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Besoin /correcteur /// (1)

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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Besoin /correcteur ///
Message de houss posté le 05-05-2014 à 20:12:18
Je dois écrire la suite d'une histoire d'un meurtre en anglais voila mon texte :

The secreary of Tobias arrived in the office after two hours. At the begining, when she saw the body, she shouted but then she tried to regain her self-control and called the cops.
Cops arrived, examined the place and declared Tobias death. Because Tobias had the gun in his hand, every cops throught he had committed a suicide. After reviewing tobias's body, the inpector in charge of this case stood up and pronouced whith fatles:
" It's a murder" under atonished of other cops. The inspector called William, well known for solving many of cases. He explained that the gun was in the left hand whereas Tobis is right-handed. Moreaver when we committed a suicide, we shot in the left of the head or in the right and not in the middle head. William noticed that nothing was stolen. So the murderer was close to Tobias. Without be carfull, William overturned the trash and saw a note of the train.
He known that a rich like Tobias didn't took the train then he inquired about trains from lowbridge at 3h 15 pm.
The only train from lowbridge at this time was which Ambridge. The inspector interrogated the secretary to know the personnal life of Tobias. He learnt that the only person Tobias knowed to Ambridge is his nephew, James. He learnt also that Tobias had a meeting with the lawyer today. He called immediately the lawyer, explained brifly the situation an asked him why Tobias had to meet him?
The lawyer, suprised say flouting: " he wanted to see me because he wanted to changed his will about James,his newphew.
He hung and we could see a smile on the face of William: "I yours"

Merci de me corriger

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2014 21:39
Votre texte provient de toute évidence d'un traducteur en ligne, ce que nous ne corrigeons pas car votre travail n'a aucun intérêt.
Vous pouvez consulter un dictionnaire (pas un traducteur) en faisant un double clic sur un mot.
Merci de nous proposer un travail personnel qui sera alors sans doute vérifié.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Besoin /correcteur /// de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2014 à 21:01:38
votre "I yours" probablement la traduction de "je les tiens" "Tu es fait mon gaillard!" me fait quand même penser à un abus du traducteur automatique , comme:"declared Tobias death" non ? Sans parler de "un billet de train: "a note of the train."

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