Correction/ essai 250 mots
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basCorrection/ essai 250 mots
Message de neiylah posté le 09-11-2013 à 23:06:09 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
je dois faire un essai de 250 mots en répondant à une question :
Would you be ready to take a gap year? Explain your answer.
Je l'ai fait,et aimerais avoir une petite correction avant de le rendre. Merci d'avance à ceux qui me corrigeront.
Voici l'essai :
I think I would be ready to take a gap year but before I believe I must continue my studies. I know in 1975, Western Europe was the favourite destinations for the mobile students, and I sometimes dream and think that after my studies I would like go out of France for take a gap year in England to learn English. A gap year only can be beneficent.
First, we are in a country don’t speak French so we must speak English, we can perfectionate and used all the vocabulary that we know. Moreover, the fact to hear people speak English can help us to learn this language. It takes a lot of courage to move away from family and friends but even if We miss our family I think we become more independent and this experience makes us mature. During this experience, we mix with an other culture, other tradition, and other people so we must be open-minded.
when we come back from a gap year we must be bilingual. This experience can enrich our résumé and make the difference between us and an other postulant for the same post, it’s an asset. Many people are jobless. These people have degrees, so it’s important to stand out above the crowd.
To conclude I think that take a gap year is an experience to live once during our live because we learn an other language and today know speak an other language can make the diférence.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2013 23:56
Message de neiylah posté le 09-11-2013 à 23:06:09 (S | E | F)

je dois faire un essai de 250 mots en répondant à une question :
Would you be ready to take a gap year? Explain your answer.
Je l'ai fait,et aimerais avoir une petite correction avant de le rendre. Merci d'avance à ceux qui me corrigeront.

Voici l'essai :
I think I would be ready to take a gap year but before I believe I must continue my studies. I know in 1975, Western Europe was the favourite destinations for the mobile students, and I sometimes dream and think that after my studies I would like go out of France for take a gap year in England to learn English. A gap year only can be beneficent.
First, we are in a country don’t speak French so we must speak English, we can perfectionate and used all the vocabulary that we know. Moreover, the fact to hear people speak English can help us to learn this language. It takes a lot of courage to move away from family and friends but even if We miss our family I think we become more independent and this experience makes us mature. During this experience, we mix with an other culture, other tradition, and other people so we must be open-minded.
when we come back from a gap year we must be bilingual. This experience can enrich our résumé and make the difference between us and an other postulant for the same post, it’s an asset. Many people are jobless. These people have degrees, so it’s important to stand out above the crowd.
To conclude I think that take a gap year is an experience to live once during our live because we learn an other language and today know speak an other language can make the diférence.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2013 23:56
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais