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Accident de voiture (correction) (1)

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Accident de voiture (correction)
Message de nuyoricaine posté le 10-01-2009 à 13:05:22 (S | E | F)

bonjour, je voudrais savoir quelles sont mes erreurs

After my crash car, I was very happy to be still alive but now that I know Annie better I would have prefered to die. I'm so much in trouble with her,at the beginning I believed she was strange but now I know she's totally crazy and she's able to kill me. I have to find a plan to kill her and to escape. She knows I need my pills to survive so I'm oblige to do what she wants to have them. At this time she's in town so I'm going to make the most of her absence to shakedown the house and to try to escape. I'm so scared, I hope she won't surprise me otherwise I'm dead.


Modifié par bridg le 10-01-2009 13:06
Titre distinctif

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de jean31, postée le 10-01-2009 à 14:00:42 (S | E)

After my car crash, I was very happy to be still alive but now that I know Annie better I would have preferred to die. I'm so much in trouble with her,at the beginning I believed she was strange but now I know she's totally crazy and she's able to kill me. I have to find a plan to kill her and to escape. She knows I need my pills to survive so I'm obliged to do what she wants to have them. At this time she's in town so I'm going to make the most of her absence to shake down the house and (to) try to escape. I'm so scared, I hope she won't surprise me otherwise I'm dead.

Omission réparée. Merci angel.

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de angel84120, postée le 10-01-2009 à 14:20:28 (S | E)
la bonne réponse à mon avis est celle-ci:

After my car crash, I was very happy to(ici "be"a été supprimé)still alive but now that I know Annie better I would have prefered to die. I'm so much in trouble with her,at the beginning I believed she was strange but now I know she's totally crazy and she's able to kill me. I have to find a plan to kill her and to escape. She knows I need my pills to survive so I'm oblige to do what she wants to have them. At this time she's in town so I'm going to make the most of her absence to shakedown the house and to try to escape. I'm so scared, I hope she won't surprise me otherwise I would be dead.

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de nuyoricaine, postée le 10-01-2009 à 14:42:20 (S | E)
merci mais je ne comprend pas pourquoi on enlève le "be"

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de jean31, postée le 10-01-2009 à 14:46:09 (S | E)
Qui parle d'enlever le "be" ?
Il est indispensable à ta phrase.

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de nuyoricaine, postée le 10-01-2009 à 14:47:57 (S | E)
j'ai eu une réponse qui disait : I was very happy to(ici "be"a été supprimé) still alive

Réponse: Accident de voiture (correction) de jean31, postée le 10-01-2009 à 17:37:14 (S | E)
Je confirme que tu dois conserver be, sinon l'expression serait incorrecte.
=> to be alive = être vivant (to alive n'existe pas et angel a peut-être confondu avec to live)



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