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Correction- Studio d'Allegra

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Correction- Studio d'Allegra
Message de sam11 posté le 01-03-2010 à 16:37:22 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, Pouvez-vous me corriger ? Merci.Petite hésitation au niveau du temps je ne sais pas si je pourrait tout mettre au prétérit au lieu du présent lorsqu'il s'agit de décrire.

Après avoir gravi trois étages,on se trouvait devant la porte du studio d'Allegra."Ça ne fait jamais que quatre étages" disait Paule,gaillardement. C'était elle qui avait trouvé le studio. Allegra a fait entrer Paule et Renée dans le studio dont les proportions paraissent par contraste avec l'escalier et la petite porte,assez respectables. Une porte s'ouvre sur une petite cuisine à carreaux de faïence imitation Delft. C'est propre,banal et charmant comme Allegra elle-même,qui porte un jean en velours bleu assorti à la moquette et un pull-over rose en jacquard,tricoté par sa grand-mère et assorti lui,à la nappe et aux serviettes dont elle se sert pour le thé. Renée dit que le studio était ravissant. Allegra en avait tiré ce qu'elle avait pu mais c'était petit.
- Le silence en plein paris ,tu ne te rends pas compte c'est inappréciable! dit Paule.
Il y'a du silence, c'est vrai. Un silence qui fait ressortir le claquement des talons sur les tommettes de l'escalier,les cris lointains d'un bébé, d'une radio, le grondement d'une chaufferie et par la fenêtre de la cuisine, les coups de marteau d'une serrurerie proche.

After we had climbed up three floors,we were in front of Allegra's studio flat."It is only four floors" said Paule with cheers.
she was the one who found the studio flat. Allegra made Paule and Renée showed in the studio flat which proportions were by contrast with the staircase and the little door quiet respectable. A door opened on a little checked kitchen imitation delft. It was clean ,banal, and beautiful like Allegra herself, who was wearing a pair of velvet blue jean matched to the carpet and a pink sweater in jacquard style sown by her grand-mother and IT WAS matched to the cloth et the napkins which she used to serve the tea. Renée said that the studio flat was ravishing. Allegra found what she could but it was small.

-The silence right in Paris? you can't imagine, it is unestimable! Said Paule.
It is true there is silence. A silence which brought out the clinking of heels on floor-tiles of the staircase, the far cries of a baby, of a radio, the roaring of a boiler room and by the kitchen window the blows of a hammer from a nearby ironwork.
Les phrases en bleu c'est celles que je ne comprend pas le sens en français donc j'ai traduit mot à mot d'après ce que j'ai compris.
MERCI d'avance pour votre aide

Réponse: Correction- Studio d'Allegra de laure95, postée le 01-03-2010 à 18:05:07 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
After we had climbed (mettre du gérondif) up three floors,we were (utiliser 1 verbe plus précis comme "arriver") in front of Allegra's studio flat."It is only four floors (mot à mot qui ne rend pas le sens en français)" said Paule with cheers (mettre l'adverbe). "ça ne fait que 3 étages" veut dire: on n'a monté que 3 étages ou l'appartement n'est qu'au 3è étage (sous-entendu que l'immeuble comporte sûrement beaucoup d'étages)
she was the one who found the studio flat (tu peux remplacer par 1 pronom pour éviter la répétition). Allegra made (show in veut déjà dire: faire entrer) Paule and Renée showed in the studio flat which proportions were by contrast with the staircase and the little door quiet (orthographe) respectable. A door opened (présent car description d'un lieu toujours existant) on a little checked (pas pour les carreaux du sol + il manque le mot faience) kitchen imitation delft (faire 1 subordonnée). It was (ou présent) clean ,banal, and beautiful like Allegra herself, who was wearing a pair of velvet blue jean matched to the carpet and a pink sweater in jacquard style sown by her grand-mother and IT WAS matched to the cloth et the napkins which she used to serve the tea. Renée said that the studio flat was ravishing (pas le bon mot pour 1 endroit). Allegra found what she could but it was small.

-The silence right in Paris? you can't imagine, it is unestimable! Said Paule.
It is true there is silence. A silence which brought out the clinking of heels on floor-tiles of the staircase, the far cries of a baby, of a radio, the roaring of a boiler room and by the kitchen window the blows of a hammer from a nearby ironwork.

Réponse: Correction- Studio d'Allegra de sam11, postée le 02-03-2010 à 18:01:28 (S | E)
Merci Laure 95 pour votre aide. Sinon j'ai corrigé mes erreurs dont voici le résultat:
After climbing up three floors,we came in front of Allegra's studio flat."However we climbed only three floors"
she was the one who found it. Allegra showed Paule and Renée in the studio flat which size was by contrast with the staircase and the little door quite respectable. A door opens on a little checked earthenware kitchen delft-imitation (je ne vois pas ce que vous voulais dire par subordonnée). It is clean, banal, and beautiful like Allegra herself, who was wearing a pair of velvet blue jean matched to the carpet and a pink sweater in jacquard style sown by her grand-mother and it is matched to the cloth and the napkins which she used to serve the tea. Renée said that the studio flat was delightful. Allegra found what she can but it was small.

-The silence right in the middle of Paris? you can't imagine, it is unestimable! Said Paule.
It is true there is silence. A silence which brought out the clinking of heels on floor-tiles of the staircase, the far cries of a baby, of a radio, the roaring of a boiler room and by the kitchen window the blows of a hammer from a nearby ironwork.

En bleu c'est ce sur quoi je ne suis pas sur.MERCI Encore

Réponse: Correction- Studio d'Allegra de laure95, postée le 03-03-2010 à 11:23:05 (S | E)
After climbing up three floors,we came in (mettre le verbe arriver) front of Allegra's studio flat."However (but) we climbed only (pas à la bonne place) three floors"
she was the one who found it. Allegra showed Paule and Renée in the studio flat which size was by contrast with the staircase and the little door quite respectable. A door opens on a little checked earthenware kitchen delft-imitation (je ne vois pas ce que vous voulais dire par subordonnée: qui imite..). It is clean, banal, and beautiful like Allegra herself, who was wearing a pair of velvet blue jean matched to the carpet and a pink sweater in jacquard style sown by her grand-mother and it is matched to the cloth and the napkins which she used to serve the tea. Renée said that the studio flat was delightful. Allegra found what she can but it was small.

-The silence right in the middle of Paris? you can't imagine, it is unestimable! Said Paule.
It is true that there is silence. A silence which brought out the clinking of heels on floor-tiles of the staircase, the far cries of a baby, of a radio, the roaring of a boiler room and by the kitchen window the blows of a hammer from a nearby ironwork.


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