The missing vowels /368
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels /368
Message de marit64 posté le 14-10-2020 à 22:20:10 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.
1- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3
2- Short and thick or fat. ..... (m d p) 2
3- To make (especially a book) shorter. ..... (r g b d) 3
4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. ..... (r h s) 4
5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. ..... (l n f r r) 2
6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected. ..... (m r d n) 2
7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. ..... (d d j) 2
8- The scientific study of plants. ..... (n b t)
9- To come after; to result (from. ..... (s n) 3
10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (k k c n)
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 14-10-2020 à 22:20:10 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3

2- Short and thick or fat. ..... (m d p) 2

3- To make (especially a book) shorter. ..... (r g b d) 3

4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. ..... (r h s) 4

5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. ..... (l n f r r) 2

6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected. ..... (m r d n) 2

7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. ..... (d d j) 2

8- The scientific study of plants. ..... (n b t)

9- To come after; to result (from. ..... (s n) 3

10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (k k c n)

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /368 de flowermusic, postée le 14-10-2020 à 23:36:02 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try :
1- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3 seedy
2- Short and thick or fat. ..... (m d p) 2 dumpy
3- To make (especially a book) shorter. ..... (r g b d) 3 abridge
4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. ..... (r h s) 4 hosiery
5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. ..... (l n f r r) 2 forlorn
6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected. ..... (m r d n) 2 remand
7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. ..... (d d j) 2 jaded
8- The scientific study of plants. ..... (n b t) botany
9- To come after; to result (from. ..... (s n) 3 ensue
10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (k k c n) knack
Have a sweet sweet week

Salut à la fine équipe
Réponse : The missing vowels /368 de chocolatcitron, postée le 15-10-2020 à 00:22:44 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 368
Message de marit64 posté le 14-10-2020 à 22:20:10 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!

Hi Flowermusic, Sanna, Swan!

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A synonym of "shabby". (d s) 3 seedy = miteux.
2- Short and thick or fat. (m d p) 2 dumpy = courtaud.
3- To make (especially a book) shorter. (r g b d) 3 abridge = condenser.
4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. (r h s) 4 hosiery = bonnetterie.
5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. (l n f r r) 2 forlorn = triste, mélancolique, délaissé.
6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected. (m r d n) 2 remand = renvoyer, mettre en détention provisoire.
7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. (d d j) 2 jaded = rassasié, blasé.
8- The scientific study of plants. (n b t) botany = botanique.
9- To come after; to result (from. (s n) 3 ensue = découler de, s'ensuivre.
10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. (k k c n) knack = coup de main, technique.
Good luck and have fun!
Have a sweet week and stay safe!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels /368 de swan85, postée le 18-10-2020 à 20:36:23 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Flowermusic Chocolatcitron Sanna
1- A synonym of "shabby". SEEDY (d s) 3
2- Short and thick or fat. DUMPY (m d p) 2
3- To make (especially a book) shorter. ABRIDGE (r g b d) 3
4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. HOSIERY (r h s) 4
5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. FORLORN (l n f r r) 2
6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected REMAND (m r d n) 2
7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. JADED (d d j) 2
8- The scientific study of plants. BOTANY (n b t)
9- To come after; to result (from. ENSUE (s n) 3
10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily KNACK (k k c n)
Thank you Marit for your very interesting words.
I wish you all a very good week.
Réponse : The missing vowels /368 de sanna6, postée le 20-10-2020 à 20:52:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Hello Chocolatcitron, Flowermusic, Swan and hello world

I wish you a very nice birthday with a lot of good surprises Marit!! 🤩

Here is my try :
1- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) 3 Seedy - Miteux
2- Short and thick or fat. ..... (m d p) 2 Dumpy - Courtaud
3- To make (especially a book) shorter. ..... (r g b d) 3 To abridge - Condenser
4- Knitted goods, especially stockings, socks and tights. ..... (r h s) 4 Hosiery - Bonneterie
5- Pitiful; unhappy because left alone. ..... (l n f r r) 2 Forlorn - Triste
6- To send (a person who has been accused of a crime) back to prison until more evidence can be collected. ..... (m r d n) 2 To remand - Placer en garde à vue
7- (Of a person or his interest, appetite etc) worn out and made tired and dull. ..... (d d j) 2 Jaded - Désabusé
8- The scientific study of plants. ..... (n b t) Botanist - Botaniste
9- To come after; to result (from. ..... (s n) 3 To ensue - Résulter
10- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (k k c n) Knack - Tour de main
Thank you very much for this new Missing vowels Marit

A nice week for each of you !

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