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Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12'
Message de marit64 posté le 20-11-2008 à 00:14:47 (S | E | F)
Find the words beginning with the letter "C".

1- What do you call the loss of a game, battle, race etc? .............
2- It's the male of the bee. .............
3- The opposite of "agreeable". .............
4- What do you call the part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping? ..............
5- When you let gas out of a tyre etc, you ............ .
6- A word meaning the face of a watch or clock. ............
7- What verb means to separate into parts or groups? ..............
8- It's a tool used to make holes. .............
9- What do you call a person who makes designs or patterns? .............
10- A verb meaning to say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness etc. ............
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long
Message de marit64 posté le 20-11-2008 à 00:14:47 (S | E | F)

Find the words beginning with the letter "C".

1- What do you call the loss of a game, battle, race etc? .............
2- It's the male of the bee. .............
3- The opposite of "agreeable". .............
4- What do you call the part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping? ..............
5- When you let gas out of a tyre etc, you ............ .
6- A word meaning the face of a watch or clock. ............
7- What verb means to separate into parts or groups? ..............
8- It's a tool used to make holes. .............
9- What do you call a person who makes designs or patterns? .............
10- A verb meaning to say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness etc. ............
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de nina80, postée le 20-11-2008 à 18:34:51 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
1 - defaite
2 - drone
3 - disagreeable - distasteful
4 - downtown
5 - deflate
6 - dial
7 - to divide
8 - drill
9 - designer
10- diagnosis

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de coferam, postée le 21-11-2008 à 18:14:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit 64,
1 / Deprivation
2 / Drone
3 / Displeasing
4 / Downtown
5 / Deflate
6 / Dial
7 / Divide
8 / Drill
9 / Designer
10 /Diagnose
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de chrislondon, postée le 23-11-2008 à 23:15:29 (S | E)
Hi Marit.
1. defeat
2. drone
3. disagreeable
4. downtown
5. deflate
6. dial
7. divide
8. drill
9. designer
10. diagnose
Thanks Marit!
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de good_doggy, postée le 26-11-2008 à 03:07:14 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
1 Defeat
2 Drone
3 Disagreeable
4 Downtown
5 Deflate
6 Dial
7 Divide
8 Drill
9 Designer, decorator
10 Diagnose
Thanks a lot Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de swan85, postée le 26-11-2008 à 13:42:18 (S | E)
Hello Marit
1- Defeat
2- Drone
3- Disagreeable
4- District or downtown
5- Deflate
6- Dial
7- to Divide
8- a Drill
9- Designer
10- to Diagnose.
Thanks a lot.
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 12' de marit64, postée le 26-11-2008 à 21:42:51 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

Here are the answers:
1-defeat (défaite) 2-drone (faux-bourdon) 3-disagreeable, distasteful (désagréable) 4-downtown (centre-ville) 5-deflate (dégonfler)
6-dial (cadran) 7-divide (diviser) 8-drill (perceuse) 9-designer (créateur)
10-diagnose (diagnostiquer).
Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long