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Cv/ vidéo script

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Cv/ vidéo script
Message de thomasl posté le 05-11-2020 à 00:32:06 (S | E | F)
j'ai réalisé un script pour un cv vidéo et je voudrais savoir s'il y a des fautes, car oui j'ai déjà corrigé mais il peut m'arriver d'oublier certaines choses ( n'ayant pas la possibilité de demander à des contacts anglosaxons je vous demande alors votre aide )
Merci d'avance :

Hi my name is Thomas xxx and here is my video CV, First let me introduce myself. I’m 19 years old and originated from xxx a small town between xx and xxx were i graduated from a Baccalauréat « Economique et social spécialité mathématiques » which is an upper high school leaving diploma specialized in economic and social studies with a mathématics option.
Now i’m currently in my second year of my « DUT GEA » a two years further education vocational degree in business management and administration majoring in management of organisation in xxx France.

My main skills relay on 3 cornerstones :
My aptitude to communicate and my speech fluency are two tools that i’m constantly working on, secondly team working doesnt concern me and in a group i’m often taking the responsibilty of spliting tasks so i can say that I’ve good managing skills. Finally i’m really a tech guy so i’m really comfortable with all of the new technological tools and i can adapt myself and learn really quickly to use it in the most efficient way.

Work experience
Since my DUT is a Vocational degree on my first year i had to do an internship to polish my firm experience and to restructure my professionnal experience. I decided to do it in a multiplex cinema. My mission was to reclassify and analysed all the rates on the past 3 years to make a report on the best working rates.
This was a long and a meticulous job, it forged my Excel skills wich permitted me to reach a score of six hundred and twenty five points out of one thousand on my TOSA exam, more over i became more detail oriented due to all the factor that i had to take on board.

My second mission was to create a new rate and a loyalty card that was aiming to bring more spectator with a new innovative concept.
On this project I have applied all my marketing and communication skills that i’ have learned in class by using Canva which is a web graphic design plateform.

In summer 2019 I have worked as a production operator at the « blanchisserie xxx » a laundry, it was during the 2019 heatwave so it was really a physical job, what i can learned form this experience is that I‘ve forged my obstinacy and my motivation to finish the job no matter whatthe hardeness of the work.

I’would consider me as a curious introvert that love to learn new things and tips to be the best version of myself. My rugbymen carreer made me as a really competitive person in everything that I do Beside French is my mothertong but i’m really fluent in english and i understand most of the spanish language.

Here is a link of my likedin profil to get to know me better professionaly
You can contact me on my email address or my personnal number phone
Please contact me for a position within your company

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2020 08:28
Gris + anonymat + forum


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