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Aide Correction d'un dialogue
Message de zawa posté le 22-01-2009 à 19:52:37 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir tous le monde !
J'ai un devoir a rendre pour lundi mais je ne suis pas sur de quelques expressions. Pourriez vous m'aidez en m'indiquant s'y il y a des erreurs (enfin je suis sure qu'il y en a donc ...
) mais où sont elles ?
Merci de votre aide =)
Voici le dialogue:
Head Rogue: Good evening Miss Thomas. I want you talk about your son. Calvin was caught fighting. It’s a very bad example whereas the discipline is essential for the reputation of our school.
Miss Thomas: Oh … I understand at all. Personally, I am very strict with his sister, but Calvin is a boy and I don’t arrive to control hi, for a while, he is nervous.
Calvin Thomas: Mum’ don’t say that! It’s the first time I am fought. Rupert is bumped into me! And he is called me names! He says that I am a Wa…
Miss Thomas: Be quiet! Calvin, you know the importance of school for your future.
Calvin Thomas: Sorry, it’s not my fault. Rupert provocted me! If I didn’t protect me I have lost.
Head Rogue: How you can say that! It’s not a game! I am disappointed of you reaction and yet your area good student. I must you punish so I give you a essay about “Why the respect for other at all time is important”.
Calvin Thomas: I feel ashamed, and I apologize me.
Miss Thomas: I am agree with your choice it’ a good solution so I will try to have more strict education with Calvin.
Thank you, Head Rogue.
Head Rogue: I hope that it will not reproduce
Message de zawa posté le 22-01-2009 à 19:52:37 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir tous le monde !
J'ai un devoir a rendre pour lundi mais je ne suis pas sur de quelques expressions. Pourriez vous m'aidez en m'indiquant s'y il y a des erreurs (enfin je suis sure qu'il y en a donc ...

Merci de votre aide =)
Voici le dialogue:
Head Rogue: Good evening Miss Thomas. I want you talk about your son. Calvin was caught fighting. It’s a very bad example whereas the discipline is essential for the reputation of our school.
Miss Thomas: Oh … I understand at all. Personally, I am very strict with his sister, but Calvin is a boy and I don’t arrive to control hi, for a while, he is nervous.
Calvin Thomas: Mum’ don’t say that! It’s the first time I am fought. Rupert is bumped into me! And he is called me names! He says that I am a Wa…
Miss Thomas: Be quiet! Calvin, you know the importance of school for your future.
Calvin Thomas: Sorry, it’s not my fault. Rupert provocted me! If I didn’t protect me I have lost.
Head Rogue: How you can say that! It’s not a game! I am disappointed of you reaction and yet your area good student. I must you punish so I give you a essay about “Why the respect for other at all time is important”.
Calvin Thomas: I feel ashamed, and I apologize me.
Miss Thomas: I am agree with your choice it’ a good solution so I will try to have more strict education with Calvin.
Thank you, Head Rogue.
Head Rogue: I hope that it will not reproduce
Réponse: Aide Correction d'un dialogue de jean31, postée le 23-01-2009 à 10:55:49 (S | E)
Head Rogue: Good evening Miss Thomas. I want to talk with you about your son. Calvin was caught fighting. It’s a very bad example
Miss Thomas: Oh … I understand at all perfectly. Personally, I am very strict with his sister, but Calvin is a boy and I don’t arrive manage to control him, for a while, he has been nervous.
Calvin Thomas: Mum’ don’t say that! It’s the first time I am have ever fought. Rupert is bumped into me! And he is called me names! He says that I am a Wa…
Miss Thomas: Be quiet! Calvin, you know the importance of school for your future.
Calvin Thomas: Sorry, it’s not my fault. Rupert provoked me! If I didhadn't protected myself I would have lost.
Head Rogue: How you can you say that? It’s not a game! I am disappointed of with your reaction and yet your are a good student. I must you punish you so I give you an essay about “Why is having the respect for others important at all time is important?”.
Calvin Thomas: I feel ashamed, and I apologize me.
Miss Thomas: I am agree with your choice it’ a good solution so I will try to have more a stricter education with Calvin.
Thank you, Head Rogue.
Head Rogue: I hope that it will not reproduce happen again.
Tu commets beaucoup trop de fautes sur des points de grammaire élémentaire et c'est la seule raison qui m'a convaincu de te donner la correction complète.
Il y a des règles à apprendre et à appliquer.
Mets cette correction à profit pour repérer tes lacunes et les combler au plus vite.
Réponse: Aide Correction d'un dialogue de zawa, postée le 24-01-2009 à 15:15:36 (S | E)