Correction/ men and women
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Message de nana26 posté le 11-11-2013 à 12:35:20 (S | E | F)
J'ai un DM à rendre pour demain en anglais.. Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider à corriger les fautes d'orthographe et de grammairesvp s'il vous plaît ?
Ce serait vraiment trop sympa de votre part, merci d'avance ! 
Voici le texte que j'ai écrit :
It is a well-known fact that there is still today the inequalities between men and women. We may wonder if the two acts passed by Parliament in 1970 were social advances ? Do you understand why these decisions were not made earlier ? What did they change in women’s lives ? We will see that opinions differ on the subject
First, we can say that the two act passed by Parliament in 1970 were social advances. The Marital Property Act is created for women gets an equal contribution with that of husband in case of divorce. The Equal Pay Act, etablish the principe of equal pay for equal work. In my opinion, it’s a change for women as a result of these laws are becoming more equal to men in society. According to Chronique of Britain (1992), “Feminist have welcomed both of these new acts”.
I think that these decisions were not made earlier because the society still had stereotypes of the role of women and men. Changes in attitudes in the sixties have allowed these laws. Many things change in the lives of women. Now, they no longer have to be afraid of losing everything in the divorce and earning equal pay, men can no longer dominate financially.
However, these laws are not always applied in reality. While, the British government enacted the "Equal Pay Act" which ended theoretically discrimination between sexes. For instance, the film We want sex equality Nigel Cole shows that the pay between women and men are still 16%.
I don’t understand why these decisions were not made earlier, these acts should exist since forever. In the women's lives are very sure it changes but what really changes its attitudes of society. This is the government who chose these new laws , so the eyes of all are " right.”
To conclude, we can say that these new laws passed by parliament in 1970 have to permit social progress, but only if they are well respected.
Modifié par lucile83 le 11-11-2013 15:11
Message de nana26 posté le 11-11-2013 à 12:35:20 (S | E | F)
J'ai un DM à rendre pour demain en anglais.. Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider à corriger les fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire

Voici le texte que j'ai écrit :
It is a well-known fact that there is still today the inequalities between men and women. We may wonder if the two acts passed by Parliament in 1970 were social advances ? Do you understand why these decisions were not made earlier ? What did they change in women’s lives ? We will see that opinions differ on the subject
First, we can say that the two act passed by Parliament in 1970 were social advances. The Marital Property Act is created for women gets an equal contribution with that of husband in case of divorce. The Equal Pay Act, etablish the principe of equal pay for equal work. In my opinion, it’s a change for women as a result of these laws are becoming more equal to men in society. According to Chronique of Britain (1992), “Feminist have welcomed both of these new acts”.
I think that these decisions were not made earlier because the society still had stereotypes of the role of women and men. Changes in attitudes in the sixties have allowed these laws. Many things change in the lives of women. Now, they no longer have to be afraid of losing everything in the divorce and earning equal pay, men can no longer dominate financially.
However, these laws are not always applied in reality. While, the British government enacted the "Equal Pay Act" which ended theoretically discrimination between sexes. For instance, the film We want sex equality Nigel Cole shows that the pay between women and men are still 16%.
I don’t understand why these decisions were not made earlier, these acts should exist since forever. In the women's lives are very sure it changes but what really changes its attitudes of society. This is the government who chose these new laws , so the eyes of all are " right.”
To conclude, we can say that these new laws passed by parliament in 1970 have to permit social progress, but only if they are well respected.
Modifié par lucile83 le 11-11-2013 15:11
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