Les Seychelles/correction
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basLes Seychelles/correction
Message de jadee55 posté le 13-10-2013 à 10:51:21 (S | E | F)
je dois faire un petit travail sur un pays que je dois présenter en anglais! Pourriez vous m'aider à voir les fautes que j'ai pu faire, pour que je puisse les corriger ?
Merci beaucoup
Seychelles is an archipelago in Indian Ocean. In this archipelago there are 115 islands.The population was estimated at 87 785 in 2012.French and English are official languages along with Seychellois Creole.The Seychellois are composed of people who have immigrated: The largest ethnic groups are those of African, French, Indian, Chinese descent. The as adopted on June, 18th 1996. He symbolizes a dynamic new country moving into the future.
Independance and Colonization
In 1609, the British East India Company arrived on the archipelago. In 1756, Seychelles belong to French. In 1814, The British gained control of the islands through the Treaty of Paris.In 1976, The Seychelles became independent from the United Kingdom and Seychelles became a member of the Commonwealth. Today, Seychelles are a Government socialist multiparty republic
Je vous remercie pour l'aide que vous m'accorderez !
J'ai également une question qui porte sur l'article The. Dois-je mettre The devant Seychelles ?
Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2013 12:10
Message de jadee55 posté le 13-10-2013 à 10:51:21 (S | E | F)
je dois faire un petit travail sur un pays que je dois présenter en anglais! Pourriez vous m'aider à voir les fautes que j'ai pu faire, pour que je puisse les corriger ?
Merci beaucoup

Seychelles is an archipelago in Indian Ocean. In this archipelago there are 115 islands.The population was estimated at 87 785 in 2012.French and English are official languages along with Seychellois Creole.The Seychellois are composed of people who have immigrated: The largest ethnic groups are those of African, French, Indian, Chinese descent. The as adopted on June, 18th 1996. He symbolizes a dynamic new country moving into the future.
Independance and Colonization
In 1609, the British East India Company arrived on the archipelago. In 1756, Seychelles belong to French. In 1814, The British gained control of the islands through the Treaty of Paris.In 1976, The Seychelles became independent from the United Kingdom and Seychelles became a member of the Commonwealth. Today, Seychelles are a Government socialist multiparty republic
Je vous remercie pour l'aide que vous m'accorderez !
J'ai également une question qui porte sur l'article The. Dois-je mettre The devant Seychelles ?
Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2013 12:10
Réponse: Les Seychelles/correction de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2013 à 20:10:57 (S | E)
"Dois-je mettre The devant Seychelles ?"
La prochaine fois, faites comme moi: tapez "the Seychelles" sous google et vous aurez accès à des sites en anglais qui disent:
The Seychelles Islands are blessed with weather that is always warm and doesn't reach extremes of heat or cold
The weather in the Seychelles is hot and humid, so bring light clothing for your stay.
Bon, du coup, je l'aurai révisé aussi......
*** Seychelles is an archipelago in *** Indian Ocean. In this archipelago there are 115 islands. The population was estimated at 87 785 in 2012(on trouve plus souvent: the estimated population in 2012 was.....) .French and English are *** official languages along with Seychellois Creole.The Seychellois are composed of people who have immigrated: The largest ethnic groups are those of African, French, Indian, Chinese descent. The as (manque des mots)adopted on June, 18th 1996. He (c'est qui , un homme ?) symbolizes a dynamic new country moving into the future.
Independance and Colonization
In 1609, the British East India Company arrived on the archipelago. In 1756, Seychelles belong to French(mauvais temps; France ou the French ?). In 1814, The British gained control of the islands through the Treaty of Paris.In 1976, The Seychelles became independent from the United Kingdom and Seychelles became a member of the Commonwealth. Today, *** Seychelles are(être ou avoir, posséder, construction bancale) a Government socialist multiparty republic(ordre des mots en vrac ou alors mauvaise traduction d'un robot)
Réponse: Les Seychelles/correction de jadee55, postée le 13-10-2013 à 20:36:38 (S | E)
Donc : Seychelles are(être ou avoir, posséder, construction bancale) a Government socialist multiparty republic(ordre des mots en vrac ou alors mauvaise traduction d'un robot) ===> The government of the seychelles is a socialist multiparty republic
Merci beaucoup pour cette correction très efficace

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