The missing vowels /313
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels /313
Message de marit64 posté le 11-09-2019 à 22:14:14 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

I'm giving you all the numbers of letters this week.
1- Always accurate. ..... (n n r r g) 3
2- Bad poetry. ..... (g g l d r) 3
3- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3
4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. ..... (t t f r) 2
5- Shabby and untidy. ..... (t t t) 2
6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. ..... (n g l f) 2
7- The top of the inside of the mouth. ..... (l p t) 3
8- Something that delays or prevents. ..... (m m p n d t) 4
9- Very noticeable. ..... (s s c c p n) 5
10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. ..... (g g g r n) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 11-09-2019 à 22:14:14 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

I'm giving you all the numbers of letters this week.

1- Always accurate. ..... (n n r r g) 3

2- Bad poetry. ..... (g g l d r) 3

3- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3

4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. ..... (t t f r) 2

5- Shabby and untidy. ..... (t t t) 2

6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. ..... (n g l f) 2

7- The top of the inside of the mouth. ..... (l p t) 3

8- Something that delays or prevents. ..... (m m p n d t) 4

9- Very noticeable. ..... (s s c c p n) 5

10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. ..... (g g g r n) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /313 de chocolatcitron, postée le 12-09-2019 à 00:49:52 (S | E)
The missing vowels /313
Message de marit64 posté le 11-09-2019 à 22:14:14 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks to you, it was very easy, even for specific sailing words!

Hi Everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
I'm giving you all the numbers of letters this week.
1- Always accurate. (n n r r g) 3 unerring = infaillible, indubitable.
2- Bad poetry. (g g l d r) 3 doggerel = vers de mirliton.
3- A synonym of "shabby". (d s) 3 seedy = miteux, sordide, minable.
4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. (t t f r) 2 fitter = monteur, assembleur.
5- Shabby and untidy. (t t t) 2 tatty = abîmé, dépenaillé, miteux.
6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. (n g l f) 2 flange = embase, bride, collerette.
7- The top of the inside of the mouth. (l p t) 3 palate = palais.
8- Something that delays or prevents.(m m p n d t) 4 impediment = gêne, entrave.
9- Very noticeable. (s s c c p n) 5 conspicuous = visible, notable.
10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. (g g g r n) 2 rigging = gréement.
Coucou amical aux habitués !

Have a great week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels /313 de flowermusic, postée le 12-09-2019 à 08:05:34 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Here's my try : j'aime bien le numéro 2
1- Always accurate. ..... (n n r r g) 3 unerring
2- Bad poetry. ..... (g g l d r) 3 doggerel
3- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3 seedy
4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. ..... (t t f r) 2 fitter
5- Shabby and untidy. ..... (t t t) 2 tatty
6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. ..... (n g l f) 2 flange
7- The top of the inside of the mouth. ..... (l p t) 3 palate
8- Something that delays or prevents. ..... (m m p n d t) 4 impediment
9- Very noticeable. ..... (s s c c p n) 5 conspicuous
10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. ..... (g g g r n) 2 rigging
coucou Chocolatcitron toujours vaillante

Dear Marit have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels /313 de swan85, postée le 12-09-2019 à 18:22:39 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody
1- Always accurate. (n n r r g) 3 UNERRING
2- Bad poetry. (g g l d r) 3 DOGGEREL
3- A synonym of "shabby". (d s) 3 SEEDY
4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. (t t f r) 2 FITTER
5- Shabby and untidy. (t t t) 2 TATTY
6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. (n g l f) 2 FLANGE
7- The top of the inside of the mouth. (l p t) 3 PALATE
8- Something that delays or prevents. (m m p n d t) 4 IMPEDIMENT
9- Very noticeable. (s s c c p n) 5 CONSPICUOUS
10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. (g g g r n) 2 RIGGING
Thank you Marit and have a nice week.
Bonsoir Chocolatcitron, Flowermusic et aux prochains participants.
Réponse : The missing vowels /313 de daisy50, postée le 14-09-2019 à 22:44:59 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :
1- Always accurate. .... UNERRING
2- Bad poetry. ..... DOGGEREL
3- A synonym of "shabby". ..... SEEDY
4- A person who puts the parts of a machine together. ..... FITTER
5- Shabby and untidy. ..... TATTY
6- A raised edge on the rim of a wheel. .... FLANGE
7- The top of the inside of the mouth. .... PALATE
8- Something that delays or prevents. ..... IMPEDIMENT
9- Very noticeable. .... CONSPICUOUS
10- The ropes etc which control a ship's masts and sails. ..... RIGGING
Thanks à lot Marit. Have a nice week ! See you soon !
Un petit coucou amical à Chocolatcitron, Flowermusic et Swan. Faites de beaux rêves !
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux