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Lettre de motivation en anglais
Message de minnielo posté le 14-11-2008 à 01:50:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Actuellement étudiante en osychologie, je souhaite postuler pour un échange universitaire aux Etats Unis l'année prochaine, et pour cela je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation dans la langue du pays, ce que j'ai fait.
Est-il possible que quelqu'un me lise et m'aide à corriger mes erreurs?
Merci d'avance à tous.
Dear Sir or Madam,
As a psychology student of the Art College of the Catholic University of Lille, I have the chance to complete my third academic year in a foreign country. To me, to discover a new country, a new culture and a new way of life seems to be an argument which makes me not hesitate one moment to choose a destination far away from France.
I am very interested by going to the United States of America for one year because it is a country I never had the chance to visit but which attracts me a lot. What is especially interesting for me is the fact that psychology is a very developed area in the USA , in the meaning that a lot of great discoveries were made there, thanks to the importance attached by the government to research.
I am more particularly interested by the University of Santa Clara because I am fond of counseling psychology and I think that it would be a great opportunity for me to study this area, which is not very developed in France.
As far as I'm concerned, I love to travel, I am open-minded, I never had some adaptation problems with new environment or persons and I am independant.
I took my First Certificate in English of the University of Cambridge three years ago, and even if my english-speaking is not perfect, I love this language and I hope I could speak it perfectly as soon as possible. On top of that, english is a very important language in the area of psychology in the whole world.
The reasons why I think that I could be a good element for the University of Santa Clara are because I am a serious and dynamic person. I am also good-tempered and very motivated to learn about the USA and more about counseling psychology, because it is the area in which I want to work later.
I would please you to take my candidacy into consideration.
Hoping a positive answer from you,
In both a personnal and professional way.
Message de minnielo posté le 14-11-2008 à 01:50:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Actuellement étudiante en osychologie, je souhaite postuler pour un échange universitaire aux Etats Unis l'année prochaine, et pour cela je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation dans la langue du pays, ce que j'ai fait.
Est-il possible que quelqu'un me lise et m'aide à corriger mes erreurs?
Merci d'avance à tous.
Dear Sir or Madam,
As a psychology student of the Art College of the Catholic University of Lille, I have the chance to complete my third academic year in a foreign country. To me, to discover a new country, a new culture and a new way of life seems to be an argument which makes me not hesitate one moment to choose a destination far away from France.
I am very interested by going to the United States of America for one year because it is a country I never had the chance to visit but which attracts me a lot. What is especially interesting for me is the fact that psychology is a very developed area in the USA , in the meaning that a lot of great discoveries were made there, thanks to the importance attached by the government to research.
I am more particularly interested by the University of Santa Clara because I am fond of counseling psychology and I think that it would be a great opportunity for me to study this area, which is not very developed in France.
As far as I'm concerned, I love to travel, I am open-minded, I never had some adaptation problems with new environment or persons and I am independant.
I took my First Certificate in English of the University of Cambridge three years ago, and even if my english-speaking is not perfect, I love this language and I hope I could speak it perfectly as soon as possible. On top of that, english is a very important language in the area of psychology in the whole world.
The reasons why I think that I could be a good element for the University of Santa Clara are because I am a serious and dynamic person. I am also good-tempered and very motivated to learn about the USA and more about counseling psychology, because it is the area in which I want to work later.
I would please you to take my candidacy into consideration.
Hoping a positive answer from you,
In both a personnal and professional way.
Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de jean31, postée le 14-11-2008 à 18:10:43 (S | E)
Voici ce que j'ai remarqué et rectifié. Sans doute un(e) English native speaker trouverait des formulations plus usuelles, mais telles que modifiées, je pense sincèrement que "ça tient la route".
Petites précisions :
- English, comme tous les noms de langues vivantes, adjectifs et noms de nationanlités, s'écrit avec la majuscule.
- Domaine de ceci ou cela se dit plutôt field.
- Aucune contraction d'auxiliaires à l'écrit, surtout dans ce type de lettre.
- Enfin, et c'est mon seul souci car j'ignore tout dans ce domaine, je pense néanmoins qu'il faut écrire "psychology counseling" et non dans l'ordre inverse s'il s'agit bien de "conseil en psychologie". En tout cas, me fiant à mon seul instinct, j'ai rectifié. Si je me trompe, tu sais quoi faire.
Bonne chance pour ton futur séjour en Californie.

C'est sûr, ça va te changer de Lille...

- ...at the Art College
- ...I am given the opportunity to complete...
- Discovering a new country, culture and way of life is the main argument that made me decide to choose a far away destination.<(inutile de préciser que c'est loin de la France)
- I am interested in going to the United States of America and staying there for one year because...
- ...is a very developed field in the Usa, in the sense that...attached to research by the government.
- ...to study that field which is not very developed in France.
- ...I never had any problem to adapt myself to new environments or persons and I am independent. <(avec 3 e)
- I took the Cambridge First Certificate in English three years ago and even if I am not perfectly fluent I love the language and I hope I can speak it...
-... English is a very important language in the field of psychology...
- I am a serious and dynamic person, which makes me think I would be a good element...//...psychology counseling is the field on which I want to work later.
- Thank you for taking my candidacy into consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
nom complet en clair
Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de minnielo, postée le 14-11-2008 à 21:17:30 (S | E)
Un immense merci pour cette réponse, je vais de ce pas rectifier tout ça!!!!!
Vraiment mille mercis d'avoir pris le temps de me lire et aussi de me répondre!!!
Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de jean31, postée le 15-11-2008 à 12:04:18 (S | E)
C'est avec plaisir et on est là pour ça.

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de linsey34, postée le 15-11-2008 à 16:15:42 (S | E)
Je rajouterai "interested in the University of Santa Clara" et non pas "by".
Puis aussi "I love travelling" au lieu de "I love to travel"
En tous cas, j'approuve la proposition de jean31!
Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de intrepid34, postée le 15-11-2008 à 19:47:18 (S | E)
Good evening neighbours - Jean31 and Linsey34
May I just add?
Line 1 : "I have the chance" is in fact OK - Jean31 would suggest the passive tense which (excuse me Jean) would read better as "I have been given the chance...."
Either tense is ok
Line 4 : Present perfect would sound better : I have never had
Line 5 : Pas meaning, mais plutôt: sense
Line 9 : Again - Present Perfect I have never had ANY problems
adapting to a new environment or people
Line 11: I sat Cambridge First Certificate ......
(to sit an examination)
Line 11: spoken English
Line 12: I could (c'est preterit) I can or I will be able to
Line 12: In the whole world - worldwide (for a better usage)
What Jean31 and Linsey34 have said is great advice - better to write USA in full The United States.......... and any other abbreviations
Wagons ho!!
Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de minnielo, postée le 17-11-2008 à 23:50:55 (S | E)
I would answer to all of you in english, I think it would be more appropriate

Thank you so much for having given your time to help me, I appreciate a lot!!
Merci beaucoup à vous tous!!