Dialogue/ Esclavage
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basDialogue/ Esclavage
Message de verm posté le 24-05-2014 à 21:59:03 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai besoin d'aide pour corriger un devoir s'il vous plaît
Le sujet porte sur l'esclavage et/ou le racisme en Amérique.
J'ai terminé mon dialogue, mais je pense qu'il y a quelques erreurs...
Pourriez-vous m'aider ? :D
Merci d'avance !
The scene takes place in 1868 in a deserted plantation a few years after the abolishment of Slavery.
- "Hello darling... Ooh! What is all this? We leave the house? Ha-ha!
- No! I leave the house! I can't stand anymore this life! Did you saw where we live?
- Yeah! We live in a beautiful castle; encircled with a huge forest...It lacks only one thing... Slavery…
- Slavery? You are really crazy! And no Jeff! We don’t live in a “beautiful castle, encircled with a huge forest”… No, we live in a gloomy place, haunted by the horrors which you did.
- What do you mean?
- You ask me what I mean. I mean all men, women and children you have exploited during 20 years, all you have mistreated, all you have destroyed the life, and all you have killed!Now, do you remember?
- Of course I remember! Ahh... It was the best years of my life, you know?
I had the power, and I felt powerful and superior.
- Superior? How can you feel superior? You were just a coward who hid behind his weapon and…
-Hush! I was a rich and famous man in all Virginia. But now I am nothing.
I have to cut wood from sunrise to sunset and I AM TIRED! You understand!
Why? Because one day our president decided the abolishment of slavery! This stupid Lincoln…
- Don't speak about him like that! Abraham Lincoln was a hero, he saved America! And now, thanks to him, all slaves of America are free! They can walk, eat, sleep, speak and live without the fear of being whipped, tortured or killed by mad men like you.
- And that is the problem! Because of him, I have lost everything! Ooh... this whip is all my life...
Thanks to him we had obedient slaves, we had good crops, and we had this huge house. This is thanks to this whip that you have all jewelry that I gave you. And this is how you thank me?
Ooh! Sniff...I can remember the tears, the screaming, the pleas for help, the blood, and...
- Stoop! Oh my God! You are a psychopath! Since 1848 I live with you. Since 1848, I have to support you and support your acts of violence. But now it is finished! I can't stand you anymore! I leave the house, definitively.
- Aha! Poor Elisabeth… You cannot resist more than one day without me. You don't have any money; you will end up homeless and alone.
- Alone? You make a mistake! I am not alone ... I met another men, his name is Nawed.
- WHAT? Is it a joke? You are unfaithful? And who is this "Nawed»?
- We only know one Nawed, Jeff!
- What do you mean? Nawed… Our arrogant slave?
- He is not our slave; he's now a free man! And he is not arrogant, just brave! All the contrary of you!
- I can't believe it! You leave me, for a slave? For Nawed? This inferior and dirty man?
No it's impossible!
- Of course it's possible! Nawed and all the slaves are not inferior! You, me and all the slaves, we are equal, we are the same... And you shouldn't consider them like a racially inferior or like animals!
- But you are becoming crazy Elizabeth! No, we are not equal! Firstly, they cannot read and write; they are illiterates! And...
- Hush! Jeff! It's finish! I am getting married with Nawed! And that's all!
- Oh My God! You, married with a slave? You, Elisabeth Mc Gregor married with this ridiculous Nawed? You, Elisabeth, a rich and noble woman, married with this tramp?
I can't believe it! Leave this house Elisabeth! Now!
- With pleasure! Goodbye Jeff!"
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2014 22:22
Message de verm posté le 24-05-2014 à 21:59:03 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai besoin d'aide pour corriger un devoir s'il vous plaît

Le sujet porte sur l'esclavage et/ou le racisme en Amérique.
J'ai terminé mon dialogue, mais je pense qu'il y a quelques erreurs...
Pourriez-vous m'aider ? :D
Merci d'avance !
The scene takes place in 1868 in a deserted plantation a few years after the abolishment of Slavery.
- "Hello darling... Ooh! What is all this? We leave the house? Ha-ha!
- No! I leave the house! I can't stand anymore this life! Did you saw where we live?
- Yeah! We live in a beautiful castle; encircled with a huge forest...It lacks only one thing... Slavery…
- Slavery? You are really crazy! And no Jeff! We don’t live in a “beautiful castle, encircled with a huge forest”… No, we live in a gloomy place, haunted by the horrors which you did.
- What do you mean?
- You ask me what I mean. I mean all men, women and children you have exploited during 20 years, all you have mistreated, all you have destroyed the life, and all you have killed!Now, do you remember?
- Of course I remember! Ahh... It was the best years of my life, you know?
I had the power, and I felt powerful and superior.
- Superior? How can you feel superior? You were just a coward who hid behind his weapon and…
-Hush! I was a rich and famous man in all Virginia. But now I am nothing.
I have to cut wood from sunrise to sunset and I AM TIRED! You understand!
Why? Because one day our president decided the abolishment of slavery! This stupid Lincoln…
- Don't speak about him like that! Abraham Lincoln was a hero, he saved America! And now, thanks to him, all slaves of America are free! They can walk, eat, sleep, speak and live without the fear of being whipped, tortured or killed by mad men like you.
- And that is the problem! Because of him, I have lost everything! Ooh... this whip is all my life...
Thanks to him we had obedient slaves, we had good crops, and we had this huge house. This is thanks to this whip that you have all jewelry that I gave you. And this is how you thank me?
Ooh! Sniff...I can remember the tears, the screaming, the pleas for help, the blood, and...
- Stoop! Oh my God! You are a psychopath! Since 1848 I live with you. Since 1848, I have to support you and support your acts of violence. But now it is finished! I can't stand you anymore! I leave the house, definitively.
- Aha! Poor Elisabeth… You cannot resist more than one day without me. You don't have any money; you will end up homeless and alone.
- Alone? You make a mistake! I am not alone ... I met another men, his name is Nawed.
- WHAT? Is it a joke? You are unfaithful? And who is this "Nawed»?
- We only know one Nawed, Jeff!
- What do you mean? Nawed… Our arrogant slave?
- He is not our slave; he's now a free man! And he is not arrogant, just brave! All the contrary of you!
- I can't believe it! You leave me, for a slave? For Nawed? This inferior and dirty man?
No it's impossible!
- Of course it's possible! Nawed and all the slaves are not inferior! You, me and all the slaves, we are equal, we are the same... And you shouldn't consider them like a racially inferior or like animals!
- But you are becoming crazy Elizabeth! No, we are not equal! Firstly, they cannot read and write; they are illiterates! And...
- Hush! Jeff! It's finish! I am getting married with Nawed! And that's all!
- Oh My God! You, married with a slave? You, Elisabeth Mc Gregor married with this ridiculous Nawed? You, Elisabeth, a rich and noble woman, married with this tramp?
I can't believe it! Leave this house Elisabeth! Now!
- With pleasure! Goodbye Jeff!"
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2014 22:22
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais