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Oral/ Myths and Heroes

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Oral/ Myths and Heroes
Message de azer33 posté le 25-04-2014 à 09:39:20 (S | E | F)
Voici mon travail pour l'oral du Bac, cependant j'aimerais, s'il vous plaît, une aide pour le corriger.
Merci d'avance !

"Today I am going to speak about the notion Myths and heroes.

First of all a hero is a person who is admired because he has done something outstanding and he has nobles qualities like bravery or strength. Furthermore, a hero has done something special and risked his own life to change our world. He can be a source of inspiration for others. Two types of heroes are possible, on one hand, there are the fictional ones who can be mythological heroes like Ulysses, superheroes or heroes of a story and on the other hand, there are the real heroes who can be historical heroes, modern heroes like the firefighters after the World Trade Center tragedy in 2001 or the one day heroes. Heroes can take part in a myth which is a collective belief at the origin of the creation of a nation, it can be a false or a legendary story. Today I have decided to speak about a famous myth which is the American dream. First we’ll see this myth has a popular belief thanks to Franck Sinatra’s song untitled New York, then I’ll speak about this myth as a false story, to support my words I’ll use a video which shows the actions of a campaign for a charity. To finish I’ll show that it is not given to everyone to live in the United States so the American Dream is broken for a large population of immigrant like in the oral comprehension untitled The wall.

So we studied a song sung by Franck Sinatra who is a famous American singer and actor untitled New York where we can learn that people believe if they migrate to America they will have a better life. This song does the portrait of a homeless person from a foreign country who wants to flee from misery. He wants people to know that he is migrating to New York City which is an American town where immigrants used to arrive from 1876 and 1954 more precisely on Ellis Island. However, the narrator is about to go to New York City but he is still in his home country, his dream is to reach the top. This song illustrates the fact that the American Dream is possible as long as you work enough, furthermore, New York is the gateway to America because the immigrants had to through the immigration center on Ellis Island which is a museum since 1954.

However, this myth can’t be a success for everyone. Indeed, we studied a video of a campaign for a charity and in which we can see some homeless people with some of them who were disabled singing Franck Sinatra’s song. The aim of this campaign is to debunk the myth of the American Dream and denounce it as a false story. Indeed, there is a shape of contrast between the lyrics of the song which give people hope and the images of those homeless people in the street.

Finally, it is not given to everyone to live in the United States so the American Dream is broken for a large population of immigrants who tried to pass the border fence and who never succeed. We studied in an oral comprehension untitled The wall that there is a border fence between the United States and Mexico to prevent illegal immigrants from Mexico from entering the United States. This border fence is used to avoid drug trafficking or to limit violence. The aim of his document is to denounce the American policy of immigration and the strict laws which regulate immigration. Those laws are completely opposed to the birth of the United States.

To conclude, even if many immigrants have the same dream which is to reach the United States to feel free and to begin a new life, they mustn’t believe this myth because it is only a dream, something they really want but they won’t get it for most of them."

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2014 12:26

Réponse: Oral/ Myths and Heroes de azer33, postée le 25-04-2014 à 15:23:31 (S | E)
S'il vous plait ..


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