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Correction of Text- Richard Lion Heart

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Correction of Text- Richard Lion Heart
Message de zawa posté le 06-02-2010 à 16:19:37 (S | E | F)

Hey !
Could somebody correct this ?
Thanks !

Richard was born on 8 September 1157, probably at Beaumont Palace.
English calls him Richard the First and French calls him Richard Lion heart . It is a famous poet and a writer in his period.
As the third legitimate son of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was not expected to ascend the throne. He have got lot of Brothers and Sisters. Richard is often depicted as having been the favorite son of his mother. His father, Henry, was French and great-grandson of William the Conqueror.
In 1168, Eleanor and Henry II have an argument. His father goes out. Since his mother like him very much He succeeds him for the crown of Aquitaine.
He joins his brothers to fight against his father in 1173. But in 1174 he wants stop and ask for the forgiveness.
In 1183 his brother, Henry the Young King dead. Richard become the heir of the throne. He become King of England; Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou and Maine.
Richard opposes second time to his father. Henri II took as chief princess Alix, while she is promised to Richard. He gives up the marriage only in 1191.
Later the friendship between Philippe Auguste and Richard assimilates this one to a homosexual relation. It is possible to conclude that he was bisexual.

Modifié par zawa le 06-02-2010 16:24

Modifié par zawa le 07-02-2010 20:16

Réponse: Correction of Text- Richard Lion Heart de piquoc, postée le 06-02-2010 à 20:44:03 (S | E)
Salut: je ne me sens pas assez courageuse pour vous aider à corriger le texte entier mais je vous signale que, chez nous, c'est à dire en Angleterre, Richard Coeur de Lion s'appelle "Richard THE Lionheart". Evidemment, comme faute, ce n'est pas très grave! Bien sûr, nous l'appellons "Richard The Lionheart" ainsi que "Richard I" (prononcé Richard the first).

Que quelqu'un d'autre prenne le relais maintenant . . .


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