Oral/Mythes et héros
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Message de thomas822 posté le 20-04-2014 à 16:44:37 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous
j'ai mon oral d'anglais prochainement mais je ne sais pas si ma notion Mythes et Héros est bien
Donc j'aimerais bien avoir vos avis.
Merci pour votre aide
Et aussi si je n'es pas trop fais de fautes 
Myths and Heroes
I will talk about the notion of «Myths and heroes». First of all, a hero is a courageous person has the value. It's for example, a Superhero because he help endangered persons and doing good. But a hero can turn into myth if his exploits were exceptional. A myth is a story which is transmitted from generation to generation. A myth can transmit the narrative of legendary characters like gods or also urban legends that make a renamed places such as for example the Loch Ness.
Firstly, I will talk about heroes. It's a normal person who can receive in one way or another superpowers. It can then be put at the service of good : for example Superman, Batman... Or on the side of evil : for example the Green Goblin, enemy of Batman, and others superhero. A superhero is distinguished by the fact that they put a service of others and he does well in saving people in danger. A superhero is worshipped by all. But a hero can also be a normal person. It's for example, a hero of everyday : firemen. His firemen can be those of 11 September 2001. These firemen simply risking their life to save others peoples stuck in the World Trade Center during terrorist attacks. A hero may simply be a person who has a high-powered. This is for example Hercules. He has with superhuman strength. This hero has gone from hero legendary status.
A myth is something of a legend passed down from generation to generation to argue exploits or misdeeds of some. A myth can also live a tourist place to legends like the Loch Ness. But a myth may be a normal person as Martin Luther King. This is a non-violent activist for black civil rights in the United-States for peace and against poverty. He delivered a famous speech in August 28 during the march for jobs and freedom : «I have a dream». He organizes actions like the Montgomery bus boycott. This bus another famous place where the December 1 1995 in the city of Montgomery, Rosa Parks, a black women, refused to obey bus driver who asked him to leave her seat to a White places and go sit at the back of the bus. Since that day, Rosa Parks became a symbol of the fight against the segregation of black.
Heroes like myths, legends like symbol, can all be ordinary people. They simply marked history by their actons, sometimes innocuous. But to be a hero you must first have the courage and be determined before its action. And only then can become a hero and go down in history.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses ;)
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2014 18:08
Message de thomas822 posté le 20-04-2014 à 16:44:37 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous

j'ai mon oral d'anglais prochainement mais je ne sais pas si ma notion Mythes et Héros est bien

Merci pour votre aide

Myths and Heroes
I will talk about the notion of «Myths and heroes». First of all, a hero is a courageous person has the value. It's for example, a Superhero because he help endangered persons and doing good. But a hero can turn into myth if his exploits were exceptional. A myth is a story which is transmitted from generation to generation. A myth can transmit the narrative of legendary characters like gods or also urban legends that make a renamed places such as for example the Loch Ness.
Firstly, I will talk about heroes. It's a normal person who can receive in one way or another superpowers. It can then be put at the service of good : for example Superman, Batman... Or on the side of evil : for example the Green Goblin, enemy of Batman, and others superhero. A superhero is distinguished by the fact that they put a service of others and he does well in saving people in danger. A superhero is worshipped by all. But a hero can also be a normal person. It's for example, a hero of everyday : firemen. His firemen can be those of 11 September 2001. These firemen simply risking their life to save others peoples stuck in the World Trade Center during terrorist attacks. A hero may simply be a person who has a high-powered. This is for example Hercules. He has with superhuman strength. This hero has gone from hero legendary status.
A myth is something of a legend passed down from generation to generation to argue exploits or misdeeds of some. A myth can also live a tourist place to legends like the Loch Ness. But a myth may be a normal person as Martin Luther King. This is a non-violent activist for black civil rights in the United-States for peace and against poverty. He delivered a famous speech in August 28 during the march for jobs and freedom : «I have a dream». He organizes actions like the Montgomery bus boycott. This bus another famous place where the December 1 1995 in the city of Montgomery, Rosa Parks, a black women, refused to obey bus driver who asked him to leave her seat to a White places and go sit at the back of the bus. Since that day, Rosa Parks became a symbol of the fight against the segregation of black.
Heroes like myths, legends like symbol, can all be ordinary people. They simply marked history by their actons, sometimes innocuous. But to be a hero you must first have the courage and be determined before its action. And only then can become a hero and go down in history.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses ;)
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2014 18:08
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais