Translate/ idiom
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Message de loukaby posté le 24-12-2013 à 10:08:38 (S | E | F)
I would like to know the translation concerning this idiom "Thanks buckets!"
Thanks a lot for your reply
Best wishes and merry Christmas
Edited by lucile83 on 24-12-2013 11:58
Message de loukaby posté le 24-12-2013 à 10:08:38 (S | E | F)
I would like to know the translation concerning this idiom "Thanks buckets!"
Thanks a lot for your reply
Best wishes and merry Christmas
Edited by lucile83 on 24-12-2013 11:58
Réponse: Translate/ idiom de lucile83, postée le 24-12-2013 à 12:00:54 (S | E)
Vous pouvez faire un double clic sur le mot clé et obtenir ainsi un dictionnaire en ligne qui vous donnera toutes les informations.
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Si mes souvenirs sont bons on peut aussi dire :
Buckets of thanks.
Réponse: Translate/ idiom de notrepere, postée le 24-12-2013 à 17:30:59 (S | E)

"buckets" is the English corruption of the French word "beaucoup". Years ago, the expression "murky buckets" (merci beaucoup) was coined on a popular comedy show in the United States. So, in this case, "thanks buckets" means "thanks a lot". As Lucile said, the image of "buckets" can also give the idea of "a lot", but I think mine is the origin.
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Réponse: Translate/ idiom de violet91, postée le 24-12-2013 à 23:53:54 (S | E)
Hello and merry Christmas !
....' mercy buckets ! ' or even 'murky ( dim, muddy...) buckets ' : as a joking mispronunciation for French 'merci beaucoup ' .
Buckets = loads. Thanks buckets > thanks a lot !
This site is thrilling even on Xmas Eve . Thank you so much .

Réponse: Translate/ idiom de lucile83, postée le 25-12-2013 à 08:19:11 (S | E)
Hello dear np
We both agree; in the link I noted above, someone said:
it evolved to mean 'a bucketful of thanks to you' and probably arose as a joking mispronunciation of the French 'beaucoup', eg; merci beaucoup - thank you buckets. See mercy buckets
See you

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