The missing vowels/244
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/244
Message de marit64 posté le 17-01-2018 à 22:32:54 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.
1- To walk about in shallow water. ..... (d l p d)
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ..... (t c s)
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ..... (t l n) 1
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ..... (k s l c) 2
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ..... (n m l) 2
7- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ..... (d g) 2
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... (t c l r t) 2
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (s r n)
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 17-01-2018 à 22:32:54 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

1- To walk about in shallow water. ..... (d l p d)

2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2

3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ..... (t c s)

4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ..... (t l n) 1

5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ..... (k s l c) 2

6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ..... (n m l) 2

7- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2

8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ..... (d g) 2

9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... (t c l r t) 2

10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (s r n)

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de flowermusic, postée le 18-01-2018 à 00:03:45 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try
Salut à la fine équipe

1- To walk about in shallow water. ..... (d l p d) paddle
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2 unpick
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ..... (t c s) cyst
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ..... (t l n) 1 lint
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ..... (k s l c) 2 sickle
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ..... (n m l) 2 manly
7- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2 trifle
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ..... (d g) 2 goad
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... (t c l r t) 2 clatter
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (s r n) arson
Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de chocolatcitron, postée le 18-01-2018 à 01:32:59 (S | E)
The missing vowels/244
Message de marit64 posté le 17-01-2018 à 22:32:54 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for this new game !

Hi Everybody, and particulary « La fine équipe »!

Here is my work :
1- To walk about in shallow water. (d l p d) paddle = patauger.
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2 unpick = démêler, démonter, défaire des mailles ou des points.
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. (t c s) cyst = kyste.
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. (t l n) 1 lint = tissu ouaté pour les pansements, mais aussi peluche.
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. (k s l c) 2 sickle = faucille.
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. (n m l) 2 manly =viril, masculin, mâle.
7- Anything of very little value. (f t l r) 2 trifle = rien, pacotille.
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). (d g) 2 goad = provoquer, pousser, obliger...
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. (t c l r t) 2 clatter = fracas.
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose.. (s r n) arson = incendie volontaire, ou incendie criminel.
Good luck and have fun! Yes it was funny!

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de afarodj, postée le 18-01-2018 à 12:35:32 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.
1- To walk about in shallow water. ..... (d l p d) .- Paddle.- Patauger.
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2 .- Unpick.- Découdre.
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ..... (t c s) .- Cyst.- kyste.
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ..... (t l n) 1 .- Lint.- Gaze.
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ..... (k s l c) 2 .- Sickle.-Faucille.
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ..... (n m l) 2 .- Manly.- Viril.
7- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2 .- Trifler.- Broutille.
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ..... (d g) 2 .- Goad.- Provoquer.
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... (t c l r t) 2 .- Clatter.-Fracas.
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (s r n) .- Arson.-Incendie criminel.
Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de daisy50, postée le 18-01-2018 à 18:08:56 (S | E)
Hello marit,
Here is my try :
1- To walk about in shallow water. ..... (d l p d) paddle
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2 unpick
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ..... (t c s) cyst
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ..... (t l n) 1 lint
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ..... (k s l c) 2 sickle
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ..... (n m l) 2 manly
7- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2 trifle
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ..... (d g) 2 goad
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... (t c l r t) 2 clatter
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (s r n) arson
Thanks Marit for this exercise a little bit difficult, but always very interesting.
Have a nice week. See you soon!
Bonjour Flowermusic, Chocolatcitron, Afarodj et tous les autres.
Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de sanna6, postée le 21-01-2018 à 06:40:57 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Here is my try :
1- To walk about in shallow water. ...To paddle - Patauger
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted)...To unpick - Découdre
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. ...Cyst - Kyste
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. ...Lint - Tissu ouaté (pour pansements)
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. ...Sickle - Faucille
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. ...Manly - Viril
7- Anything of very little value. ...Trifle - Bagatelle
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). ...To goad - Provoquer
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ... Clatter - Fracas
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ...Arson - Incendie criminel
I thank you for this new Missing Vowels Marit

Hope a nice week for everyone!
Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de swan85, postée le 22-01-2018 à 13:38:53 (S | E)
1- To walk about in shallow water (d l p d) PADDLE
2- To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). (p k n c) 2 UNPICK
3- A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin. (t c s) CYST
4- Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds. (t l n) 1 LINT
5- A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc. (k s l c) 2 SICKLE
6- Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc (n m l) 2 . MANLY
7- Anything of very little value. (f t l r) 2 TRIFLE
8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc (d g) 2 GOAD
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. (t c l r t) 2 CLATTER
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. (s r n) ARSON
Thank you very much for your very interesting exercise.
See you
Réponse : The missing vowels/244 de gmlanglet37, postée le 23-01-2018 à 13:30:46 (S | E)
1- To walk about in shallow water. puddle.
2-To take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted). unpick
3-A kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin . cyst
4-Linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds.- lint
5-A tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc.sickle
6-Having the qualities thought desirable in a man; strength, determination, courage etc. manly
7-Anything of very little value. trifle
8-To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). goad
9- A loud noise like hard objects falling striking against each other etc. ..... clatter
10- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... Arson
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux