Oral/segregation USA
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basOral/segregation USA
Message de tony974 posté le 04-05-2014 à 18:34:54 (S | E | F)
Je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mon exposé.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
The title is « The racial segregation in the USA from eighteen seventy five to now ».
First, the first of march eighteen seventy five, the congress imposes the civil right act.
The congress of United States, adopts the civil right act who ensures equality of rights for colored people. In América of the post-war reconstruction of secession, the question of racial segregation (transport, justice, jobs,...) became a key issue, but utlimately unworkable in practice, the civil rights act will gradually be abandonned before being declared unconstitutional by the supreme court in eighteen eighty, in the context of civil rights cases.
Second, the seventh of june eighteen ninety two, Homer Plessy, metiss, was arrested because he refused to leave the place he occuped in a compartment reserved for whites on a train. This event will make the supreme court of the USA, in the trial « Plessy against Ferguson » to adopt the doctrine of « Separate but equal » who legalizes racial segregation. In nineteen fifty-four, segregation begins at the initiative of the supreme court.
Third, the first of december nineteen fiftyfive, in a bus of Montgomery (Alabama), Rosa Parks, a black woman who was forty two years old, refused to give up her place for a white man. Rosa Parks was arrested by the police and convited to pay a fine of fifteen dollars. On the thirteenth of november nineteen fifty six, the supreme court declared the law of segregation of Montgomery illegals.
Then, Nelson Mandela was born on the eighteenth of july nineteen eighteen in South Africa. He was famous as a politician at the orders of the fight apartheid. He became president of south Africa in nineteen ninety four till nineteen ninety. His life is artuculate about the fight against racial segregation. He obtained the nobel prize in nineteen ninety three. Mandela he's dead the fiveth of december twenty thirteen at the age of ninety five in Johannesburg.
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2014 18:39
Message de tony974 posté le 04-05-2014 à 18:34:54 (S | E | F)
Je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mon exposé.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
The title is « The racial segregation in the USA from eighteen seventy five to now ».
First, the first of march eighteen seventy five, the congress imposes the civil right act.
The congress of United States, adopts the civil right act who ensures equality of rights for colored people. In América of the post-war reconstruction of secession, the question of racial segregation (transport, justice, jobs,...) became a key issue, but utlimately unworkable in practice, the civil rights act will gradually be abandonned before being declared unconstitutional by the supreme court in eighteen eighty, in the context of civil rights cases.
Second, the seventh of june eighteen ninety two, Homer Plessy, metiss, was arrested because he refused to leave the place he occuped in a compartment reserved for whites on a train. This event will make the supreme court of the USA, in the trial « Plessy against Ferguson » to adopt the doctrine of « Separate but equal » who legalizes racial segregation. In nineteen fifty-four, segregation begins at the initiative of the supreme court.
Third, the first of december nineteen fiftyfive, in a bus of Montgomery (Alabama), Rosa Parks, a black woman who was forty two years old, refused to give up her place for a white man. Rosa Parks was arrested by the police and convited to pay a fine of fifteen dollars. On the thirteenth of november nineteen fifty six, the supreme court declared the law of segregation of Montgomery illegals.
Then, Nelson Mandela was born on the eighteenth of july nineteen eighteen in South Africa. He was famous as a politician at the orders of the fight apartheid. He became president of south Africa in nineteen ninety four till nineteen ninety. His life is artuculate about the fight against racial segregation. He obtained the nobel prize in nineteen ninety three. Mandela he's dead the fiveth of december twenty thirteen at the age of ninety five in Johannesburg.
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2014 18:39
Réponse: Oral/segregation USA de here4u, postée le 04-05-2014 à 19:27:05 (S | E)
Hello !

bleu = erreur
XXX = il manque quelque chose
The title is «
First,XX Boff la répétition ...XX(que met-on devant une date ?) the first of march eighteen seventy five, the congress imposes the civil right act.
The congress of XXX United States, adopts the civil right act who ensures equality of rights for colored people. In XXX América of the post-war reconstruction of secession(You're speaking of the Civil War!), the question of racial segregation (transport, justice, jobs,...) became a key issue, but utlimately unworkable in practice, the civil rights act will gradually be abandonned before being declared unconstitutional by the supreme court in eighteen eighty, in the context of civil rights cases.
Second,XX the seventh of june eighteen ninety two, Homer Plessy, metiss, was arrested because he refused to leave the place he occuped in a compartment reserved for whites on a train. This event will make the supreme court of the USA, in the trial « Plessy against Ferguson » to adopt the doctrine of « Separate but equal » who legalizes racial segregation. In nineteen fifty-four, segregation begins at the initiative of the supreme court.
Third,XX the first of december nineteen fiftyfive, in a bus of Montgomery (Alabama), Rosa Parks, a black woman who was forty two years old, refused to give up her place for a white man. Rosa Parks was arrested by the police and conviXted to pay a fine of fifteen dollars. On the thirteenth of november nineteen fifty six, the supreme court declared the law of segregation of Montgomery illegals.(You didn't even say what happened when Mrs P was arrested !!!)
Then, Nelson Mandela was born on(Yes!) the eighteenth of july nineteen eighteen in South Africa. He was famous as a politician at the orders of the fight XXXXX apartheid. He became president of south Africa in nineteen ninety four till nineteen ninety.????? His life is artuculate about the fight against racial segregation. He obtained the nobel prize in nineteen ninety three. Mandela
First, Second, Third = très maladroits ...
Il manque toutes les majuscules (ça ne s'entend pas à un oral, mais serait fatal un jour d'écrit ...)
Revoir le temps de la narration en anglais ... (tous les temps sont faux ...)
Quelle étrange idée d'intituler cet essai 'Segregation in the US' et de parler de Mandela ... C'est franchement hors sujet ... Il faut parler de ML King dont c'était la première action publique à Montgomery ... et arrêter à la fin des années 60s.
Au travail ! Bon courage.

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais