E)
Hello chris79,
erreurs en bleu
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de chris79, postée le 09-07-2021 à 19:28:12 (S | E)
I have been learning English in that British school for three months and I can't get used to this uniform and I hate it.It does not fit me and all other children laugh at me every day.
I think it will be better to wear handmade clothes.They are nicer and more comfortable than these old-fashioned uniforms.You know in my village,a long time ago they used to wear a beret ,clogs and smocks: ridiculous! isn't it.
Definitely,I agree with my friends: we needn't wear the same uniform.
...and I can't get used to this uniform and I hate it ... le 2e 'and' est en trop, devrait être remplacé par 'because'.
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de lucile83, postée le 16-07-2021 à 16:54:45 (S | E)
Hello frenchie68,
Erreurs en bleu
Réponse : Brevet anglais/ 2021 de frenchie68, postée le 16-07-2021 à 15:24:13 (S | E)
I think we need a uniform to avoid comparisons between the clothes wore

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