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Correction/ thème Mines-Pont

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ thème Mines-Pont
Message de louisanglais42 posté le 25-10-2021 à 11:54:40 (S | E | F)
je voudrais savoir si ce que j'ai fait est satisfaisant, voici un lien vers l'épreuve originale :
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voici ce que j'ai produit :

Decidedly, alien hypothesis isn’t doing unanimity. As suggested by two Harvard’s researchers in a scientific article, Oumuamua a cigar shaped fireball spotted in 2017 during its journey trough the solar system could have been sent by aliens. They have been rudely criticized by the scientific community.
As highlighted by its name which means « messenger » in Hawaiian, Oumuamua was spotted in Autumn 2017 by the telescope Pan-STARRS1 in Hawaï. Its body was nearly 400m long and 40m wide. Because it was the first detected object coming from another stellar system, it has been hunted down by many telescopes. After being qualified to be an asteroid, a team of the European Space Agency estimated in June that it was more likely to be a comet.
According to the own words of the new article authors, an « exotic script » would be that «Oumuamua could be a totally-operational probe intentionally sent near Earth by an alien civilization ». This idea has quickly ignited Twitted and scientific community

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-10-2021 12:19

Réponse : Correction/ thème Mines-Pont de westen, postée le 26-10-2021 à 16:46:06 (S | E)
Hi there!

L'anglais est ma langue maternelle.


Undoubtedly, alien hypotheses have not yet reached a conclusion. As suggested by two Harvard researchers via a scientific article, Oumuamua, which is a cigar-shaped fireball that was spotted in 2017 during its journey through the solar system, could have been sent by aliens. Because of this, these researchers have been heavily criticized by the scientific community.

As highlighted by its name, which means "messenger" in Hawaiian, Oumuamua was spotted in Autumn of 2017 by the telescope Pan-STARRS1 in Hawaii. Its body was 400m long and 40m wide. Because it was the first detected object coming from another stellar system, it has been hunted down by many telescopes. After being identified as an asteroid, a team from the European Space Agency estimated in June that it was more likely to be a comet.

According to the authors of a new article, an "exotic script" would be that "Oumuamua could be a totally-operational probe intentionally sent near Earth by an alien civilization." This idea has sparked controversy not only on Twitter but also within the scientific community.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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