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Bac/ Espaces et échanges
Message de didi44 posté le 15-04-2014 à 21:26:42 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous me dire si mon texte est correct ou pas ou s'il y a des choses à changer.
Merci beaucoup de bien vouloir m'aider.

I'm going to present the notion spaces and exchanges by using the example of the immigration in the United States as well as the American dream. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. I am going to speak to you at first about the immigration in the United States then secondly that is the American dream.
In the course of the last four centuries, dozens of million immigrants made the United States what they are today. They came to live a new life. The history of the immigration of the United States divides in five different periods, each corresponds to specific immigrant waves. The United States were based by immigrants. Most of the immigrants were European, a number also coming from Arab countries, dominated by Ottoman Empire.
We can illustrate the U.S. immigration with Ellis Island, an island situated in New York which from January 1st, 1892 is going to be used by the services of immigrations. Indeed it was the crossing point inescapable of all the immigrants who landed in the United States between the end of the 19th and the middle of the 20th century. Ellis Island received approximately 12 million immigrants between her date of opening and on November 12th 1954 the day of its closure. Before the opening of Ellis Island the immigrants were received to Strong Clinton in the South of Manhattan in Battery Park. It is to face the dissatisfaction of the inhabitants of the city that rejected all the problems on the presence of the immigrants on which we decided to build another reception center on an island for more to have complaint. A documentary was created by Michaël Prazan redrawing the memories of the immigrants and how immigration authorities decided who could enter or not in the United States. These immigrants crossed the Atlantic Ocean to flee a miserable and uncertain existence in Europe, towards a new Promised Land which does not still welcome them with open arms.

The American dream was born during the colonization of America by England. To incite the English people to become colonists and to leave for America, we praised the virtues of this new earth, then symbol of success for those who would choose to go there. This speech stayed but it since changed. Indeed, the American dream is a hope for every person who arrives to the United States: over there it would be possible to build a success by means of perseverance and work. It without distinction of origins, customs or even religion.
The American dream attracts even today a lot of migrants in search of success, in particular financial, whether it is to start a business or make a success of a career. It is by its work, his courage and its determination that every person can make a success of in the United States. The immigrants most European came to the United States because they knew that they could follow their "American dream ", they hoped all they could have a life better than the one that they had before The American dream evokes the idea which the United States offer as nowhere else, the opportunity to succeed and a perfect equality of opportunity. However many Americans thinking today that the American dream is only an illusion and that it is not in agreement with the realities of the country.
We can see that the immigrants come more and more to the United States because it is a country where they can have a prosperous future for them and their families. The immigration this fact more and more because these people want a better life and it say that by leaving from their country it is the best way. The number of immigrants increases more and more and we can see that president Barack Obama set up of new law on the immigration.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-04-2014 22:01


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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