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Inspiration / correction.
Message de thomy55 posté le 24-01-2010 à 15:48:05 (S | E | F)
Bonjours à toutes et à tous
Je viens vous demander votre aide pour une mini dissertation en anglais et vu mon niveau dans cette matière j'aimerais remonter ma moyenne et pour cela je voudrais bien savoir si ce que j'ai mis correspond avec un niveau d'anglais demandé en Première et si quelqu'un s'y connaissant sur le sujet suivant : Pourriez vous dire que l'environnement et l'expérience personnelle sont essentiels à l'inspiration de l'auteur?
Je vous présente mon texte en français et mon esquisse en anglais merci de me corriger si j'ai des fautes S'il vous plaid , merci de votre aide
En anglais:
For centuries, writers of world have marked their pages will their imagination and their inspiration.we can to ask if the authors have built their stories from their environment and their personal experiences are essential to writer's inspiration.
We can say that the majority of works have put on a context beyond time and space in contemporary at the author,ofter taking support on his work to making pass their idea or simply to make dreaming the reader out of the fantastic and wonderful stories from their imagination.
The inspiration can coming to a feelings for a time as in " Grall" of Chritian De Montella who recount the chivalric adventures and epics of Arthur's king through the eyes of Perceval. This book is totally imaginary that based from a legend of the Middle Ages.
On the one hand,an anthor can equally writting that insert irrational elements in the modern world as in "Harry Potter" by JK Rowling that tell stories of a magician totally traveled in a wonderful world.
Nevertheless, thes authors of all times habe been insipiring most of the world around them and personal experiences. Besides, their inspirations often has come from a critique of society around them as in "Candide" when Voltaire describing the philosophy of his century on the human condition and he thought to adopt face the reality of the human condition.
les writers have also inspired ans lied through meetings and are confronted to exchange ideas with others minds will their trips or their previous life which always result in an autobiography in the writer's books as which of Emily Brontë " Wuthering Heights where she has been inspiring his his childhood, his family, the environmental setting from which she came to anchor his work in a space his own time and especially of his childhood.
All in all, we can say that environment and personal experience of the author influence majority in inspiration for theirs books where same the wonderful have found a link with the author's life who have always inspired to real fact.The authors have been influenced by their century and have participed at the evolution of their time even in the fantasy but especially in the autobiographical books or books of society criticism through a utopian or not.
Je tiens à préciser que la première fois je l'avais faite au traducteur mais là vous pouvez vous douter que je l'ai faite par moi même désolé pour toutes les fautes de langue , d'orthographe et de syntaxe mais merci d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 24-01-2010 16:40
Traduction française ici:
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Message de thomy55 posté le 24-01-2010 à 15:48:05 (S | E | F)
Bonjours à toutes et à tous

Je viens vous demander votre aide pour une mini dissertation en anglais et vu mon niveau dans cette matière j'aimerais remonter ma moyenne et pour cela je voudrais bien savoir si ce que j'ai mis correspond avec un niveau d'anglais demandé en Première et si quelqu'un s'y connaissant sur le sujet suivant : Pourriez vous dire que l'environnement et l'expérience personnelle sont essentiels à l'inspiration de l'auteur?
Je vous présente mon texte en français et mon esquisse en anglais merci de me corriger si j'ai des fautes S'il vous plaid , merci de votre aide

En anglais:
For centuries, writers of world have marked their pages will their imagination and their inspiration.we can to ask if the authors have built their stories from their environment and their personal experiences are essential to writer's inspiration.
We can say that the majority of works have put on a context beyond time and space in contemporary at the author,ofter taking support on his work to making pass their idea or simply to make dreaming the reader out of the fantastic and wonderful stories from their imagination.
The inspiration can coming to a feelings for a time as in " Grall" of Chritian De Montella who recount the chivalric adventures and epics of Arthur's king through the eyes of Perceval. This book is totally imaginary that based from a legend of the Middle Ages.
On the one hand,an anthor can equally writting that insert irrational elements in the modern world as in "Harry Potter" by JK Rowling that tell stories of a magician totally traveled in a wonderful world.
Nevertheless, thes authors of all times habe been insipiring most of the world around them and personal experiences. Besides, their inspirations often has come from a critique of society around them as in "Candide" when Voltaire describing the philosophy of his century on the human condition and he thought to adopt face the reality of the human condition.
les writers have also inspired ans lied through meetings and are confronted to exchange ideas with others minds will their trips or their previous life which always result in an autobiography in the writer's books as which of Emily Brontë " Wuthering Heights where she has been inspiring his his childhood, his family, the environmental setting from which she came to anchor his work in a space his own time and especially of his childhood.
All in all, we can say that environment and personal experience of the author influence majority in inspiration for theirs books where same the wonderful have found a link with the author's life who have always inspired to real fact.The authors have been influenced by their century and have participed at the evolution of their time even in the fantasy but especially in the autobiographical books or books of society criticism through a utopian or not.
Je tiens à préciser que la première fois je l'avais faite au traducteur mais là vous pouvez vous douter que je l'ai faite par moi même désolé pour toutes les fautes de langue , d'orthographe et de syntaxe mais merci d'avance

Modifié par bridg le 24-01-2010 16:40
Traduction française ici:
Lien Internet
Réponse: Inspiration / correction. de thomy55, postée le 25-01-2010 à 16:46:26 (S | E)
S'il vous plaid pouvez vous m'aider , pas me traduire tout je pense que c'est pas le but du forum mais me donner des pistes sur les erreurs que je commets beaucoup
C'est pour demain S'il Vous Plaid , Merci d'avance
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