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Correction fautes ' Cartoon ' (1)

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Correction fautes ' Cartoon '
Message de pop68 posté le 17-12-2008 à 16:34:08 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, voilà voilà j'ai écrit un petit texte en anglais mais je pense qu'il ya de nombreuses fautes. Pourriez-vous m'aider à les corriger s'il vous plait ? Ca serait vraiment gentil. Merci beaucoup.

The woman may embody the freedom and independant, clever and beautiful woman who doesn't need men to be radiant and who succeeds in her job. this cartoon reveals some aspects of their story. The man looks like moaning and may not know what he wants. From my point of view, he's messy and at the opposite, his wife takes care of everything and she's active as at work as at home. In addition, she may support her husband and not quarreling with him who may be considered as a stubborn and vain child.
In their relationship, the woman seems to be dominant on her husband. Although on this cartoon, he doesn't seem to be sensitiv,we can guess he may have this feature.

Réponse: Correction fautes ' Cartoon ' de laure95, postée le 18-12-2008 à 10:20:27 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
The woman may embody the freedom and independant (tu as mis l'adjectif et non le nom), (met un point) the clever and beautiful woman who doesn't need men to be radiant and who succeeds in her job. this cartoon reveals some aspects of their story. The man looks like moaning and may not know what he wants. From my point of view, he's messy and at the opposite, his wife takes care of everything and she's active as at work as at home. In addition, she may support her husband and not quarreling with him who may be considered as a stubborn and vain child.
In their relationship, the woman seems to be dominant on her husband. Although on (in) this cartoon, he doesn't seem to be sensitive,we can guess he may have this feature.



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