Rapport /stage
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basRapport /stage
Message de lorette6912 posté le 30-01-2018 à 11:30:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.
Je suis en 3e. J ai un niveau médiocre en anglais et je suis en grande difficulté dans cette matière.
Catastrophe j ai un rapport de stage à faire en anglais.... please help me!!!
Pourriez-vous m'aider pour la correction s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.
For m'y training period, I decided to work in a municipal nursery (une crèche). I have good contact with children.
The nursery welcomes children aged 2months to 3years.
This structure is composed of 13employees.
Description of a typical day:
-7h15 installation of playgrounds
-7h30 parents and children welcom
-8h free games for thé children
-9h15 snack with fruit juce or water
-9h30 workshop manuel activities (painting,modeling clay, coloring...)
-10h15 diaper changers for kids
-10h45 singing ridge to wash your hands before the meal.
-11h15 meal
-12h30 quiet time To take a nap
-14h directed activities (theater, singing,tell a story...)
-15h40 To taste (dairy,fruit,bread...)
-16h30 free games
-17h 18h30 departure of children
-18h45 closing
I enjoyed my training period. I loved working with small children. This training period allowed me To discover the trades of the early childhood and allowed me To consider my futur carear with children.
Merci merci pour votre aide.
Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2018 11:47
Message de lorette6912 posté le 30-01-2018 à 11:30:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.
Je suis en 3e. J ai un niveau médiocre en anglais et je suis en grande difficulté dans cette matière.
Catastrophe j ai un rapport de stage à faire en anglais.... please help me!!!
Pourriez-vous m'aider pour la correction s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.
For m'y training period, I decided to work in a municipal nursery (une crèche). I have good contact with children.
The nursery welcomes children aged 2months to 3years.
This structure is composed of 13employees.
Description of a typical day:
-7h15 installation of playgrounds
-7h30 parents and children welcom
-8h free games for thé children
-9h15 snack with fruit juce or water
-9h30 workshop manuel activities (painting,modeling clay, coloring...)
-10h15 diaper changers for kids
-10h45 singing ridge to wash your hands before the meal.
-11h15 meal
-12h30 quiet time To take a nap
-14h directed activities (theater, singing,tell a story...)
-15h40 To taste (dairy,fruit,bread...)
-16h30 free games
-17h 18h30 departure of children
-18h45 closing
I enjoyed my training period. I loved working with small children. This training period allowed me To discover the trades of the early childhood and allowed me To consider my futur carear with children.
Merci merci pour votre aide.
Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2018 11:47
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux