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Message de fannyb posté le 19-04-2020 à 20:53:45 (S | E | F)
Je devais faire une candidature pour faire du Wwoofing ( travailler bénévolement dans une ferme biologique dans le monde ) en Afrique du Sud. Pouvez-vous m’indiquer si j’ai fait des erreurs, s’il-vous-plaît.
Merci d’avance.

Hello, my name is Fanny, here is my application to do Woofing in South Africa more precisely at Camp Depanneuse in Dang, Cameron. I would like to do Wwoofing in this farm because it has a great diversity of animals like antelopes, monkeys and guineafowls. In addition, I find it honourable that this farm has a rescue animal centre. I would like to learn also how this farm product skin-care, soaps and how honey is made. Furthermore, I am very interested in their 0 waste mentality and I will be very happy to learn some tips on this subject. To introduce myself, I could say I’m graduate from middle school and I did a work placement in an equestrian centre, I have some skills at planting and picking fruits and vegetables because I own a small vegetable garden. Besides, I love manual activities like built pens. Furthermore, I’m really motivated to work in this farm because I’m in love with animals. What’s more, I would say that I’m punctual, easy going and helpful. I will able in cleaning the animals box and feed. I want to be a wwoofer because it’s a beautiful experience which brings you closer to nature. I’m eager to learn how to live the green life and a lot of other thing. Last but not least, I will enjoy to meet beautiful people and discover this beautiful country in a different way.

Modifié par fannyb le 20-04-2020 15:26

Réponse : Candidature/Wwoofing de fannyb, postée le 20-04-2020 à 15:30:25 (S | E)
Pourriez-vous m’aider s’il-vous-plaît

Réponse : Candidature/Wwoofing de here4u, postée le 20-04-2020 à 15:47:58 (S | E)

I'll try not to sound pessimistic, but I'm afraid this sort of experience is out of the question for the months to come... Pity, isn't it?

Hello, my name is Fanny,

here is my application to do Woofing in South Africa more precisely at Camp Depanneuse in Dang, Cameron. I would like to do Wwoofing in this farm because it has a great diversity of animals like antelopes, monkeys and guineafowls. In addition, I find it honourable that this farm has a rescue animal centre. I would like to learn also how this farm product (revoir la construction = interrogative indirecte. + "product" is a noun, not a verb) skin-care, soaps and how honey is made. Furthermore, I am very interested in their 0 waste mentality and I will be very happy to learn some tips on this subject.

To introduce myself, I could say I’m X graduate from middle school and I did a work placement in an equestrian centre; I have some skills at planting and picking fruits and vegetables because I own a small vegetable garden. Besides, I love manual activities like built (forme en ing) pens. Furthermore, I’m really motivated to work in this farm because I’m in love with animals. What’s more, I would say that I’m punctual, easy going and helpful. I will able in cleaning(to be able to) the animals box and feed XXXX. I want to be a wwoofer because it’s a beautiful experience which brings you closer to nature.(and to people?) I’m eager to learn how to live "the green life" and a lot of other thingS. Last but not least, I will enjoy to meet beautiful people and discover this beautiful country in a different way.

Est-ce une lettre de motivation ? Si oui, il faut terminer par une formule adéquate ...

Réponse : Candidature/Wwoofing de fannyb, postée le 20-04-2020 à 23:27:22 (S | E)

Hello, my name is Fanny,

Here is my application to do Wwoofing in South Africa more precisely at Camp Depanneuse in Dang, Cameron. I would like to do Wwoofing in this farm because it has a great diversity of animals like antelopes, monkeys and guineafowls. In addition, I find it honourable that this farm has a rescue animal centre. I would like to also learn how to produce skin-care, soaps and how honey is made in this farm. Furthermore, I am very interested in their 0 waste mentality and I will be very happy to learn some tips on this subject.

To introduce myself, I could say I’m a graduate of middle school and I did a work placement in an equestrian centre; I have some skills at planting and picking fruits and vegetables because I own a small vegetable garden. Besides, I love manual activities like building pens. Furthermore, I’m really motivated to work on this farm because I’m in love with animals. What’s more, I would say that I’m punctual, easy going and helpful. I will able to clean the animal boxes and feed them. I want to be a Wwoofer because it’s a beautiful experience which brings you closer to nature and to people. I’m eager to learn how to live "the green life" and a lot of other things. Last but not least, I will enjoy to meet beautiful people and discover this beautiful country in a different way.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Have a nice day.

Il s’agit d’un CV audio où je présente ma candidature, mais ce n’est pas pour de vrai il s’agit seulement d’un devoir


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