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New Year /correction

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New Year /correction
Message de miss49 posté le 10-02-2010 à 12:13:42 (S | E | F)


I'm A French student.
can you correct me my text, it's for my school. tHANK YOU

In a few days, the whole world is going to celebrate the New Year. This world party is mostly accompanied with resolutions taken by all. Some specialists predict for this new year of 2010, one year of success, peace or unlike war, and unlike misery. But French and more exactly the inhabitants of Anjou of whom do they think for year 2010? What are their resolutions?

For the knowledge, I went in the streets of ANGERS to question some persons. You go to see that some persons are very imaginative …

First of all, I met a young very smiling student: Ashley Preston. She lives in Canfield, in Ohio and she is twenty four. For this New Year, she hopes to graduates with master’s and to be healthy and happy.

Then, I questioned a student too. Her name and first name are GOODMAN Elnie. She lives in Washington, in Washington D.C. She wishes to help others and to lead a humanitarian trip to Haiti.

Finally, a young pupil came to my meeting. He names Noah GODWIN and is 12 years old. I asked him for its resolutions and for his answer is the following one: «for year 2010, I want to find a girlfriend ".

To finish, as for me, I hope to succeed in the school level but also at the level of the "leisure activities". Indeed, next July I hope to make a success of my examination to become a sapper voluntary fireman. At the world level, I hope for the peace in the world fewer injustices between the various populations.

Modifié par bridg le 10-02-2010 12:27

Réponse: New Year /correction de robertbrou, postée le 10-02-2010 à 19:07:49 (S | E)

Voici mes suggestions.

In a few days, the whole world is going to celebrate the New Year. This world party is mostly accompanied with resolutions taken (en anglais, we 'make' resolutions) by all. Some specialists predict for this new year of 2010, one (utiliser article indéfini) year of success, peace or unlike (??) war, and unlike misery. But the French and more exactly (utiliser synonyme) the inhabitants of Anjou, of whom do what do they think for year 2010? What are their resolutions?

For the knowledgeTo find out, I went in to the streets of Angers to question (utiliser synonyme) some personspeople. You go to (utiliser future de 'to be') see that some persons (idem) are very imaginative …

First of all, I met a young very smiling student: Ashley Preston. She lives in Canfield, in Ohio and she is twenty four. For this New Year, she hopes to graduates with master’s degree and to be healthy and happy.

Then, I questioned another student too. Her name and first name are GOODMAN Elnie (maladroit-on dit her name is first last). She lives in Washington, in Washington D.C. She wishes to help others and to lead a humanitarian trip to Haiti.

Finally, a young pupil came up to me (=s'est approché de moi) my meeting. He names (revoir Il s'appelle) Noah GODWIN and is 12 years old. I asked him for its (its=thing, his/her=person) resolutions and for his answer is the following one: «for year 2010, I want to find a girlfriend ".

To finish (utiliser synonyme), as for me, I hope to succeed in the school level but also at the level of the "leisure activities". Indeed, next July I hope to make a success of pass my examination to become a sapper (sapeur-pompier=firefighter,fireman) voluntary fireman. At the world level From a world standpoint, I hope for the peace in the world with fewer injustices between the various populations.

Hope this helps!


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