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burnout (correction) (1)

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burnout (correction)
Message de pimpampoom posté le 23-11-2008 à 16:06:19 (S | E | F)

Je dois préparer un petit texte en anglais dans le cadre d'une formation que je suis actuellement. Mon sujet est le "burnout" c'est à dire l'état d'épuisement professionnel et fera l'objet d'une présentation orale.
Pouvez-vous me dire si mon texte est compréhensible et me faire connaître mes fautes.
d'avance, je vous remercie,
Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by a long-term exposure to demanding work situations.
In other terms, burnout is the result of an important stress during a long time caused by a period of expending too much effort at work while having too little recovery.
Burnout very often concerns people who work in a helping profession as social workers, fireman, nurse, and counselor. Research workers, in their studies, found the workers who have emotionally charged interactions with others are more open to burnout. Nevertheless, any kind of workers can be affected by this disease.
Burnout is a real problem for companies because 5 to 10 per hundred would have a burnout experience with on the average a six months working cessation.
The causes of burnout are various as lack of control, unclear job expectation, mismatch in values and constant energy to remain focused.
Symptoms are physical (excessive stress, insomnia, weight changes and important tiredness) and emotional (negative one self image, oneself depreciation, indifference to anything and anybody, feeling lonely, depressed).

Modifié par bridg le 23-11-2008 17:08

Réponse: burnout (correction) de laure95, postée le 25-11-2008 à 11:19:14 (S | E)
Bonjour Mary, voici ce que tu dois corriger:

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion (orthographe!) caused by a long-term exposure to demanding work situations.
In other terms, burnout is the result of an important stress during a long time caused by a period of expending too much effort at work while having too little recovery.
Burnout very often concerns people who work in a helping profession as social workers, fireman, nurse, and counselor (chosis entre le singulier et le pluriel). Research workers, in their studies, found (pourquoi le prétérit?) the workers who have emotionally charged interactions with others are more open to burnout. Nevertheless, any kind of workers can be affected by this disease.
Burnout is a real problem for companies because 5 to 10 per hundred would have a burnout experience with on the average a six months working cessation (problème de formulation).
The causes of burnout are various as lack of control, unclear job expectation, mismatch in values and constant energy to remain focused.
Symptoms are physical (excessive stress, insomnia, weight changes and important tiredness) and emotional (negative one (pas besoin) self image, oneself depreciation, indifference to anything and anybody, feeling lonely, depressed).

Bon courage!



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