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Correction pour un oral d'anglais (1)

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Correction pour un oral d'anglais
Message de kalko posté le 22-11-2008 à 19:41:40 (S | E | F)

Je dois passer à l'oral vendredi pour la présentation d'une entreprise. (La présentation devra durer 8minutes et sans note)
J'ai choisi de la faire sur xxx
Pourriez-vous me corriger mes éventuelles fautes?
Je vous mets ci-joint ce que j'ai écrit:

Today I decided to present you the company xxx
I choose this company because I work in it every Sunday morning as a cashier and It was more simple to take the information for this presentation.

I am going to begin with the characteristics of this company:

The name of the company is inspired of the name of its founder xxx
xxx is a Cooperative society with a variable capital. The fonctionnement of this company is not like the other society limited. Indeed, the decision are taken by every manager of different supermarket independently on social, investment, purchasing politics
It’s a French supermarket chain. We can find food, clothes, jeweller’s shop, or travels agency or station service. At this moment xxx develops the concept of Ecommerce with selling, jewelleries online or plane tickets.

The headquarters is located in xxx near Paris.

With a turnover of 30 billion euro, the staff of this company is over 100 000 employees divided in 576 shopping centers

Logo+Slogan→translate+ your interpretation
This is the logo of xxx, we can see the blue circle, it may represent the earth, in the second ground an orange circle it might be the sun and in the first ground there is the initial of xxx. With these elements we can say that no matter where we are the sun will always shine on xxx, and for the customers the prices will always be cheap.
The slogan of xxx is “always the cheaper!”. It means xxx propose cheap prices compared to the others competing Supermarket chains likexxx , xxx or xxx..

(As far as )The strategy xxx, she is based on four engagements:
-To favorise the free competing for exemple breaking the monopole of oil with the creation of station service
-To defend the spending power proposing the cheaper price, creating his own distributor’s brand with his own product range
-To valorise the sustainable development selling products of fair trade or sponsoring the operation “clean the nature”
-To make easier the access to the culture proposing special offers on books for example
(Moreover), we can stress on the fact that xxx is the only supermarket chain where employees can become managing director

The culture of this company is based on the consumer’s satisfaction. That’s why all the staff is always here for the customers to informe them and satisfies their demand.
To illustrate that, I brought the tee-shirt that the cashier have to wear and we can see that it’s written in the back “what can I do for you” .
The customer is at the center of all the actions undertake by the company.

6. a SWOT analysis
I did not find the analysis Swot of the company so I decided to make suppositions with regard to what I saw within the company and what I notice from an outside point of view
• S:Strenght
The main strength of xxx is the innovation on his marketing concept, indeed, for example to pull most consumers xxx does a discount on the products of their brand every Sunday morning and every evening from 20 h
• W: Weakness
The main weakness of xxx is the lack of product or innovative service, and different with regard to the competition
• O: Opportunities
The opportunities are the alliance with groupings of independent shopkeepers implanted somewhere else in Europe and a strong ability to react in front of the competition
• T: Treats
The main treats of xxx is the competition with the war of price and the arrival of hard-discount on the market

Merci d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 22-11-2008 20:17
Anonymat demandé

Réponse: Correction pour un oral d'anglais de kalko, postée le 26-11-2008 à 17:15:42 (S | E)
S'il vous plait juste une petite correction ...



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