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Message de darkside969 posté le 11-03-2012 à 20:36:10 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît car j'ai une présentation orale qui compte comme examen. J'ai écrit un résumé à partir d'un article que je dois présenter et j'ai quelques doutes sur la formulation des phrases. C'est un texte sur les marqueurs génétiques.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Now, I will talk about « Future Developments »
SSAP profiling is probably an interesting strategy because it can be applied to species within the same conserved motif. Currently, our knowledge of potential candidates still very insufficient. Some species do not share the same SNPs. So, we must improve our techniques by increasing sequentially information and discover other homologous genes.
The kind of markers used is not the same as? (selon) the objectives of the study:
Markers in neutral variation are used for the reconstruction of historical processes. For farmers and breeders, or for ecological studies, it is interesting to study variations in specific genes such as resistance genes, growth genes or reproduction genes.
For convenience, management units based on evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) are defined for the conservation of genetic variation within species. Management units summarize the historic and evolutionary diversity of a taxon. But it would be more appropriate to use the term FSU, Functionally significant units, based on differences in allelic frequencies of genes because, FSUs take into account ?(surement pas bon, prendre en compte) the ecological functions of genes. FSUs present information on the variation of genes which can be very useful in management strategies to protect species
The development of genetics will improve the profiling techniques to identify the best candidates. Genetic profiling could be useful to breeders to improve existing varieties. It will identify the genes that determine the distribution of a species, and selective pressures during the evolutionary historyof plant or animal species. And it might help managers to conserve species by identifying FSUS that contain genetic variation to be (à protéger) protected.
I have finished.
Do you have any questions ?
Merci beaucoup
Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2012 21:08
Message de darkside969 posté le 11-03-2012 à 20:36:10 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît car j'ai une présentation orale qui compte comme examen. J'ai écrit un résumé à partir d'un article que je dois présenter et j'ai quelques doutes sur la formulation des phrases. C'est un texte sur les marqueurs génétiques.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Now, I will talk about « Future Developments »
SSAP profiling is probably an interesting strategy because it can be applied to species within the same conserved motif. Currently, our knowledge of potential candidates still very insufficient. Some species do not share the same SNPs. So, we must improve our techniques by increasing sequentially information and discover other homologous genes.
The kind of markers used is not the same as? (selon) the objectives of the study:
Markers in neutral variation are used for the reconstruction of historical processes. For farmers and breeders, or for ecological studies, it is interesting to study variations in specific genes such as resistance genes, growth genes or reproduction genes.
For convenience, management units based on evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) are defined for the conservation of genetic variation within species. Management units summarize the historic and evolutionary diversity of a taxon. But it would be more appropriate to use the term FSU, Functionally significant units, based on differences in allelic frequencies of genes because, FSUs take into account ?(surement pas bon, prendre en compte) the ecological functions of genes. FSUs present information on the variation of genes which can be very useful in management strategies to protect species
The development of genetics will improve the profiling techniques to identify the best candidates. Genetic profiling could be useful to breeders to improve existing varieties. It will identify the genes that determine the distribution of a species, and selective pressures during the evolutionary historyof plant or animal species. And it might help managers to conserve species by identifying FSUS that contain genetic variation to be (à protéger) protected.
I have finished.
Do you have any questions ?
Merci beaucoup
Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2012 21:08
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais