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Oral / Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral / Mythes et héros
Message de nourelhouda posté le 21-04-2014 à 21:44:57 (S | E | F)
je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'anglais pour le bac et j'aimerais avoir des conseils sur ma fiche et des propositions pour que ça fasse plus "anglais".
Merci d'avance !

How did the American myths evolve, and what is the role of their heroes in this evolution?
I’m going to use 1 text and 2 pictures that deal with this notion. The documents are mainly about the myth of the American dream and the myth of the West.
Plan: I will first tent to show, the evolution of the myth of the American dream then the one of the Myth of the West in a second part.
I) the interpretation of the American dream and his evolution.
So, my first document will be the speech of Martin Luther King “I have dream”.
In his speech “I have a dream”, in which he denounces the conditions of the black people in the US in the past and at the time of his speech, KING explains that his dream has his root in the myth of the American dream. Actually, this dream wasn't born with K, as once century before the political hero Abraham Lincoln involved himself against B's slavery. We can see thus, that black people conditions have improved through the centuries in the US thanks’ to different political heroes.
Let's interest now to the speech's photograph.
The scene takes place at the Lincoln Memorial during the March of Washington. We can see a massive crowd of people in front of him. He is therefore courageous like a hero because he has the guts to call for liberty and equality between blacks and whites in front of all these white people . He even dares to condemn a prominent politician's attitude regarding black people.
So, after having been corrupted by oppression and injustice against blacks, the political and historical hero ML gives to the myth of the American dream another life. And what about the myth and the heroes of the west in the US, have they changed?
II) The myth of the West
In this second and part we will take an interest to the myth of the West, while resting on our third the document which is a still from the movie dancing with wolves directed by Kevin Costner. The Western enhances indeed a lot of heroes of the West conquest, which is one of the wide (= great) Americans myths.

However, this film stages other heroes of the conquest of the west: the Native Americans (= the Indians) contending the Whites who are taking over their territories because they want to colonise the whole of the space between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. When the films in which John Wayne plays describe the Indian as a savage thus feeding into the myth of the Frontier, Dances with Wolves shows a relation more peaceful, more human, and more shared with the “Natives”. The myth of the American West and of his heroes has therefore evolved.
Then the hero of this movie should actually protect the White pioneers who get on in the Native Americans’ territories and be their hero. However, in this movie he becomes a kind of anti-hero because he goes to the side of the Indians and becomes their hero, their protector.

To conclude, that these documents illustrate well the concept of “Myths and heroes” because they show different aspects of it. By their analysing, I succeed to understand that American myths are unsettled : they do not cease to change. However, are these myths still alive nowadays?
As far as I am concerned, I really enjoy this notion, because it allows me to understand that the myths and heroes are part from history and can explain some psyches of a society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2014 21:58


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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