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Cause would you support
Message de elise01 posté le 10-03-2010 à 09:27:20 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, voici une question d'expression type BAC que j'ai réalisé afin de m'entrainer car je l'ai ratée lors du bac blanc, pourriez-vous svp m'aider dans sa correction: What cause would you support and fight for in today's world? Give your reasons.
Nowadays, I would support different causes like racism, égality between men and women, global warming and child who couldn’t go to school because their country is too poor.
I would stop discrimination against black people, nowadays in France black people who are french couldn't have a well-paid job or simply a good job because they 're black and because people are always racism in our country so they didn't accept to work with them.
It's unthinkable in 21st century that men isn't équal to women. I would rather men and women are equals because men and women are everyone excellent to manage a country for example, or to have the same salary for the same job.
Another cause which I would try to fight is global warming, in today's world country like China don't watch out for ecology. They contaminate atmosphere with their rejection made by their factory and they didn't think to the consequences on the global warming in our world. In some years pinguin will not live on the icefield because it will melt.
In our world, every child couldn’t go to school because in their country, school doesn’t exist or exist only to wealthy people. I would every child go to school because it’s until to become smart and after have a good job. School should be obligatory and public in every country even if these country are reach or poor.
I would support and fight for a lot of cause but without money and lonely it’s very difficult to fight for these cause.
Merci beaucoup, Elise ;)
Message de elise01 posté le 10-03-2010 à 09:27:20 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, voici une question d'expression type BAC que j'ai réalisé afin de m'entrainer car je l'ai ratée lors du bac blanc, pourriez-vous svp m'aider dans sa correction: What cause would you support and fight for in today's world? Give your reasons.
Nowadays, I would support different causes like racism, égality between men and women, global warming and child who couldn’t go to school because their country is too poor.
I would stop discrimination against black people, nowadays in France black people who are french couldn't have a well-paid job or simply a good job because they 're black and because people are always racism in our country so they didn't accept to work with them.
It's unthinkable in 21st century that men isn't équal to women. I would rather men and women are equals because men and women are everyone excellent to manage a country for example, or to have the same salary for the same job.
Another cause which I would try to fight is global warming, in today's world country like China don't watch out for ecology. They contaminate atmosphere with their rejection made by their factory and they didn't think to the consequences on the global warming in our world. In some years pinguin will not live on the icefield because it will melt.
In our world, every child couldn’t go to school because in their country, school doesn’t exist or exist only to wealthy people. I would every child go to school because it’s until to become smart and after have a good job. School should be obligatory and public in every country even if these country are reach or poor.
I would support and fight for a lot of cause but without money and lonely it’s very difficult to fight for these cause.
Merci beaucoup, Elise ;)
Réponse: Cause would you support de ricou81, postée le 11-03-2010 à 15:20:28 (S | E)
attention, en disant support racism, alors que tu veux dire fight against racism and fight for equality (et pas égality- pas d'accent en anglais).
French, nationalité ou adjectif a une majuscule.
-are still racist in our country, so they don't accept...
Bon courage (je n'ai pas le temps pour le reste)
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