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Lettre motivation/ Bachelor

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Lettre motivation/ Bachelor
Message de antony05 posté le 23-01-2022 à 17:18:14 (S | E | F)

Je me permets de vous contacter concernant la rédaction d'une lettre de motivation dans le cadre de mes études supérieures en anglais.
Voici la lettre de motivation :

Dear Hiring Manager,

Currently a 3-year-student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx.

Pioneer and leader in shared mobility, I am convinced that your company fits in well with my profesional yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world to make changes for people, cities and our planet to build a future matches perfectly with my company model that i want to integrate. Moreover, participating in a growthing company which has raised more than £31 millions is for me an opportunity that I want to grasp.
Actually, you emphasize competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to be blooming. In this way, to have the opportunity to work at a passionate team’s side strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing Bachelor in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to animate [company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 1000 members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn datas to save them on CRM.
In complementary, I also contribute on SEO and SEA strategies in order to have a better rank in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Fortified by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will execute all my digital, graphic and managrial skills to pass with success all projects that I will must to do.
Furthermore, thanks to my aprenticeship and to willpower to achieve my goals, I know that your company is the one be keeping with my vision.
I believe that with my educational and profesional experiences, as well as my motivation, enthusiasmn empathy and compassion for others, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact to me to my phone number or to my email listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I took forward for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Serait-il possible de m'indiquer les erreurs réaliser et éventuellement, de me proposer des corrections ?
Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2022 21:22
xxx = anonymat

Réponse : Lettre motivation/ Bachelor de gerold, postée le 25-01-2022 à 17:36:27 (S | E)
Dear Hiring Manager, Sir or Madam

Currently a 3-year- 3rd year (sans tirets) student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx.

Pioneer and leader in shared mobility, construction douteuse, en français comme en anglais, car vous n'êtes pas "pioneer ... etc, c'est l'entreprise I am convinced that your company, which is pioneer ..., fits in well with my profesional orthographe yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world and to make changes for people, cities and our planet in order to build a future Un adjectif pour qualifier cet avenir ? matches perfectly with my company model that i majuscule want to integrate il faudrait revoir un peu le texte, on intègre une société réelle, pas un modèle. Moreover, participating in a growthing growing company which has raised more than £31 millions sans "s", "million reste invariable quand il y a un nombre is for me an opportunity that I want to grasp.
Actually, you emphasize competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to be blooming très douteux, plutôt "for me to thrive". In this way, to have the opportunity to work at a passionate team’s side strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing Bachelor in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to animate [the company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 1000 members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn datas data est déjà un pluriel to save them on CRM.
In complementary, I also contribute on SEO and SEA strategies in order to have a better rank in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Fortified by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will execute plutôt "use" all my digital, graphic and managrial orthographe skills to pass with success all projects that I will must have ("will" et "must" sont incompatibles) to do.
Furthermore, thanks to my aprenticeship orth. and to willpower to achieve my goals, I know that your company is the one be keeping with my vision.
I believe that with my educational and profesional orth. experiences, as well as my motivation, enthusiasmn orth. empathy and compassion for others, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact to me at my phone number or to at my email address listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I took look forward for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Réponse : Lettre motivation/ Bachelor de antony05, postée le 27-01-2022 à 14:10:00 (S | E)

Merci de votre aide très précieuse !

Voici la nouvelle version corrigée en prenant en compte vos propos.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Currently a 3rd year student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx.

I am convinced that your company, which is pioneer and leader in shared mobility, fits in well with my profesional orthographe yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world and to make changes for people, cities and our planet in order to build a better future matches perfectly with my company's idea that I want to integrate. Moreover, participating in a growing company which has raised more than £31 million, is for me an opportunity that I want to grasp.
Actually, you emphasize competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to thrive. In this way, to have the opportunity to work at a passionate team’s side strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing Bachelor in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to animate [the company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 1000 members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn data to save them on CRM.
In complementary, I also contribute on SEO and SEA strategies in order to have a better rank in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Fortified by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will use all my digital, graphic and managerial orthographe skills to pass with success all projects that I will have to do.
Furthermore, thanks to my apprenticeship and to willpower to achieve my goals, I know that your company is the one be keeping with my vision.
I believe that with my educational and professional experiences, as well as my motivation, enthusiasm empathy and compassion for others, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact to me at my phone number or to at my email address listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I took look forward for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Je ne peux pas utiliser "Dear Hiring Manager" ?

Réponse : Lettre motivation/ Bachelor de gerold, postée le 27-01-2022 à 17:36:31 (S | E)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Currently a 3rd year student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx.

I am convinced that your company, which is pioneer and leader in shared mobility, fits in well with my professional yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world and to make changes for people, cities and our planet in order to build a better future matches perfectly with my company's idea plutôt: the idea of the company that I want to integrate. Moreover, participating in a growing company which has raised more than £31 million, virgule à enlever is for me an opportunity that I want to grasp.
Actually, you emphasize competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to thrive. In this way, to have the opportunity to work at a passionate team’s side strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing Bachelor in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to animate [the company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 1000 members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create a personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn data to save them on CRM.
In complementary, I also contribute on SEO and SEA strategies in order to have a better rank in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Fortified by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will use all my digital, graphic and managerial skills to pass with success all projects that I will have to do.
Furthermore, thanks to my apprenticeship and to willpower to achieve my goals, I know that your company is the one be à enlever keeping with my vision.
I believe that with my educational and professional experiences, as well as my motivation, enthusiasm virgule empathy and compassion for others, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact to à enlever me at my phone number or to à enlever at my email address listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I tookà enlever look forward for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Je ne peux pas utiliser "Dear Hiring Manager" ? Si apparemment, regardez ce lien et choisissez la formule qui vous semble la plus appropriée :

Lien internet

Réponse : Lettre motivation/ Bachelor de antony05, postée le 29-01-2022 à 23:07:24 (S | E)

Merci de votre temps et de votre réponse.

Voici ma dernière version en prenant en compte vos remarques et en apportant quelques modifications.

Dear Hiring Manager,

Currently a 3rd year student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx

I am convinced that your company, which is pioneer and leader in shared mobility, fits in well with my professional yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world and to make changes for people, cities and our planet in order to build a better future matches perfectly with my company's idea that I want to integrate. Moreover, participating in a growing innovative tech company which has raised more than £31 million, is for me an opportunity that I want to seize.
You are currently putting the emphasis on competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to bloom. In this way, take part in the mobility revolution with a passionate team’s side strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing MBA in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to manage [the company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 10K members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn data to save them on CRM.
In addition, I also contributed on SEO and SEA strategies in order to improve the company's digital KPIs and its ranks in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Enriched by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will use my interpersonal skills such as my communication, prioritization skills and time management to accomplish with success all projects that I will have to do.
Thus, I believe that with my start-up and my problem-solver mindsets gained across my professional experiences and also my willpower to achieve my goals, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact me at my phone number or to at my email listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Réponse : Lettre motivation/ Bachelor de gerold, postée le 31-01-2022 à 16:56:36 (S | E)

Dear Hiring Manager,

Currently a 3rd year student in Digital Marketing and Social Media Bachelor’s degree at Digital College, I am writing in response to the xxx Assistant at xxx which was posted on xxx

I am convinced that your company, which is pioneer and leader in shared mobility, fits in well with my professional yearning. Indeed, your goal, which is to foster green mobility and positivity across the world and to make changes for people, cities and our planet in order to build a better future mettez une virgule ici matches perfectly with my company's idea Cela veut dire "l'idée de ma société" plutôt que "mon idée de la société" (my idea of the company, qui convient mieux ici (vous ne dites pas l'dée de ma société que je veux intégrer) that I want to integrate. Moreover, participating in a growing innovative tech company which has raised more than £31 million, virgule à enlever is for me an opportunity that I want to seize.
You are currently putting the emphasis on competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits and a rewarding work environment which are essential for me to bloom. In this way, take part in the mobility revolution with a passionate team’s side vous dites "avec au côté de", choisissez l'un ou l'autre strengthens my huge interest in becoming a collaborator in your company within the scope of my Marketing MBA in apprenticeship.

Additionally, as a xxx apprentice in [company], I had two main missions to develop qualified leads acquisition.
On one hand, I had to organize and execute marketing campaigns through digital channels such as social media, websites and the Discord community to develop the CRM by automation strategies with Zapier and Hubspot.
On the other hand, I had to manage [the company’s] social media and develop the community to reach approximately 10K members on each of them. In this way, it was essential to create a personalized storytelling with a strong brand, to schedule editorial planning and to write free-contents and publications with Adobe Suite, Canva and Figma.
To bring help to the Sales Team, I had to implement scraping workflows to earn data to save them on CRM.
In addition, I also contributed on SEO and SEA strategies in order to improve the company's digital KPIs and its ranks in Google’s SERP and also to increase the number of clicks on ads to bring on landing pages created by Carrd.

Enriched by a large autonomy and curiosity, I will use my interpersonal skills such as my communication, prioritization skills and time management to accomplish with success all projects that I will have to do.
Thus, I believe that with my start-up and my problem-solver mindsets gained across my professional experiences and also my willpower to achieve my goals, I would be a valuable and productive member of your team.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you. Please feel free to contact me at my phone number or to enlevez ce "to" at my email listed above. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply.


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