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vegetarian, / Correction (1)

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vegetarian, / Correction
Message de nuyoricaine posté le 23-11-2008 à 17:18:47 (S | E | F)

bonjour est-ce que qulqu'un peut me dire ce qui ne vas pas dans ce que j'ai écrit

I think if eveybody is vegetarian, it will create problems because vegetarians don't eat meat so they have a lack of proteins and other problems. if more person are vegetarian, we will have to create new medicines more effective and like new medicaments are tested on animals it will be worse for them.

b) Animals shouldn't be killed for their fur, good synthetic fur is as beautiful as true fur and kill no animals. We should stop poacher who kill tigers, cats, dogs, baby seal... just to make clothes, it's cruel. Anti-fur protestor should stop them before to attack to people like J.lo who only uses mink or rabbit (even if it's cruel to kill minks or rabbits for their fur but i think poachers are more important and nobody stops them)

c) I agree to say testing new cosmetics on animals is totally wrong. Laboratories mistreat animals, turn them into monsters all that so that to avoid rich people growing old.
It's usefull to create new products to improve our daily but they shouldn't test their new products on animals, they should find another average which won't make animals suffer.

d) To me kill horses just so people can gamble is horrible.Horseracing shouldn't be so cruel, they shouldn't kill them just because they aren't enough efficient or mistreat them because they didn't win a race. if people want to gamble there are casino.

e) According to me owning a wild pet shouldbe illegal because if they are alone closed in a small cage with no place to move they are unhappy. If have an animal were fordibben, it would avoid mistreatment, traffic...

Modifié par bridg le 23-11-2008 17:22

Réponse: vegetarian, / Correction de laure95, postée le 25-11-2008 à 11:26:01 (S | E)
bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:

I think if eveybody is vegetarian, it will create problems because vegetarians don't eat meat so they have a lack of proteins and other problems. if more person are vegetarian, we will have to create new medicines more effective (adjectif toujours avant le nom qu'il qualifie!) and like new medicaments are tested on animals it will be worse for them.

b) Animals shouldn't be killed for their fur, good synthetic fur is as beautiful as true (utilise un synonyme) fur and kill no animals. We should stop poacher who kill tigers, cats, dogs, baby seal... just to make clothes, it's cruel. Anti-fur protestor should stop them before to attack to people like J.lo who only uses mink or rabbit (even if it's cruel to kill minks or rabbits for their fur but i think poachers are more important and nobody stops them)

c) I agree to say testing new cosmetics on animals is totally wrong. Laboratories mistreat animals, turn them into monsters all that so that to avoid rich people growing old (to become old).
It's usefull to create new products to improve our daily (quoi?) but they shouldn't test their new products on animals, they should find another average which won't make animals suffer.

d) To me kill horses just so people can gamble (so >that people can gamble) is horrible.Horseracing shouldn't be so cruel, they shouldn't kill them just because they aren't enough efficient or mistreat them because they didn't win a race. if people want to gamble there are casino.

e) According to me owning a wild pet shouldbe illegal because if they are alone closed in a small cage with no place to move they are unhappy. If have an animal were fordibben , it would avoid mistreatment, traffic
Bon courage!

Réponse: vegetarian, / Correction de nuyoricaine, postée le 25-11-2008 à 14:09:45 (S | E)
merci beaucoup J'ai juste une autre question, est ce que je met animals rights protesters should stop them before to attack me and my farm and giving my industry a bad name
ou .....Before attacking me

I know rearing and killing minks ou I know rear and kill minks

Modifié par nuyoricaine le 25-11-2008 15:08

Réponse: vegetarian, / Correction de TravisKidd, postée le 25-11-2008 à 17:15:45 (S | E)

Réponse: vegetarian, / Correction de gylles, postée le 26-11-2008 à 12:14:07 (S | E)
I have been vegetarian more than seven years, I don't have a lack of proteins when I do blood test, and I seldom sick but I smoke, lol just a comment. Natural medicines also can be developped, it's based on plants.
If all the people would eat vegetarian, more people would be able to eat in this world (but many industries use crops which has grown in poor country to breed there poor object/animals to feed non vegetarian people, so many people can't even have enough food for their living). But in any case I don't try to convince people any more, it seems to be too complicate for them to get rid from their habits. Industries (I mean even formeat) were developed after the Second World War...
However I often go to eat in mac Donald for potatoes or salads, loooooooool

Réponse: vegetarian, / Correction de alami_nour, postée le 26-11-2008 à 22:38:47 (S | E)
it will create problems because vegetarians don't eat meat so they have a lack of proteins and other problems. if more person are vegetarian, we will have to create new medicines more effective and like new medicaments are tested on animals it will be worse for them. b) Animals shouldn't be killed for their fur, good synthetic fur is as beautiful as true fur and kill no animals. We should stop poacher who kill tigers, cats, dogs, baby seal... just to make clothes, it's cruel. Anti-fur protestor should stop them before to attack to people like J.lo who only uses mink or rabbit (even if it's cruel to kill minks or rabbits for their fur but i think poachers are more important and nobody stops them) c) . d) To me kill horses just so people can gamble is horrible.Horseracing shouldn't be so cruel, they shouldn't kill them just because they aren't enough efficient or mistreat them because they didn't win a race.



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