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Correction traduction 'Municipalités
Message de trucmuche77 posté le 26-01-2010 à 14:34:03 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, pourriez-vous Bonjour ! Pourriez-vous me corriger quelques fautes sur ce texte ? Je vous demande pas forcément de tout corriger, mais au moins de me dire les quelques plus graves, comme ça je ne les ferais plus. Merci !
Par contre le "Corps de ville" j'ai laissé volontairement car ça n'a pas d'équivalent en anglais
The municipal power under the “Ancien Regime”
In France of the modern era, with a power of inspiration absolutist monarchy, urban communities remained the only local institutions in which the subjects participation in politics has been a little backed up.
Municipalities are the heirs of communal movement of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Following this movement, the Lords have granted charters to the bourgeois grouped into communes. This has caused extreme institutional variety in the municipalities of France. Each municipality has its own institutions. Cities do not seem to suffer from this diversity, and are rather attached to this particularity, which is a major structure in the defense of their identity. The monarchy does not care to standardize only from Laverdy reform in 1764.
That "Corps de ville" which is the main body of the municipal management. Under various names: (magistrate in Lille and Strasbourg, "Office Server" in Nantes "City Office" in Paris) that council often involves a “maire” and “échevin” in Northern France, and three or four consuls classified ranks in the southern cities. Before any decision, the procureur syndic gives his conclusions after having introduced the discussion by presenting the situation.
The civic body reorganizes rarely, and very moderate. Sometimes there is a downsizing
These bodies are exploring issues such as defending the privileges of towns, hygiene regulations, the security police, poor relief and public works.
The first mission of the “corps de ville” is to defend the privileges of the cities face the challenge to the royal power.
The regulation of urban market is also among the powers of the “corps de ville”. They particularly try to avoid any disruption of supply. They provide the right balance between the interests of small producers and merchants.
The “Corps de ville” will also attempt to develop public health regulations. For example, the “corps de ville” of Nantes prohibited by an order, the abandonment of garbage outside his home, and the vagaries of domestic livestock such as poultry and pigs in the street. Or prohibiting the butcher to leave the blood stream of animals slaughtered directly into the creek. These orders are often repeated what makes us doubt their effectiveness.
Police security is also a function of the “corps de ville”. In Lyon, the “corps de ville” devised a system of watchtowers.
The “corps de ville” act an important role in assisting the poor, especially in Lille. It ensures the transition between control of public charity (which is run by the Church) and the State.
Finally, public works are a priority for the “Corps de ville”
Both for the development of urban space and the defensive systems in wartime. The construction and maintenance of barracks are indeed affected the city budget and not the royal treasury.
One of the recurring concerns of the council was the paving of streets, which was necessary but very expensive. Often, it took a very long time.
To perform all these actions, municipalities had large funds, including from taxes based on the entry and exit of goods in the city. Who also opposed the large deficit of the royal treasury.
Modifié par trucmuche77 le 27-01-2010 16:23
Message de trucmuche77 posté le 26-01-2010 à 14:34:03 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, pourriez-vous Bonjour ! Pourriez-vous me corriger quelques fautes sur ce texte ? Je vous demande pas forcément de tout corriger, mais au moins de me dire les quelques plus graves, comme ça je ne les ferais plus. Merci !
Par contre le "Corps de ville" j'ai laissé volontairement car ça n'a pas d'équivalent en anglais

The municipal power under the “Ancien Regime”
In France of the modern era, with a power of inspiration absolutist monarchy, urban communities remained the only local institutions in which the subjects participation in politics has been a little backed up.
Municipalities are the heirs of communal movement of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Following this movement, the Lords have granted charters to the bourgeois grouped into communes. This has caused extreme institutional variety in the municipalities of France. Each municipality has its own institutions. Cities do not seem to suffer from this diversity, and are rather attached to this particularity, which is a major structure in the defense of their identity. The monarchy does not care to standardize only from Laverdy reform in 1764.
That "Corps de ville" which is the main body of the municipal management. Under various names: (magistrate in Lille and Strasbourg, "Office Server" in Nantes "City Office" in Paris) that council often involves a “maire” and “échevin” in Northern France, and three or four consuls classified ranks in the southern cities. Before any decision, the procureur syndic gives his conclusions after having introduced the discussion by presenting the situation.
The civic body reorganizes rarely, and very moderate. Sometimes there is a downsizing
These bodies are exploring issues such as defending the privileges of towns, hygiene regulations, the security police, poor relief and public works.
The first mission of the “corps de ville” is to defend the privileges of the cities face the challenge to the royal power.
The regulation of urban market is also among the powers of the “corps de ville”. They particularly try to avoid any disruption of supply. They provide the right balance between the interests of small producers and merchants.
The “Corps de ville” will also attempt to develop public health regulations. For example, the “corps de ville” of Nantes prohibited by an order, the abandonment of garbage outside his home, and the vagaries of domestic livestock such as poultry and pigs in the street. Or prohibiting the butcher to leave the blood stream of animals slaughtered directly into the creek. These orders are often repeated what makes us doubt their effectiveness.
Police security is also a function of the “corps de ville”. In Lyon, the “corps de ville” devised a system of watchtowers.
The “corps de ville” act an important role in assisting the poor, especially in Lille. It ensures the transition between control of public charity (which is run by the Church) and the State.
Finally, public works are a priority for the “Corps de ville”
Both for the development of urban space and the defensive systems in wartime. The construction and maintenance of barracks are indeed affected the city budget and not the royal treasury.
One of the recurring concerns of the council was the paving of streets, which was necessary but very expensive. Often, it took a very long time.
To perform all these actions, municipalities had large funds, including from taxes based on the entry and exit of goods in the city. Who also opposed the large deficit of the royal treasury.
Modifié par trucmuche77 le 27-01-2010 16:23
Réponse: Correction traduction 'Municipalités de trucmuche77, postée le 27-01-2010 à 16:27:50 (S | E)
Si vous n'avez pas le temps de tout corriger (c'est vrai que c'est long) regardez juste en gros si ya des énormités

Réponse: Correction traduction 'Municipalités de gerondif, postée le 27-01-2010 à 17:18:47 (S | E)
Vous n'avez pas confiance en votre outil de traduction ? Beaucoup de structures sont calquées sur le français qu'on retrouve bien en faisant une traduction mentale mot à mot, mais la machine ne sent pas toutes les structures:
par exemple:texte supposé:
La construction et l'entretien des casernes sont en effet affectés au budget de la ville.
"The construction and maintenance of barracks are indeed affected **the city budget." Votre système de traduction ne voit pas ce complément d'attribution.
autre exemple:
The “corps de ville” act an important role (joue un rôle important).
français traduit mécaniquement. Parfois, ça passe, parfois pas, surtout pour la place des compléments.
Réponse: Correction traduction 'Municipalités de piquoc, postée le 27-01-2010 à 17:41:43 (S | E)
Salut: en lisant votre texte, en anglais, j'ai l'impression que vous avez commence avec un texte entièrement en francais et que vous avez utilise un outil de traduction pour en arriver ici. Ce n'est pas du bon anglais, ce qu'il vous a fourni, votre outil. Quoique je suis anglaise, et parle assez bien le francais, j'aurais beaucoup, beaucoup de mal a mettre votre texte dans un anglais a la fois correcte ET intelligible. Je ne saurais ou commencer pour vous aider.
Cette phrase, par exemple - In France of the modern era, with a power of inspiration absolutist monarchy, urban communities remained the only local institutions in which the subjects participation in politics has been a little backed up. - Cela ne me dit rien du tout. Même quand j'essaie de la retraduire en francais -

Pour les outils de traduction, pour savoir s'ils sont bons, ou pas, il suffit de copier-coller son texte, disons en francais, et demander la traduction en anglais. Ensuite - copier-coller la traduction donnée, et la faire retraduire en francais. Si vous vous retrouvez avec exactement le même texte qu'au début - c'est a dire, si vous revenez au point de départ - votre outil est super-bon. Mais ceci arrive très rarement.
Je m'excuse, moi-même, pour l'absence d'accents sur certains mots; je n'ai ni clavier ni traitement de texte francophone, et l'outil "vérifier l'orthographe" ici ne trouve pas tout.
Bonne chance
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