The missing vowels /372
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels /372
Message de marit64 posté le 11-11-2020 à 22:08:47 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, you won't have any number of vowels.
1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (s l t s)
2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). ..... (k p s)
3- To make a mistake. ..... (b b)
4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. ..... (r f)
5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. ..... (n r d)
6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. ..... (k h b s l m c t)
7- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s)
8- One of several kinds of small birds. ..... (h f c n)
9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b)
10- To make a continuous cracking noise. ..... (k c l c r)
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 11-11-2020 à 22:08:47 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, you won't have any number of vowels.

1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (s l t s)

2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). ..... (k p s)

3- To make a mistake. ..... (b b)

4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. ..... (r f)

5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. ..... (n r d)

6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. ..... (k h b s l m c t)

7- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s)

8- One of several kinds of small birds. ..... (h f c n)

9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b)

10- To make a continuous cracking noise. ..... (k c l c r)

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /372 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-11-2020 à 22:33:26 (S | E)
The missing vowels /372
Message de marit64 posté le 11-11-2020 à 22:08:47 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!

Hi Flowermusic, Sanna, Swan!

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc.(s l t s) tassel = pompom, pampille.
2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). (k p s) spike = pointe, clou.
3- To make a mistake. (b b) boob = gaffer, faire une bourde.
4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. (r f) fray = effilocher.
5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. (n r d) rind = écorce couenne, peau, croûte.
6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. (k h b s l m c t) blacksmith = forgeron.
7- A synonym of "shabby". (d s) seedy = miteux, minable.
8- One of several kinds of small birds. (h f c n) finch = pinson, bouvreuil, chardonneret...
9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. (b t b) = tabby = chat Européen tigré.
10- To make a continuous cracking noise. (k c l c r) crackle = crépiter, grésiller.
Good luck and have fun! Tiens, pour une fois je suis la première... ! Bonne chance à toutes !
Have a sweet week and stay safe!
See you soon.
Modifié par chocolatcitron le 19-11-2020 22:59
Réponse : The missing vowels /372 de flowermusic, postée le 11-11-2020 à 23:48:04 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try
1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (s l t s) tassel
2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). ..... (k p s) spike
3- To make a mistake. ..... (b b) boo boo
4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. ..... (r f) fray
5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. ..... (n r d) rind
6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. ..... (k h b s l m c t) blacksmith
7- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) seedy
8- One of several kinds of small birds. ..... (h f c n) finch
9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b) tabby
10- To make a continuous cracking noise. ..... (k c l c r) crackle
Have a sweet sweet week

Et oui Chocolat, la première à dégainer ce soir

J'étais dans l'Ecosse de Outlander (merci au service drive culture des bibliothèques pendant le confinement)
Bravo chocolat et on attend Swan, et Sanna
Réponse : The missing vowels /372 de swan85, postée le 15-11-2020 à 21:38:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Here is my work and thank you for your exercise.
1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl TASSEL(s l t s)
2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). SPIKE (k p s)
3- To make a mistake. BOOB (b b)
4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. FRAY (r f)
5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. RIND (n r d)
6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. BLACKSMITH (k h b s l m c t)
7- A synonym of "shabby" SEEDY (d s)
8- One of several kinds of small birds. FINCH (h f c n)
9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. TABBY (b t b)
10- To make a continuous cracking noise. CRACKLE (k c l c r)
Nice week to you all.
See you.
Réponse : The missing vowels /372 de sanna6, postée le 16-11-2020 à 22:08:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit !

Hello Chocolatcitron, Swan, Flowermusic

I thank you for this new interesting Missing Vowels Marit

1- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (s l t s) Tassel - Cordelière
2- A hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc). ..... (k p s) Spike - Pointe
3- To make a mistake. ..... (b b) Boob - Bourde
4- (Of cloth, rope etc) to make or become worn at the ends or edges, so that the threads or fibres come loose. ..... (r f) To fray - S'effilocher
5- A thick, hard outer layer or covering, especially the outer surface of cheese or bacon, or the peel of fruit. ..... (n r d) Rind - Crôute
6- A person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. ..... (k h b s l m c t) Blacksmith - Ferronnier
7- A synonym of "shabby". ..... (d s) Seedy - Minable
8- One of several kinds of small birds. ..... (h f c n) Finch - Pinson
9- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b) Tabby - Chat tigré
10- To make a continuous cracking noise. ..... (k c l c r) To crackle - Crépiter
Hope a very nice week for each of you

Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux