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Lettre motivation/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Lettre motivation/aide
Message de madintaiwan posté le 25-02-2014 à 14:09:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour / Hello !

Je pense partir bientôt en Angleterre trouver un petit boulot tout en découvrant le pays et apprendre la langue.
J'ai rédigé un CV en anglais, à partir d'internet, pour un job dans la restauration dont je n'ai aucune expérience.
Je voudrais savoir si c'était possible qu'un anglophone puisse le corriger ?
Merci de votre aide !

Dear Sir or Madame,

Re: job application

I am writing to you about your advertissement and would welcome the opportunity to work in your establishment.
I am a French student looking for a job in United Kingdom after my university studies. I came in England to discovered british culture and learn much about new professionnal experiences. Be independant and self-suficient are mains keywords of my own challenge. As you can see in my resume, even though I haven't the faintest experience in hostel catering, I decided to gain some knowledges in this business sector. A new experience about a unknown job could give me important skills for myself.

Nevertheless, I am aware of yours expectations about catering work. To provide a good customer relation, to show a personal inititative, to be able to adaptable according to situation and to have strong sense of responsability. In France, I have worked as a labourer in food-processing industry called the Vitré Slaughtering Company, placed in Brittany. Alternated between studies and seasonal work during holidays, I have changed a great deal through my job. Indeed, communication in team job allow myself to give me an awareness of how important are socio-professional links to make good work. Moreover, important work rules of this health regulation shaped my way to work, attentive and responsible attitude is necessary to complete my duties. That is why am thinking to have the skills increasingly needed to progress in this job. Please find my resume enclosed, I should be pleased to attend an interview.

Thanks you for considering this application. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number if you should require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-02-2014 14:47

Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de here4u, postée le 25-02-2014 à 16:44:09 (S | E)
Hello !
It would have been important for me to know what firm you are appyling to ...
I've had quite a hard time with the colours. 'crossing out a word' started a bug ...
blue = wrong
green = suggestions or corrections

Dear Sir or Madame,

Re: job application

I am writing to you about your advertissement and would welcome(very much appreciate) the opportunity to work in your establishmentHotel ? restautant? branch ? company? .
I am a French student looking for a job in the United Kingdom after my University studies. I came into England to discovered bBritish culture and learn much about new professionnal(on N only in English!) experiences. Being independant(independent) and self-sufficient are the mains keywords of my own challenge. As you can see in my resumé, even though I haven't the faintest experience in hostel catering, I decided to gain some knowledges in this business sector field. A new experience about an unknown job could give me important skills for myself and could bring a lot to your firm...(when you want to get, don't forget to be ready to GIVE !)

Nevertheless, I am aware of yours expectations about catering work. I know I will be expected toTo provide a good customer relationship with the guests, to show a personal inititative, to be able to adaptable according to situationS and to have a strong sense of responsability. In France, I have worked as a labourer in a food-processing industry (called 'the Vitré Slaughtering Company', I don't think I'd mention the Slaughtering House to them ...!)placed situated in Brittany.I alternated between studies and seasonal work during holidays, I have changed? (evolved ? progressed? ) a great deal through thanks to my job. Indeed, communication in team jobwork allow (temps !) myself to give meà revoir (très maladroit) an awareness of how important are socio-professional links are to make good work. Moreover, important work rules of? about? this Health regulations shaped my way to work, since an attentive and responsible attitude is (temps)necessary to complete my duties. That is why I am thinking to I have the skills increasingly needed to progress in this job.
Please find my resume enclosed, I should be pleased(repetition=> synonym) to attend an interview whenever you are available.

Thanks you for considering this application. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number if you should require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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