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Exercice juste?
Message de eloadu57 posté le 23-11-2008 à 13:10:49 (S | E | F)

Je dois faire un exo en anglais sur les paroles rapporté directement et indirectement.
Comment mettre "can" au preterit?
Au conditionnel c'est bien "could" c'est ça?
5)I don't know what Frank is doing
rep: he said that he didn't know what Frank was doing
6)I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
rep: he said that he sawn Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
7) I haven't seen Diane recently
rep: he said that he seen Diane recently.
8)I'm not enjoying my job very much
rep :he said that he wasn't enjoying my job very much
9) You can come and stay at my place if you're ever in London
rep: he said that you come and stay at my place if you were ever in London
10)my car was stolen a few days ago
rep: he said that his car been stolen a few days befor.
11)I want to go on holiday, but I can't afford it
rep: he said that he gone on holiday but he affored it
12)I'll tell Chris I saw you
he said that he would tell Cris he would saw you

Message de eloadu57 posté le 23-11-2008 à 13:10:49 (S | E | F)

Je dois faire un exo en anglais sur les paroles rapporté directement et indirectement.
Comment mettre "can" au preterit?
Au conditionnel c'est bien "could" c'est ça?

5)I don't know what Frank is doing
rep: he said that he didn't know what Frank was doing
6)I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
rep: he said that he sawn Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
7) I haven't seen Diane recently
rep: he said that he seen Diane recently.
8)I'm not enjoying my job very much
rep :he said that he wasn't enjoying my job very much
9) You can come and stay at my place if you're ever in London
rep: he said that you come and stay at my place if you were ever in London
10)my car was stolen a few days ago
rep: he said that his car been stolen a few days befor.
11)I want to go on holiday, but I can't afford it
rep: he said that he gone on holiday but he affored it
12)I'll tell Chris I saw you
he said that he would tell Cris he would saw you

Réponse: Exercice juste? de laure95, postée le 23-11-2008 à 13:48:34 (S | E)
Comment mettre "can" au preterit?: COULD OU BE ABLE TO selon le sens et le contexte.
Au conditionnel c'est bien "could" c'est ça?: OUI.
5)I don't know what Frank is doing
rep: he said that he didn't know what Frank was doing: OK.
6)I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
rep: he said that he sawn Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine: tes paroles au style direct sont au prétérit donc il faut les transposer au pastperfect au style indirect.
7) I haven't seen Diane recently
rep: he said that he seen Diane recently: seen n'est pas un temps en anglais. si au style direct: present perfect; alors au style indirect: pastperfect.
8)I'm not enjoying my job very much
rep :he said that he wasn't enjoying my job very much: tu n'as pas changé le possessif (le sujet n'est plus I mais he)!
9) You can come and stay at my place if you're ever in London
rep: he said that you come and stay at my place if you were ever in London: même remarque + tu n'as pas transformer CAN.
10)my car was stolen a few days ago
rep: he said that his car been stolen a few days befor: OK.
11)I want to go on holiday, but I can't afford it
rep: he said that he gone on holiday but he affored it: c'est le verbe conjugué que tu dois trnsformer dans la première partie et CAN'T dans la 2è partie.
12)I'll tell Chris I saw you
he said that he would tell Cris he would saw you: would saw n'est pas un temps en anglais. Si au style direct: preterit simple, au style indirect: pastperfect.
Bon courage pour les corrections!

Réponse: Exercice juste? de eloadu57, postée le 23-11-2008 à 13:54:53 (S | E)
d'accord et mercii !!