Pronunciation / ed
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Message de mark94 posté le 22-02-2014 à 20:18:31 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone,
I've learned the 3 ways to pronounce "ed" at the end of a word, especially when a verb is in the past tense or past participle. But, I noticed that the pronunciation can be different even with the same final spelling.
For instance, the "ed" ending "walked" is pronounced /t/ because of the k. But in the word "wicked" the "ed" is pronounced /id/ despite the k.
Is it just an exception? Are there others?
Thanks for your replies.
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2014 20:34
Message de mark94 posté le 22-02-2014 à 20:18:31 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone,
I've learned the 3 ways to pronounce "ed" at the end of a word, especially when a verb is in the past tense or past participle. But, I noticed that the pronunciation can be different even with the same final spelling.
For instance, the "ed" ending "walked" is pronounced /t/ because of the k. But in the word "wicked" the "ed" is pronounced /id/ despite the k.
Is it just an exception? Are there others?
Thanks for your replies.
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2014 20:34
Réponse: Pronunciation / ed de lucile83, postée le 22-02-2014 à 20:47:20 (S | E)
The only difference I can think of is that wicked [id] is an adjective not a past participle.
See the form of the verb learned; it is pronounced |t] when a past participle but [id] when an adjective.
You have to learn all that I suppose. It has never been a problem for me. I wonder whether there is a rule for that.
Réponse: Pronunciation / ed de willy, postée le 22-02-2014 à 20:57:20 (S | E)
Here are a few more explanations on page 261:
Lien internet
Réponse: Pronunciation / ed de lucile83, postée le 22-02-2014 à 21:05:31 (S | E)
I found the explanations on page 262
Lien internet
Thank you willy!
Modifié par willy le 23-02-2014 08:14
Mais oui ! Quelle idée ai-je eu d'écrire 261 ?

Réponse: Pronunciation / ed de mark94, postée le 23-02-2014 à 11:22:02 (S | E)
Thanks to both of you.
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